No top person will always be young, but there will always be young top people.

As a traffic star of Han Lie's age, it's the best time to make money crazily.

If you sing and dance casually, fans will spend a lot of money. If you shoot an idol drama casually, even if your acting skills are poor, there will still be fans who will praise you and improve your statistics.

Who cares whether your acting is good or not? As long as it makes money.

They talk about transformation, but no one is willing to give up the traffic wealth at their fingertips. When they get older and their appearance is no longer good, new traffic will come out to update and iterate. The former traffic has already made enough to spend a few lifetimes. money.

No matter how good your original intentions are when you join the industry, you will eventually lose yourself little by little under the influence of capital and become a tool for capital to make profits.

Although Zhang Huaishen's words were unpleasant, he was right about one thing. Without Han Lie, Wang Lie, Zhang Lie, and Zhao Lie, he would not be the most special one.

At this moment, Han Liecai finally woke up from the sweet dream spun by his fans.

What he wants is never a flash in the pan, what he wants is to become an existence recorded in film history like Ye Zhen.

Brother Ming wanted to persuade him again, Ariel, you are still young and can walk slowly. His transformation will not happen overnight——

Han Lie interrupted him, Brother Ming, you said before that I wouldn't stop here. Did you lie to me?

Of course not, Brother Ming frowned, You, Brother Ming, are already an old man in the industry. You have brought out so many artists and you have never looked the other way.

Han Lie smiled and said, Then what are you afraid of? I'm not afraid either.

Brother Ming choked for a moment, and then sighed after a long time, Young people are crazy, okay, okay, I'll go crazy with you, the big deal -

He paused and said, In the worst case, I'll find your cousin and tell him that it was you who caused me to lose my job. He has to compensate me for a while.

Han Lie's eyelids twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said, It won't happen one day!

Ye Zhen looked at Han Lie and suddenly smiled, Silly dog, you are quite loyal.

Han Lie glanced at her and said, If you call me stupid dog again, I will kick you out of the car right now!

Ye Zhen......

The anger behind his eyes came up, and he opened his mouth and shouted, Silly dog.

Han Lie stretched out his hand to open the car door and grabbed Ye Zhen's wrist.

Everyone was shocked, including Ye Zhen. She hugged Han Lie's neck tightly and gritted her teeth, How dare you!

Han Lie lowered his eyes and said, Try shouting again.

Ye Zhen bit her lip, and after a long time she softened and said, Alie...

Han Lie paused, closed the car door and let go of her.

Ye Zhen rubbed her wrist and glanced at Han Lie, You are so energetic!

Han Lie's eyelids twitched, and Jiang Suxi quickly spoke up to smooth things over, Stop making trouble, you two, let's discuss how to post it on Weibo? The process and details of the 'love' must be shared by the two of you. Once the 'love' is announced, the reporter You must ask every possible opportunity, if anything is leaked and the contract couple is exposed, neither of you can escape.

The two of them just closed their mouths, but looked at each other, as if neither one was convinced by the other.

Since the romance is to be made public, it must be made clear how it was discussed, when it was discussed, and who pursued whom.

After hearing this, Ye Zhen said, Do you still need to ask? He chased me and fell in love at first sight. He wanted to live and die for me. I couldn't bear his untimely death, so I agreed to him.

Han Lie's face turned green, Do you want to take a pee and take a picture of yourself? I'm attracted to a dog, but I won't be attracted to you!

Ye Zhen clicked her tongue, You still don't believe me when I say he's a stupid dog. Who in the right mind would say that he's attracted to a dog? He must be someone of the same kind who can look at each other.

Han Lie immediately wanted to fight with her regardless of his gentlemanly manners.

Ye Zhen said slowly, If you dare to touch me, when the contract is over, I will accuse you of domestic violence. When you become notorious, I will see which girl can fall in love with you.

Han Lie stared, wishing he could pounce on her and bite her.

Jiang Suxi knew her dog's virtues and said at the right time, Okay, when are you still in the mood to joke?

Ye Zhen curled her lips and finally stopped.

Calm down and think about countermeasures. We must make up the story well, and we can't let others find faults.

Tang Xiaoxiao raised his hand, Can I make one up for you?

Everyone looked at her, and Han Ruoxing helped her best friend carry the banner, Xiaoxiao is the screenwriter. She wrote several of the hit dramas of Royal Capital Entertainment before, but at that time she was just a hot product and was not qualified to be signed.

Screenwriters are the best at making up stories.

It's not that Jiang Suxi hasn't thought about asking someone who is professional in this matter to help, but this kind of matter is related to two actors after all. The fewer people know about it, the better. If it is left to outsiders, the other party will backstab them for profit.

However, she still had doubts about Tang Xiaoxiao's ability to make up stories, Can it be done?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, Let me tell you first, listen to it and see if there is any unreasonableness before you change it.

No one had any objection.

So Tang Xiaoxiao told the story he thought of.

The general context is that Han Lie first met Ye Zhen when they were filming, and it was love at first sight. However, Ye Zhen was already well-established in the industry at that time, and he was still a newcomer who had not been in the industry for a long time, so he could only secretly fall in love with her.

Later, the newcomer became a top player, and he had the opportunity to cooperate with the person he had a crush on, so sparks flew during the cooperation and he took the initiative to confess his love.

At first, Ye Zhen thought that the other party was young and refused to agree. Later, she was infected with influenza A and had a fever of 40 degrees. Her family and friends were afraid of being infected and no one dared to treat her with caution. It was Han Lieyi who kept watch over her day and night, cooking for her. Congee, Ye Zhen was greatly moved and accepted his confession after recovering from the illness. The two officially got together on New Year's Eve.


After hearing this, Ye Zhen laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears. She smiled and said, You just cooked me a bowl of porridge and I pledged myself to you. Isn't it too easy for me to pursue you?

Han Lie also had a dark face, If I were naked, I would definitely be waiting in front of the hospital bed for her to get better!

Tang Xiaoxiao said, Don't be afraid of bullshit. The more bullshit you are, the better. And I compiled it based on the recent timeline of the two of you. Since your 'romance' is public, there must be fans who want to check the timeline. It will definitely match!

What Tang Xiaoxiao said was true.

Ye Zhen's A-type influenza is real, and there is no one to take care of her... This was revealed by the media themselves. Ye Zhen was hospitalized alone, with no relatives or friends except her manager.

Han Lie happened to be in Jiangcheng during that time, and also happened to show up at the hospital where Ye Zhen was hospitalized. He lost contact with him for several days and was not photographed by reporters.

There are also previous collaborations and so on. Every line can be matched with the schedule of the two of them.

Jiang Suxi glanced at Brother Ming. Brother Ming has already broken the pot, so he can make it up as he likes. Who can he control?

So Jiang Suxi said, That's it, she said with a smile to Tang Xiao, Teacher Tang, can you please go back and write down all this, so that they can take it back and remember it carefully, and it is best to expand some of the 'love' period. , just in case these two idiots couldn't answer the reporter's question.

Tang Xiaoxiao nodded, Okay.

CP writing, she’s the best at it! She is still writing about CP that she consumes. Not to mention daily life in love, she can also write about daily life in bed! (End of chapter)

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