Han Lie's eyelids twitched and he ignored her crazy words.

The reporter also wanted to pry something out of Han Lie, but Han Lie was very stern and refused to answer anything except movie-related topics.

The reporter had no choice but to turn the topic to movies again.

Not long after, the interview finally ended. Han Lie came over and said to Han Ruoxing, Sister, I'm going to the bathroom and we'll have dinner together later.

Tang Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to ask for an autograph and gave him a thumbs up, Brother is awesome!

Han Lie smiled and turned around to go to the bathroom.

Han Ruoxing and Tang Xiaoxiao were sitting in the lounge, waiting boredly.

After a while, Ye Zhen came in, stuffed two oranges into the two of them, and said with a wink, It's a movie press conference, and the lead actors are sitting in the audience as the audience?

Han Ruoxing smiled and joked, Aren't you afraid that you will overshadow me when you go on stage?

Ye Zhen smiled and said, You're quite sweet. Why didn't you stop filming The Surrounding House?

Han Ruoxing held the orange and said with a smile, I'm not going home to inherit the family property.

Ye Zhen......

I think you can think about it again. This script is really good.

Ye Zhen gave her advice sincerely.

Her career has developed to this point. As long as she wants to film, there are many good scripts sent to her. But Han Ruoxing is different. As a newcomer who has just emerged in the industry, she needs a good film to open her up. visibility.

Han Ruoxing shook his head, Because of my health, I can't take pictures for the time being. In fact, it's not free for you. I invested money.

Ye Zhen was stunned for a moment, then smiled, I'm sorry, it turns out my surname is Zi.

Han Ruoxing also laughed, Ye Zhen was really interesting.

Not long after Ye Zhen stayed, someone called her outside. She said hello to Han Ruoxing and went out.

But after a while, there was a quarrel outside.

Ye Zhen, you bitch!

Tang Xiaoxiao and Han Ruoxing glanced at each other and understood the other's desire to gossip, so they both stood up and walked out.

In the corridor, a well-dressed woman pulled Ye Zhen's hair and cursed, You shameless bitch, you seduced your own brother, how could there be such a disgusting person like you in this world!

Ye Zhen looked ugly, pinched the other person's wrist, and said in a deep voice, Zhou Lian, you lunatic, let me go!

Instead of letting go, the woman hit Ye Zhen on the head with her bag.

You are so glamorous on stage and you act like a real person. Do your movie fans and fans know who you are in private?

As the woman spoke, she shouted to the people around her, You don't know, right? The life of Ye Shihou is much more interesting than the dramas she acted in. She seduces her brother, regardless of gender, and in order to become famous, she also Taking those kind of shameful photos, pretending to be innocent on the surface, but in fact, she is a bitch who does everything she can!

People like to watch the excitement, especially the kind of excitement that tramples people's self-esteem to the ground. Not counting the wide corridor, a lot of people were quickly crowded.

They were just watching the fun, but no one stepped forward to stop it, except Ye Zhen's little assistant.

The woman went crazy and hit Ye Zhen on the head. The assistant went to help, but she pushed her directly to the ground, and her head almost hit the steps.

Han Ruoxing frowned and was about to step forward to help, but Tang Xiaoxiao quickly stopped her and said, Auntie, don't do whatever you want. If something happens to you, Gu Jingyan can cut me!

Then he rolled up his sleeves and said, Watch me go do justice for heaven!

As a result, before Tang Xiaoxiao could reach her, Han Lie suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the woman's hand.

If you want to cause trouble, go away and make trouble. Don't block the road.

As soon as he loosened his grip, the woman fell to the ground.

She looked up and saw Han Lie, a tall man with a gloomy face. He felt so oppressive that she felt a little frightened immediately, but his words were even more powerful.

You are also this woman's subordinate, right? Jie Jie laughed twice as he spoke, I slept with you twice, do you really think she treats you like a thing? Let me tell you, her dirty Her mind is all on her brother. She doesn't kiss men. The touching of disgusting men is just to see how pretty you are and to toy with you. When she gets tired of playing with you, your fate will be the same as those men before. ——”

He's my boyfriend.

Ye Zhen spoke coldly.

What he said made the whole audience gasp.

The woman was stunned for a moment, then she twitched the corner of her mouth and said with a strange smile, Do you think I will believe it?

Ye Zhen didn't say anything, but suddenly hooked her arms around Han Lie's neck and kissed his lips.

Han Lie was stiff, and he reached out to push her. Ye Zhen's eyes were red and she said hoarsely, Help me, please.

Han Lie clenched his hands and tensed his body, but did not push away the woman in front of him who was taking advantage of him.

The woman on the ground was dumbfounded, shook her head and murmured, Impossible...impossible! If you weren't hooking him and giving him hope, then where is his heart?

At this moment, no one cared what this woman said, everyone's attention was entirely on Han Lie and Ye Zhen.

A cold and abstinent man is in love with a romantic and passionate queen?

Damn it!

Holy crap, crap, crap!

What combination is this?

Han Lie's manager's expression was shattered, and Ye Zhen's manager was no better.

Fortunately, the assistant called security in time and got the crazy woman out.

There were several reporters at the scene, and everyone's expression was that of digging a big deal, anxious to interview first-hand news.

Of course, the two agents would not give them such a chance.

Ye Zhen and Han Lie were quickly taken away from the scene.

Han Ruoxing's phone vibrated, and Han Lie sent a WeChat message, telling her to go out through the back door.

Han Ruoxing took Tang Xiaoxiao and took advantage of the chaos to go to the back door, where Han Lie's nanny car was waiting. When they got up, they discovered that not only Han Lie and his manager were in the car, but also Ye Zhen and her manager.

Han Ruoxing and Tang Xiaoxiao were like two quails, sitting quietly in the back row, eating melon with their ears raised.

Not long after the car started, Ye Zhen's manager Jiang Suxi said, Let's jointly issue a statement later. Let's call it a backstage interview game.

Brother Ming's eyelids twitched, Do you think the fans are blind?

Jiang Suxi frowned, Then what do you think we should do about the current situation?

Brother Ming had a sullen face, obviously unable to think of a good countermeasure.

Han Lie looked at Ye Zhen, who lowered her eyes and looked a little pale.

The skin on her forehead was broken and bloodshot oozed out. Han Lie pursed his lower lip, raised his hand and took out a band-aid from the locker next to him and threw it to Ye Zhen.

The latter finally came to his senses, looked at the band-aid on his body, then looked at Han Lie, pursed his lips and said, Han Lie, let's sign an agreement. (End of Chapter)

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