Shen Qingchuan was not worried, He is such a big man, and he is not a fool. Can Song Jiayu abduct him if he wants?

Tang Xiaoxiao was worried, Didn't you see that Song Jiayu kept pouring wine for Gu Jingyan in the banquet hall just now? It was obviously with bad intentions.

Shen Qingchuan chuckled, Why, are you afraid that she will get Jingyan drunk and put Jingyan to sleep?

Tang Xiaoxiao glared at him, You can't rule out this possibility, right? If Gu Jingyan is drunk, confused, and does something that violates the bottom line, Ah Xing will never forgive him!

Shen Qingchuan laughed even harder when he heard this. He took Tang Xiaoxiao's hand and interlocked their fingers, Little bandit, you just don't have enough love and don't understand men too well.

Tang Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

Shen Qingchuan said warmly, Having sex after drinking is just an excuse made up by men when they see lust. Let me tell you, as long as a man wants to have sex, he can get drunk with a mouthful of vinegar. If he doesn't want to, drinking anything will be useless. And If you think about Jingyan’s character, he can’t do that kind of thing.”

Tang Xiaoxiao felt a little relieved, but hearing that Shen Qingchuan was extremely familiar with this routine, he narrowed his eyes and asked, Do you often engage in sexual promiscuity under the influence of alcohol?

Shen Qingchuan laughed, took her hand and kissed the back of her hand, raised his eyes and looked at her tenderly, Although I am not a gentleman, I never do such dishonorable things.

He paused for a moment and then accused, It's you, you're a girl, why are you so bad at drinking? With someone I just met, you're talking about big butts in art movies when you're drunk?

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyelids twitched, she pulled out her hand and slapped him on the head. She blushed and said in embarrassment, Shut your stupid mouth!

Shen Qingchuan looked at her angry look and felt soft-hearted. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Gu Jingyan and Song Jiayu coming out of the elevator.

Tang Xiaoxiao patted his arm, Here you go, just watch. Song Jiayu will definitely take Gu Jingyan to her car.

Shen Qingchuan touched his chin, Wasn't he still fine when we came out? He was drunk in ten minutes?

You don't know that Gu Jingyan has a drinking capacity as strong as cat urine? Axing said he fainted after just one glass of white wine.

So you just avoided drinking to avoid loneliness, but you ended up still drunk?

Tang Xiaoxiao shook Shen Qingchuan, Hurry up and think of a way, Gu Jingyan's virginity may be lost!

Shen Qingchuan's eyelids twitched, Why do you care more about his chastity than you care about mine?

Tang Xiaoxiao scorned, I am protecting Ah Xing as a betrothal gift. What do you have as a betrothal gift?

What does this have to do with the betrothal gift?

Haven't you heard? Chastity is the best betrothal gift for a man. You rotten cucumber, why do you still have chastity? I'm willing to take over, so you can have fun!

Shen Qingchuan...


Shen Qingchuan's expression was twisted.

Every day, I read some random stuff on the Internet!

Just as Tang Xiaoxiao said, Song Jiayu really got Gu Jingyan into her car.

Tang Xiaoxiao encouraged Shen Qingchuan from the side, Drive over and hit the butt of her car!

Shen Qingchuan had a headache, Auntie, it's illegal!

There are no pedestrians in the underground parking lot, so what are you afraid of? Tang smiled and said, You stingy man, are you reluctant to part with your car?

Shen Qingchuan argued, It's unnecessary sacrifice. If you can't help it, don't sacrifice it.

Tang Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, You bitch, are you still Gu Jingyan's buddy? Can a broken car stand up to his chastity?

Shen Qingchuan took his time and said, Auntie, my broken car costs more than seven million, and his chastity is really not that valuable.

Tang Xiao smiled and was about to bite someone, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Song Jiayu's car, it was Gu Jingyang.

Shen Qingchuan pressed her hand and said, Jingyang is here. Maybe we won't have to lose money today.

Tang Xiaoxiao maintained the strangled posture and watched Gu Jingyang walk to the car window and say something unknown. After a while, he went around to the other side and got in through the back seat door.

Then the door closed and the car drove away smoothly.

Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, Why did she go up too?

Shen Qingchuan started the car, Jingyang is in the car. Song Jiayu won't do anything to Jingyan. Are you relieved now?

How do you know she won't do anything? Tang Xiaoxiao had no trust in Song Jiayu's character at all.

Shen Qingchuan smiled faintly, Song Jiayu has always been gentle and pleasant outside, virtuous and knowledgeable, and has a measured image of advancement and retreat. When Jingyang was in the car, even if she had intentions, she did not dare to show it too obviously in front of Jingyang. We Everyone knows that Song Jiayu likes Jingyan, but why does she never confess her love?

Because she knows that her confession will cause damage to her reputation, so she only plays ambiguously. Even if this layer of paper is pierced, it will not be her, but Jingyan. She will always let herself We are in a position where we can move forward or retreat, so I am sure that she will not dare to mess around in front of Jingyang.

Tang Xiaoxiao scolded, This stinky turtle is indeed something in the water, fishy and smelly!

Shen Qingchuan started the car, Let's go, let's follow and have a look.

On the other side, Song Jiayu's car.

Gu Jingyan sat in the middle, and Gu Jingyang and Song Jiayu sat on each side.

Gu Jingyan's face was a little red and he smelled very much of alcohol. He half-closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair without saying a word.

Song Jiayu unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Gu Jingyan, Brother Gu, are you still feeling uncomfortable? Do you want a drink of water?

Gu Jingyan took it and took a sip, looking languid.

Gu Jingyang asked, Sister Jiayu, thank you for helping us off. Otherwise, if my brother was so drunk, I really wouldn't be able to touch him.

Song Jiayu said warmly, Why are you still polite to me? Brother Gu came with me, so naturally I have to send him back safely.

As he spoke, he took a handkerchief and gently helped Gu Jingyan wipe the water stains on his lips.

Gu Jingyang looked at her actions and rolled his eyes, Sister Jiayu, you are so attentive. If only my brother married you, we would definitely get along very happily.

Song Jiayu lowered her eyes and whispered, Jingyang, don't talk nonsense. Brother Gu likes Ruoxing.

Gu Jingyang didn't take it seriously, That was before, but now my brother doesn't even remember her. He gets annoyed when he sees her face every day. The two of them have been quarreling a lot these days.

Gu Jingyan suddenly coughed a few times. He didn't know if he choked on the water or something, but his face turned red.

Song Jiayu hurriedly helped him move his back. When Gu Jingyan closed his eyes again, she said, How could it be possible? Brother Gu escaped from death. Ruoxing should treat him well. How could there be a quarrel?

Gu Jingyang hummed, If my brother died, half of my brother's net worth would belong to her, and she would easily be on the rich list. Now that my brother is back alive and his will is invalid, it's strange that she can be happy. ( End of this chapter)

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