The person on the sofa still didn't respond.

Han Ruoxing simply took out all the remaining buttons.

Gu Jingyan's chest turned red, as if he was really drunk.

Gu Jingyan? Han Ruoxing called his name again, Do you still remember what I told you the day you picked me up?

She said as the knife slipped onto his belt.

Gu Jingyan stiffened for a moment.

The cold blade touched his lower abdomen gently. She stretched out her hand to gently wipe the sweat on his forehead and exhaled softly, You have such a good memory, you shouldn't forget it, right?

Gu Jingyan's whole body tensed up, and a sentence suddenly popped into his head: No matter whether you can recover your memory in the future, if you have an affair with Song Jiayu, I will make you annihilate your descendants.

Feeling the blade sliding down his body, his whole body tensed up.

Really drunk?

Han Ruoxing frowned and reached out to touch his face, How much did you drink?

She put down the knife and sat next to Gu Jingyan, Song Jiayu knows that you are not a good drinker, yet she takes you to drink like this. What does she want?

He pinched Gu Jingyan's face and said, Is he trying to take advantage of you and sleep with you?

After speaking, he muttered to himself, Song Jiayu still doesn't know you well enough. You can't stand up at all when you're drunk. No matter how beautiful she is, it's useless even if she puts a silver pewter spear head in front of her.

Whose silver pewter spear head are you talking about?

Gu Jingyan's voice sounded from behind.

Han Ruoxing was stunned and turned around to see the person who was sleeping on the sofa. Now he had his eyes open and stared at her with burning eyes.

Han Ruoxing slowed down and said, Aren't you drunk - ah -

Before Han Ruoxing finished speaking, Gu Jingyan grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the sofa.

He turned over and pressed her down, subconsciously avoiding her belly, shackles one of her hands above her head with one hand, looked down at her eyes, and asked in a deep voice, Who is the silver pewter spear head?

Han Ruoxing...

She suddenly realized, Are you not drunk?

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes, Answer that question.

Han Ruoxing laughed angrily and threatened her for a long time without even saying Silver pewter spear head.

She raised her neck, unwilling to be outdone, Of course it's you, is there anyone else here?

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth, Do you know what that means?

Han Ruoxing let out a tsk and touched his lower abdomen with the other hand that was not under his control. Who doesn't think he has read a book?

Gu Jingyan's whole body tensed up, his ears turned red, and he pressed her other hand to the top of her head, Don't move!

Han Ruoxing paused, then moved even more happily the next second.

Gu Jingyan was afraid of pressing her belly, so he didn't press her legs hard at all. Taking advantage of this, Han Ruoxing deliberately twisted around, I won't move if you don't let me move? Who are you, and you still want to control me? I?

As he said that, he deliberately kicked his legs. Gu Jingyan was helpless by her troubles. He suddenly grabbed one of her ankles and put it on his shoulders, pressing down slightly so that she could not move.

Are you still moving?

Gu Jingyan's hoarse voice immediately struck Han Ruoxing's heart. She realized belatedly that this gesture was too ambiguous, and her ears immediately turned red. She gritted her teeth and said, Let me go!

Gu Jingyan seemed to have found a way to subdue her. He raised the corners of his lips, his eyes gleaming, but what he said was very unsatisfactory, because he said, I don't.

Han Ruoxing blushed angrily, Bastard—well—

Before she finished her curse words, Gu Jingyan suddenly lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

Don't say bad words, he loosened his lips and said hoarsely, Teach bad children.

Naturally, Han Ruoxing would not agree. After all, the ninety-nine pounds of bones are not in vain. She opened her mouth and said, Gou Dong——um——

Gu Jingyan lowered his head again and swallowed her dirty words.

And this time it wasn't just a superficial taste like before, but a deep kiss.

The dog said he had lost his memory, but his kissing skills were not jerky at all. In just two kisses, he kissed her until her whole body went soft and her eyes became wet.

Are you still scolding?

Gu Jingyan touched the tip of her nose, breathing together with hers.

Han Ruoxing felt weak all over, but she refused to admit defeat at all, Rotten eggs!

Gu Jingyan chuckled, his chest shaking slightly, and his brows revealed an indescribable tenderness.

Han Ruoxing's heart beat faster than usual. She clenched her hands and asked in a low voice, What do you mean?

What she asked was what the kiss meant.

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and looked at her, Didn't you say you wanted to develop a relationship with me?

Han Ruoxing...

Han Ruoxing felt numb, she gritted her teeth and said, Do you start developing relationships with kisses?

Gu Jingyan stretched out his hand and gently covered her belly, We already have children, I think the progress can be faster.

Han Ruoxing grinded her teeth, According to your theory, if the child is born, does it start directly from going to bed?

Gu Jingyan shook his head.

Just when Han Ruoxing thought he had an idea, Gu Jingyan said, It's a pity that it's easy to have contractions during sexual intercourse during pregnancy.

Han Ruoxing kicked him directly.

Gu Jingyan didn't put much effort in the first place, but Han Ruoxing kicked him and he sat aside.

He was sitting on the sofa, his clothes were wide open, the light hit his well-textured skin, and the sexual tension exploded.

Han Ruoxing rubbed her heart, which had just been stirred by Gu Jingyan, and then gouged out his eyes and cursed, Disaster!

After saying that, he got up and went to the kitchen. After a while, he came out with a bowl of hangover soup and put it on the table.

It stinks! I go to take a shower after drinking. I don't know how much I drank. Every time I have someone to clean up the mess.

Han Ruoxing muttered, pulled off his shirt and threw it into the dirty clothes basket.

Gu Jingyan looked at her back going upstairs, lowered his eyes and smiled.

As soon as Han Ruoxing reached the second floor, she saw Gu Jingyang lying on the railing, looking downstairs casually.

It looked like he had been looking at that posture for a long time.

Seeing Han Ruoxing going upstairs, he glanced at her and said, It's quite exciting.

Han Ruoxing...

After Gu Jingyang finished speaking, he went back to the house.

Han Ruoxing rubbed her temples and returned to the house.

While lying on the bed, she thought belatedly, didn't she go to Gu Jingyan to settle a score? Why did you cook him hangover soup in the end?

This bitch, Gu Jingyan, had fooled her.

She turned over and just closed her eyes when she opened them again.

yes! Why didn't she think of that!

She immediately sat up and contacted Tang Xiaoxiao on her mobile phone. After plotting for a while, she finally lay down with peace of mind.

The next morning, when Gu Jingyan woke up, the bed around him was empty.

This is the first time that Han Ruoxing has been here for so many days. She got up earlier than herself.

After getting up and tidying up, Gu Jingyan went downstairs.

As soon as he came down, he smelled a very strong sour smell. Han Ruoxing was sitting in the restaurant eating when she saw him coming downstairs and said hello casually.

Gu Jingyan frowned and walked over, What are you eating?

Han Ruoxing raised her eyes, Can't you smell it? You're jealous.

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