Everyone looked at Ye Zhen, who fumbled with the band-aid and lowered his eyes and said, Contract couple, you help me get through this crisis. I will introduce you to the group. Half a year later, we will make an announcement about personality incompatibility. How about a peaceful breakup?

Han Lie's face darkened for a moment, Do I need to ask you to introduce me to the group?

Ye Zhen said calmly, Although you are very popular, you have not been in the film and television industry for a long time, and there is no one to guide you. Do you think those good scripts will be given to you?

Before Han Lie could refute, Ye Zhen added, Of course, if you ask your dad or your cousin to help, just pretend I didn't say anything.

Ye Zhen too knew how to anger Han Lie.

Han Lie was in trouble with his family because the industry he was engaged in was not favored by his father. He kept saying that he wanted to become famous and hit his father in the face with a Grand Slam. There was no way he could get help from his family.

Han Lie gritted his teeth and said, I got to where I am today all because of myself!

Ye Zhen raised her eyes, So you should know better how difficult it is to climb to the top without connections. You didn't even have a chance to see those good scripts and then went elsewhere. How can you compare with others?

Han Lie was choked and retorted, I'm still young!

Ye Zhen said lightly, When I won my first acting trophy, I was not old enough for you to join the industry.

Han Lie...

Ye Zhen is a crazy actor, and everyone in the circle knows it. She is a typical example of someone chasing after God to reward him with food.

For other actors, an emotion or a state may need to be pondered over and over again. Even after being prompted by the director, it will take a lot of time to master the key points.

But Ye Zhen, as long as she gets the script, she will quickly get into that role.

Her understanding of characters is particularly clear, and her emotional progression is always just right. Every director she has worked with is full of praise for her. They all say that Ye Zhen's podium can be higher and farther.

Even if Han Lie has some talent, it is nothing in front of a top actor like Ye Zhen.

She even said she was being conservative. Han Lie knew that her first acting award was actually earlier. The movie she acted in when she was fourteen shocked the film industry at the time and was directly nominated for Best Supporting Actress that year. However, due to age issues, after many considerations, she was removed from the name.

But everyone in that class knew that Ye Zhen was the well-deserved uncrowned king.

Even with this competition system, it could not conceal her talent. Four years later, she won the Golden Actress Award for a movie.

Han Lie had some criticisms of her as a person, but he was still very convinced of her professional abilities.

So when Ye Zhen said this, she felt a little embarrassed.

Brother Ming was neither humble nor arrogant, Miss Ye, Ariel's focus hasn't completely shifted to film and television yet. He is an idol. You have to know that an idol who is on the rise in his career is tantamount to self-destructing his future if he reveals a relationship. So I'm sorry. We reject this proposal.

Brother Ming is an old man, no matter how big Ye Zhen's cake is, he will not be moved at all.

It is true that Han Lie is talented in filming, but Brother Ming himself is not sure how far he can go.

Now just because of his top-notch status, he can be accepted for endorsements in various activities. As long as Han Lie doesn't act like a monster, it will be fine if he remains popular for a few years.

But once his relationship is made public, how can his fans sit still?

Most of them are girlfriend fans and career fans. Girlfriend fans don't want to see him fall in love because they think it's cheating.

As for career fans, they don’t want to see him fall in love even more. How come labor and management paid you to climb up the ladder, but in the end you fall in love with labor and management?

When fans go crazy, no one can do anything about it. Idol popularity comes from fans, so they must also be controlled by fans.

Ye Zhen asked, Soon the whole Internet will know that I said you were my boyfriend during the road show and you didn't agree. How are you going to clarify? You didn't push me away at that time.

Brother Ming looked ugly, Are you threatening? Ariel didn't push you away at that time, wasn't it to help you?

Ye Zhen nodded, I know, so I'm very grateful. I also know that there is no better solution to this matter except this one.

She raised her eyes and looked at Han Lie, If your goal is just to maintain your current popularity, then I can make a statement. Today's accident was deliberately caused by me to tie you up. If you continue to do what you do, you will be praised by fans. The best in the palm of my hand.”

Han Lie's eyelashes trembled.

Brother Ming feels bad.

Ye Zhen is a woman who really knows how to manipulate people.

It’s true that Han Lie respects his fans, but he really doesn’t like the label of being a top fan.

After so many years, in fact, in the minds of many people, top status has long been different from its original appearance.

When people talk about being top-notch, what they think of is synonymous with a vase, a man with a woman's appearance, a mother, crappy acting skills, and occupying all kinds of resources.

No matter how ugly the performance is, fans will buy it and praise it.

It is almost impossible to grow in such an environment.

If you are used to making money while lying down, who would want to make money by running around?

When Han Lie first became famous, he was complacent about his little achievements, but he was soon scolded by his father.

He still remembers what his father scolded him at that time, How can anyone appreciate your blind acting skills? After complimenting you a few times, do you really think you are acting like anything?

At that time, his self-esteem was frustrated and he had a quarrel with his father.

In order to see what his acting skills were like in the eyes of real passers-by, he bought a movie ticket and walked into the theater with others.

Without the backing of fans and the halo of traffic, in the eyes of all viewers, he is just an ordinary actor, even worse than an ordinary actor.

Because when the performance was over, he heard someone in the front row say, That man is quite handsome, but his acting is too bad. Every time I see him, I get into trouble.

A true review, harsh and ugly.

He looked at the ratings on those forums again, and many of the low ratings were because of him.

Han Lie has a strong self-esteem and a high temper. He even quarreled with his family and ran away. This would definitely impress everyone.

So being top-notch is not his goal.

Ye Zhen obviously understood this point, so she used this point to follow the instructions.

Brother Ming hurriedly said, Everything has to be done step by step, at any stage. Ariel is an idol now. Of course his goal is to satisfy his fans. If you ask him to be a contract lover with you, isn't this cheating the fans?

Ye Zhen did not answer, but looked at Han Lie, What do you mean?

Han Ruoxing and Tang Xiaoxiao, the two melon-eaters, had their eyes wide open.

He was afraid of missing Han Lie's reaction. After all, eating melon in person might be the only time in his life.

Han Lie was silent for a moment, raised his eyes and asked, Who is chasing whom? (End of Chapter)

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