Yang Yuwei lowered her head to clean the mud spots on her trouser legs, thinking that she shouldn't wear white ones, and muttered, full of complaints.

When footsteps passed by, she thought it was the waiter in the store, so she didn't even raise her head. After cleaning up, she raised her head and saw Mo Mingxuan standing tall and tall in front of the table.

Yang Yuwei was stunned, coughed slightly, and said, Why didn't you say anything when you came?

Mo Mingxuan smiled and said, I saw you talking so much that I wanted to hear what you were talking about.

Yang Yuwei made a big blush.

The words she muttered were not really nice. She was complaining about the plagiarized bitch, and she was complaining about Mo Mingxuan. Why did she choose a roadside store? It would be great to go to the mall. She doesn’t have to walk this distance and doesn’t need to get dirty. Pants, someone saw her, and they complained behind her back that she was sloppy.

Mainly because my pants were stained.

Yang Yuwei explained.

Mo Mingxuan gently pulled out the chair and looked at her with a half-smile.

Yang Yuwei licked her lips, lowered her eyes and said quietly, I'm not usually like this.

This time there was a chuckle from the other side.

Yang Yuwei was startled, raised her eyes and looked into his deep eyes, her heart beat hard twice.

What a scourge.

She rubbed her heart and thought to herself, even if she didn't like it, her mood would still fluctuate when she looked at this face. Human beings are all visual animals after all.

By the way, you said on the phone before that you wanted me to do a favor. What favor?

The two ordered food, and Yang Yuwei changed the topic and took the initiative to speak.

There's no rush, Mo Mingxuan put down his phone, Let's talk about the situation with your friend first.

Yang Yuwei nodded.

In fact, the case is not complicated, or even difficult at all.

Yang Yuwei's high school classmate became an online writer after graduating from college. Recently, someone's book was infringed. The infringer used her story and character design to publish the work on the platform in the name of so-called second creation, making illegal profits.

After being discovered by a reader, she refused to admit the infringement. She immediately contacted the platform. The person also heard about the news and quickly issued an apology statement. After verification, the platform immediately removed her from the shelves.

My friend only found out about it the day before she took it off the shelves. It would have been fine if the matter ended here, but the person who infringed the rights became anxious. After the removal, he boldly said that he had not infringed the rights and that he had requested the removal. She also spoke out loudly on accounts that exposed her infringement, not only threatening those who accused her of infringement, but even threatened that the copyright of what she wrote was protected by law, and that if future original works ended with her ending, they would be plagiarizing her.

It has always been said that a son is like his father, but I have never heard of a father being like his son.

Someone has set up the framework and laid out the foreshadowing, and if you copy it and just make an ending, it will be yours?

This operation angered her friend. She wanted to settle the matter, but the other side refused, so she would appeal.

That friend originally wanted to find a lawyer, but Yang Yuwei suddenly thought of Mo Mingxuan and wanted to consult him first.

After Mo Mingxuan heard the whole story, he asked Yang Yuwei to provide the books and information on both sides.

Yang Yuwei asked, Lawyer Mo, why don't you seem to be surprised at all by this weird thing?

Mo Mingxuan smiled while saving the information, I wonder if you have heard what a senior in the legal field said.

Yang Yuwei looked attentive.

Mo Mingxuan said slowly, No matter what case I see now, I am not shocked anymore. Because there is no end to the darkness of human beings. Isn't this just human beings? Is there anything more terrifying or bad than human beings? We often curse people. Pigs are not as good as dogs, which is actually an insult to pigs and dogs. If pigs could talk, they might say, You are as bad as humans.

Yang Yuwei was startled, but she was suddenly relieved because she had been upset because of her friend's complaints.

Mo Mingxuan asked some more questions related to the case. After all, Yang Yuwei was only asking on behalf of others. Some details were better known by the parties involved.

After obtaining Mo Mingxuan's consent, she forwarded his WeChat account to her friend.

Finally, he asked, Lawyer Mo, is this case easy to judge?

The title, character and story frame are all copied from the original text. She also claimed on various platforms that she was a rewrite. This is different from ordinary plagiarism. Infringement is a certainty. It depends on what effect you want to achieve in the future. Do you just want her to apologize, or do you want to continue to claim compensation.”

No one cares about the income from infringement, it's just dirty money. Since she is so stubborn and shows off her power on the Internet, then sue her and send the summons directly to her home, so that her three-dimensional relatives and friends can take a good look at what she is like online. Things! The compensation obtained from winning the lawsuit, leaving aside the legal fees, will all be donated.

Mo Mingxuan nodded, I understand.

Yang Yuwei watched her holding the phone and operating it, with her eyes lowered. Her facial features were soft and handsome under the lights of the restaurant. She really looked like her.

It's a pity that he has someone else in mind.

After the consultation was completed and the dishes were served, Yang Yuwei asked again, Lawyer Mo, what exactly did you want my help with just now?

Mo Mingxuan used serving chopsticks to pick up some vegetables for her, Eat first.

Yang Yuwei felt even weirder. She was so friendly suddenly for no reason, and it was scary.

However, she was not a person who was too entangled, and she quickly began to eat with peace of mind.

Mo Mingxuan not only looks good, but also eats extremely elegantly.

Yang Yuwei watched him eating, and suddenly thought of the ragdoll cat at home.

Every day, I lie lazily on the rocking chair on the balcony and bask in the sun. When I am full of sleep, I jump down lightly, take cat steps, walk up to people with a noble look, meow lightly, and then no matter who it is, I immediately Go prepare food for it.

It is more careful when eating, sticking out its pink tongue and licking bit by bit, its movements are noble and elegant, for fear of getting its beautiful hair. Even if the Erha at home goes crazy next to it, it can still calm down. Enjoy your food gracefully.

After eating, he jumped on the rocking chair with his fluffy tail wagging, and lazily combed his hair.

Her father said: This cat is more valuable than a human being.

Now, she looked at Mo Mingxuan and thought that this man was more valuable than a cat.

Perhaps she was looking at people too presumptuously, so Mo Mingxuan finally raised his eyes to look at her, Miss Yang, is there something wrong?

Yang Yuwei looked away, It's okay, I feel like you eat like my cat.

Mo Mingxuan...

He took out a tissue and wiped his mouth. Seeing that Yang Yuwei had almost eaten, he said, Miss Yang, do you have a boyfriend now?

Pfft - cough cough cough -

Yang Yuwei choked on these words and coughed up before she could swallow a sip of water.

Mo Mingxuan thoughtfully handed over the tissue, and Yang Yuwei waited for a while before suppressing the cough.

My throat was dry and itchy, and my face was red from coughing. (End of chapter)

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