Ruoxing, I'm about to get on the plane. I expect to arrive at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. There are a lot of things. I checked some of them back. You can see the rest when I get back.

The wind was very strong over Song Tianjun's side, and he could hear it clearly through the phone.

Han Ruoxing said warmly, Okay, then you can have a good rest on the plane and I will pick you up tomorrow.

Song Tianjun responded and called her name, Ruoxing...

What's wrong, brother?

Han Ruoxing realized that Song Tianjun had something to say.

But Song Tianjun was silent for a while and then said, Let's talk about it when we get back. It's not convenient on the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Han Ruoxing tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

Her brother's reaction was that he probably found out something about that year, but he didn't know how much.


Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly screamed.

Han Ruoxing was startled, What's wrong?

Tang Xiaoxiao patted her head with a look of despair, I forgot to block my mom! She just liked my new post on Moments.

Han Ruoxing?

What are you posting that is shameful?

Tang Xiaoxiao had a look on his face, Didn't you say you wanted to get Gu Jingyan drunk? Since you can't drink now, you must have sex with me and Stinky Cucumber, so I posted on WeChat and told them that we would have a banquet for the 100th anniversary of our relationship. Who wants to sign up?”

Han Ruoxing was stunned and said 6 after a long time.

Tang Xiaoxiao had a bitter look on her face, I originally thought about bringing more people so that Gu Jingyan wouldn't be suspicious easily. I only thought about blocking my colleagues and relatives and forgot to block my mother.

No, Han Ruoxing wanted to hold up her forehead, Who wants to hold a banquet after a hundred days of dating? Do you think Gu Jingyan is a fool?

Tang Xiaoxiao whispered, He may not be very smart now that he has lost his memory.

Han Ruoxing...

While the two were talking, Tang's mother sent a message, Whose cabbage are you getting?

Tang Xiaoxiao's face darkened when he saw it, and he replied angrily, I'm the cabbage, okay?

Not long after, Tang’s mother sent another message, “Whose pig does that belong to?”

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately regained his balance and replied, From the Shen family.

Tang's mother said, She is quite pretty, but her eyesight is not very good. There is no distinction between men and women.

Tang Xiaoxiao...

The old mother had recognized it a long time ago, but she was the only one kept in the dark?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought about it and asked, Mom, what do you think of him?

Tang's mother said, The horoscope is still good. You can ask him how much the betrothal gift is later, and I will prepare it for you early.

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Her mother always wanted to find a son-in-law for her.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, I'll keep an eye on him, and I don't necessarily have to hire him.

Tang’s mother agreed very much, “Choose one with stronger fertility.”

Tang Xiaoxiao...

How can she tell whether he is strong or not? !

I am absolutely speechless!

Hurrying slowly, I finally caught up with the road show of Murder.

Tang Xiaoxiao and Han Ruoxing sat in the corner of the audience, watching the host invite the creative team members to the stage one by one.

Ye Zhen, the other leading actors, the director and others were the first to take the stage. Not long after the host chatted, Han Lie came.

He must have something to do, so he rushed to the scene. He was dusty, but his popularity was very high. As soon as he came on stage, he caused a sensation, and most of the people in the audience were his fans.

Han Ruoxing and Tang Xiaoxiao were caught in the middle and were almost deafened by the screams of the fans.

Han Lie was wearing a black suit with only a thin white inner layer underneath. His shoulders were wide and his legs were long. When he stood there, he looked like someone who had stepped out of a comic. He was so handsome that it seemed unreal.

During the promotional road show, interviews were basically about topics related to the movie, followed by some fan interaction sessions.

The reason why Han Lie is able to occupy the top position is not only because of his handsome appearance, but also because of his attitude during business operations, such as the on-site fan interaction session. Even if he is hugged without permission, he does not show shame and cooperates throughout the process. .

She remembered what he said when she played opposite Han Lie before.

They traveled thousands of miles just to see me. If I tried to show off my face again, it would be nothing. I am not that good, but they are willing to come for me, and I am willing to smile to them.

Han Lie is definitely a well-deserved high-quality idol in terms of treating his fans. It's no wonder that all his fans are devoted to him.

Just as he was thinking about it, Han Lie looked over, and Han Ruoxing quickly shook the support card in his hand.

Han Lie saw her at a glance, pursed his lips and smiled, making the fans in the audience even more excited.

Han Ruoxing secretly recorded the scene on her mobile phone and sent it to her uncle.

Uncle, everyone has their own stage to shine. Maybe the path Ariel chose is not what you expected, but he really did a good job. You see, so many people come for him, so many people like him.

Han Shaozong looked at the video sent by Han Ruoxing, his expression was a little moved, his lips moved, and he whispered, This kid looks a bit like me when I was young.

My aunt was disdainful, How could you be so handsome when you were young? You were quite good at putting money on yourself!


Auntie sighed, But Xiaolie's temper is really like when you were young. You two have been arguing for so many years. Do you have the upper hand? On the contrary, he is getting better and better in his own field. He He has been proving to us that he made the right choice.”

The uncle pursed his lips and said after a long time, It was only because of my high-pressure policy that he became successful.

Auntie was too lazy to talk to him.

The uncle felt bored and couldn't help but click on the video sent by Han Ruoxing and re-watched it several times.

After the road show, the creative team left backstage, and there will be an exclusive backstage interview with a certain platform later. This does not need to be made public and is more casual.

Han Ruoxing contacted Han Lie's manager and went backstage with Tang Xiaoxiao as an entourage.

She was wearing a mask and dressed very ordinary, so some of the actors nearby who had played with her during filming didn't recognize her at all.

The two quickly found Han Lie.

He is currently being interviewed with Ye Zhen.

As the youngest actress in the film industry, Ye Zhen's emotional state has always been the focus of the entertainment media.

After all, for many years, apart from the relationship with Shen Qingchuan that ended at the beginning, she has never made any other lovers public.

But scandals have never stopped. Basically, the actors she has worked with, especially the good-looking ones, have more or less spread gossip with her.

However, Ye Zhen never responded. The more she acted like this, the more curious she became.

This reporter who was doing the exclusive interview also asked questions from a very tricky angle, and obviously wanted to get some information out.

However, Ye Zhen's involvement in the circle for so many years was not in vain. With a smile on her face, she managed to fool him. When she was asked about her relationship status again, she threw the ball to Han Lie.

She joked, Teacher Han, how about we make it public? (End of Chapter)

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