Song Jiayu naturally didn't believe Gu Jingyang's rhetoric, but she believed that Gu Jingyang's rhetoric was exactly what Zhong Meilan and her daughter thought of Han Ruoxing.

She lowered her eyes and smiled, You are thinking too much. Of course Ruoxing cares about Brother Gu's health, but she grew up in the Qiao family. Qiao Xusheng and others have poor character. Ruoxing has been with them for a long time, and her temper has deteriorated. There may also be some influence, as Brother Gu speaks outright, so it is inevitable that the two of them will have differences.

Mentioning the Qiao family, Gu Jingyang sneered coldly, She has learned a lot from Qiao Xusheng's greed.

Song Jiayu did not answer, but asked, Jingyang, I heard that you also live in Yuyuan now?

Gu Jingyang nodded, Han Ruoxing can help my brother recover his memory, and so can I. Wherever she lives, I live there too. I have to keep an eye on her all the time. Whenever she shows signs of rekindling the old relationship with my brother, I have to Nip that possibility in the cradle!

Song Jiayu smiled and said warmly, Just like a child.

Gu Jingyang took her hand and said, Sister Jiayu, my brother is drunk now, why don't you take this opportunity to get him into bed? My brother is a very upright person. If he knows that he has a relationship with you, he will definitely I will be responsible for you, and as for Han Ruoxing, I can tell her to get away as far as she wants!

Song Jiayu's ears turned red, he patted the back of her hand and scolded her in a low voice, Don't talk nonsense!

Gu Jingyang shrugged, I'm just kidding. There are surveillance cameras everywhere now. My brother will know who did it as soon as he checks. I don't want to be sent in by him again.

Song Jiayu calmed down a bit. Let's not talk about whether raw rice can be cooked. As Gu Jingyang said, there are surveillance everywhere. If you want to check, you will know who is behind the scenes. This approach is too risky.

If it works, she gets what she wants, but if it doesn't work, she won't even have a foothold in the Song family.

She was a little lucky to let Gu Jingyang get in the car, which shattered her previous unrealistic fantasies. Gu Jingyan was now separated from Han Ruoxing, so she was not in a hurry.

Jingyang, doesn't your brother think of Ruoxing at all?

After all, it was a guilty conscience. The number of times she saw Gu Jingyan decreased these days, and Song Jiayu was always a little uneasy.

Gu Jingyang sneered, If he thinks of Han Ruoxing, the first thing he will do is to drive me out of the Royal Garden. I hope he never remembers me.

Song Jiayu breathed a sigh of relief, then took out a bottle of medicine from his bag, Jingyang, this is the medicine that Dr. Huang prescribed to Brother Gu. I asked a friend to get it from abroad. You can help Brother Gu keep it until he wakes up. Just give it to him and let him eat according to the previous dosage.

Gu Jingyang took it and said, Sister Jiayu, you should be nice to my brother. I really don't know what my brother saw in Han Ruoxing before.

Song Jiayu lowered his eyes and smiled, but did not answer, but looked a little scornful.

Song Jiayu was originally going to send Gu Jingyan and the others back to the Royal Garden, but Gu Jingyang said, Sister Jiayu, just leave us at the intersection. The driver is already on the way. Han Ruoxing is suspicious of my brother now. If you follow me in, I'm afraid she'll be in grandma's house. My grandma is too old to complain in front of me. She will believe whatever Han Ruoxing says. Uncle Song is afraid that Han Ruoxing will not have a good life in our family and always comes to grandma. I am afraid that when she complains, Uncle Song will hear, Let her misunderstand you again.

Song Jiayu understood.

Song Wanqian did visit Gu's house frequently these days, so she was worried and anxious to see Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan's attitude towards her was no different from before. Now that Gu Jingyang confirmed that the two of them didn't get along very well, she felt more at ease and no longer forced her.

Okay, he said, handing his coat to Gu Jingyang, It's too cold outside. Girls can't stand the cold. Please put my clothes back on.

Gu Jingyang was so moved that his eyes turned red. She took it and said hoarsely, Sister Jiayu, besides my mother, you are the best person to me.

Song Jiayu smiled and comforted her, and gave Gu Jingyang the gift originally intended for Su Wanqian in the car.

The Gu family's car arrived soon. The driver got out and helped Gu Jingyan get into the car with Gu Jingyang.

Song Jiayu lowered the car window and said goodbye to them. She didn't look back until she saw the car disappeared. Then she threw the water that Gu Jingyang had just drank out of the car window and said calmly to the driver, Let's drive.

Stinky turtle! You have no sense of ethics at all! Tang Xiaoxiao opened the car window and cursed viciously.

Shen Qingchuan rubbed her head, Are you relieved now?

Tang Xiaoxiao got out of the car and emptied out the bottle of water and threw it into the trash can. Then she ran back and said, Send my aunt home.

Shen Qingchuan chuckled, Cha!

Tang Xiaoxiao was also amused by his coquettish tone, and muttered in a low voice, What a bitch!


Imperial Garden.

Han Ruoxing looked at the photos Song Jiayu posted on her WeChat Moments, with a dark face and chopping the flesh with a knife.

Aunt Huang was about to go to sleep, but was unable to sleep due to the noise of chopping meat in the kitchen, so she got up and knocked on the kitchen door, Madam, if you don't sleep at night, what are you doing in the kitchen?

Han Ruoxing turned around with a kitchen knife and said with a smile, Sorry, Aunt Huang, Jingyan said he wanted to eat wontons in the morning. I couldn't sleep, so I just wanted to chop the meat filling. Did it bother you?

She was clearly smiling, but there was no smile at all in her eyes. The way she held up the knife looked really eye-catching.

Aunt Huang stammered, No, don't bother me. There is a meat grinder in the cabinet. Do you want me to help you?

Thank you, no need, Han Ruoxing rolled her eyes, hand-chopped ones taste better.

Then, you continue, I'll go to sleep first.

Han Ruoxing nodded, Good night.

Aunt Huang covered her little heart. It didn't feel like chopping meat, but like dismembering a body.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, the sound of an engine came from outside the door. After a while, the driver and Gu Jingyang came back supporting Gu Jingyan.

Han Ruoxing came out of the kitchen, still holding the knife in her hand, and looked at the scene expressionlessly.

Gu Jingyang just put the person on the sofa, looked up and was startled. didn't sleep.

Han Ruoxing smiled, I promised to make strawberry pudding for you.

Gu Jingyang swallowed, I've already eaten. Let's talk about it tomorrow. My brother will be left to you.

With that said, he ran upstairs in a hurry.

When the driver saw this posture, he stopped supporting him and ran away.

Han Ruoxing took off her apron and walked to the sofa with a knife.

Gu Jingyan.

The person on the sofa didn't respond.

Han Ruoxing knelt down and called into his ear, Gu Jingyan?

Still no movement.

Han Ruoxing sniffed.

There was a strong smell of alcohol, and the smell of alcohol was particularly strong on the clothes.

Did you take a bath with wine?

She took the knife, gently opened Gu Jingyan's collar, and said slowly, Where were you tonight?

A drunk person would naturally not be able to answer her.

Han Ruoxing opened another button and asked, Did you drink with Song Jiayu? (End of Chapter)

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