Next, Jiang Suxi asked the two to send each other their preferences and interests, exchange them with each other, and let each other become familiar with each other.

Ye Zhen took out her mobile phone and said to Han Lie, Add WeChat.

Han Lie ignored her.

Ye Zhen frowned, If you don't join me, how can I send you?

As soon as she finished speaking, Han Lie sent his preferences to her mobile phone.

Ye Zhen was stunned, When did I add you on WeChat?

In previous contacts, Han Lie always called her, and she always thought they didn't have WeChat.

Han Lie twitched his lips and said, Pig brain.

Ye Zhen......

The two exchanged preferences with each other. Ye Zhen went over to ask Han Lie when his birthday was, but as soon as he came over, she saw the WeChat note that Han Lie gave her - Dian Po.

The corner of Ye Zhen's mouth twitched and she immediately changed Han Lie's note to Dian Gong.

After finishing the modification, she looked up and saw Han Lie staring at the note she had modified with a dark face.

Ye Zhen was in a very good mood and said with a smile, The father-in-law and the mother-in-law are just the right couple.

Han Lie gritted his teeth and said, Childish!

Ten minutes later, the two tweeted in tandem.

@Han Lie: Let me introduce, my grandma @Ye Zhen

Ye Zhen refused to admit defeat and forwarded the message with the caption: My grandpa @Han Lie, I will take care of the money from now on.

Then, Weibo crashed...

No one cares about what the crazy woman said on the road show. What everyone cares about is that the youngest queen announced to a top official.

So Han Lie's fans who were originally scolding Ye Zhen turned crazy on his Weibo.

【are you crazy? 】

[We are busy helping you with data, but you are busy falling in love? 】

[Backstabbing fans, Han Lie, I really have you! 】

[You said you and her are friends, I won’t be so angry! 】

[Four years, that’s it. 】

[It’s not like he did something illegal or fell in love, are you okay with that? 】

[I would rather he break the law and be banned! Better than him destroying his own future! Fail us! 】

[Why can’t we take care of it? Without us, who would have made his data so beautiful? If he falls in love when he is at a prime age to start a career, is he worthy of us? 】

【No fans! Who can see him? With his acting skills, he wouldn't be able to survive for the rest of his life! 】

Han Lie lowered his eyes and looked at the hot comments without expression.

Sad? Of course there is.

It's not that he was sad because he was scolded by his fans for not having a career, but that those fans who kept saying they loved him, like his agency, devalued his abilities as worthless after the relationship was announced.

He finally understood what Brother Ming said before: if you rely on the popularity of fans' data, your behavior will eventually be restricted by fans.

Brother Ming took Han Lie's phone and uninstalled Weibo, Don't read it for a while, wait until the heat passes.

Han Lie said nothing.

Ye Zhen looked at him, pursed her lips and said, I owe you this favor. No matter what happens in the future, as long as you ask, I will promise you anything within my ability.

Han Lie glanced at her and said in a cold voice, You helped me when I lent you a makeup artist before, so we're even.

Han Ruoxing paused and immediately thought of the wedding reception.

Ye Zhen smiled and said, If it's even, you'll lose.

Han Lie looked indifferent.

Ye Zhen said, What I just said still stands. When you figure out what you want, feel free to tell me.

Han Lie ignored her and didn't know whether to listen or not.

They originally said they would have dinner together, but with Han Lie's condition now, he probably wouldn't be able to finish the meal. Many reporters were looking for him and wanted to ask him about his relationship. It wasn't appropriate for him to show his face in front of people right now, so he asked Han Ruoxing where they should go. Where, send them there.

Tang Xiaoxiao proposed to go back to Yunding International and discuss the plan with Shen Qingchuan in the evening.

Not long after getting off the bus, Han Ruoxing received a phone call.

Song Wanqian called. His voice was urgent and out of breath, as if he couldn't breathe. Ruoxing, come back quickly. Something happened to your brother.

For a moment, Han Ruoxing's mind went blank.

Dad, you...what did you say? Her voice trembled slightly, but she tried her best to maintain her composure.

Song Wanqian wiped his face and said hoarsely, We just received a call from the embassy of country M. Your brother's plane crashed at sea. The search and rescue team has passed by, but the specific crash site has not been located...

Han Ruoxing's eyes turned red, Dad, are you sure I'm on the plane?

Song Wanqian's voice was choked, He called me before boarding the plane and told me he would be back early.

Han Ruoxing looked miserable because she also received a call from Song Tianjun before getting on the plane. At that time, he said he had something to talk about when he came back. Why did the plane crash?

Could it be that some truth was discovered and someone silenced him?

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Han Ruoxing felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and was filled with chills.

She suppressed her sadness and whispered, Dad, I'll go back right away. Let's book the fastest flight ticket and go to country M now. My brother... must be fine.

Tang Xiaoxiao looked at Han Ruoxing with tears in her eyes, not daring to say anything. It wasn't until she hung up the phone that she asked, Axing, what's wrong?

Han Ruoxing's eyes turned red and she whispered, Something may have happened to my brother.

Tang Xiaoxiao's face turned pale.

Han Ruoxing could no longer care about her sadness. She had to go to Country M herself to see what was going on.

When she arrived at Song's house, Song Wanqian was on the phone with the embassy.

Han Ruoxing did not dare to speak and stood aside to listen.

The search and rescue team found some plane wreckage and basically determined the crash site. No one on the plane has been found yet.

Song Wanqian's face was pale, and he thanked the other party and asked them to do their best to search and rescue, no matter how much money they spent.

Song Jiayu was wiping her tears aside. Su Wanqin's eyes were also red. Han Ruoxing did not dare to cry. She was afraid that the mountain in front of her would not be able to bear it and fall.

Song Wanqian hung up the phone and calmed down before speaking, I booked a flight for eight o'clock in the evening. I'm going to see what's going on first. You guys can wait for news at home.

Song Jiayu said with red eyes, Dad, how can you do it alone? I'll go with you. I have friends in country M. Maybe I can get them to help.

Su Wanqin also said, Let Jiayu go with you. I'm not fully recovered yet and can't get on the plane. Jiayu will go with you. If you need something, send her to handle it, so that she can take care of her and Tianjun. We grew up together, and if you don’t let her go, she won’t feel at ease.”

Song Jiayu sobbed softly, My brother originally said that he would come back last night and insisted on buying that Australian white. If buying that one hadn't wasted time and the weather had changed, wouldn't something have happened if he had come back earlier?

Han Ruoxing clenched his hands.

They once had dinner at the table, and Song Tianjun asked her what kind of jewelry she liked. Han Ruoxing casually said Australian white. A week later, Song Tianjun gave her a box of top-quality Australian white. The whole family knew about it.

Now that Song Jiayu mentioned this, she was clearly complaining that she wanted to be released, which wasted time and caused Song Tianjun's death.

She looked at Song Jiayu coldly and said in a deep voice, Sister Jiayu, the black box has not been found yet, my brother's life or death is uncertain, and the cause of the plane crash has not yet been determined. How do you know that the plane crashed due to weather? You have a clairvoyance. Ability?

Song Jiayu choked and said hoarsely with red eyes, That plane is our own plane. It is inspected every time we come back from a trip. It has never had a malfunction. It must be caused by external reasons.

Han Ruoxing raised his eyes coldly, Can't it be human? (End of Chapter)

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