She took a breath, then raised her eyes and said, Lawyer Mo, your question is very presumptuous.

Feel sorry.

He apologized gently and said in a clear voice, If you have a boyfriend, I won't bother you.

Yang Yuwei wondered, I have a boyfriend, does it prevent me from helping you?

Mo Mingxuan nodded, I'm afraid my mother will bump into her.

Yang Yuwei? ?

Why don't you explain it more clearly.

Mo Mingxuan sighed, My family is pressing for marriage. They keep introducing me and I can't shirk it. I want to find someone to deal with it first. When she sees someone around me, she won't press so hard.

Yang Yuwei blinked, then blinked again, and then said after a long time, You want me to help you block the blind date?

Mo Mingxuan looked at her, Is that okay?

Yang Yuwei said nothing.

Mo Mingxuan likes Han Ruoxing, but as a bystander, she sees it as real.

Gu Jingyan now has amnesia. He took advantage of this great opportunity, but he actually didn't make any move.

Yang Yuwei thought for a moment and then thought of the news she saw in the group this morning - Han Ruoxing moved back home in order to help Gu Jingyan recover his memory.

Under the same roof, there is a foundation of love, but one party has forgotten it, but the heartbeat will not disappear because of amnesia. Gu Jingyan will definitely be tempted by Han Ruoxing again.

Could it be that because of this reason, I felt that my pursuit was hopeless, so I gave up?

But I heard gossip from the old man in her family, saying that the Mo family has strict family rules, and that Mo Mingxuan has always been single has something to do with their family being picky about their daughter-in-law.

Could it be that their family was concerned about Han Ruoxing's status as a divorcee, and Mo Mingxuan couldn't pass the test of his parents?

Thinking about it this way, her old man is still very reasonable. The old man's original words are: As long as you like him, no matter how crooked he is, whether he is missing arms or legs, I am willing to do it.

Yang Yuwei sighed, he couldn't think better of her.

She raised her eyes and looked at Mo Mingxuan, How can I block it? Pretend to be your girlfriend or something?

Mo Mingxuan shook his head, Just keep in touch and have dinner appointments from time to time.

Yang Yuwei understood that it was to create an illusion for his family that they were possible.

Pretend to be ambiguous.

She thought for a while and said, Lawyer Mo, I'm also going to get married. If you don't know whether it's clear or not, it's not good for my reputation. I helped you. What if I'm rejected by a partner in the future because of this?

Mo Mingxuan was startled for a moment, then lowered his eyes, Sorry, I didn't think well...

You didn't think carefully, Yang Yuwei said lightly, You want me to pretend to be ambiguous, the initiative should be yours.

Mo Mingxuan was puzzled.

Yang Yuwei said slowly, You are the subject of the dinner date, and I am the object. Do you make it clear?

Mo Mingxuan understood that Yang Yuwei did not want to bear the reputation of being ambiguous and stalking. He could help, but Mo Mingxuan must take the initiative.

Thinking of this, he nodded, Okay, I should have taken the initiative. After a pause, he asked, Then what does Miss Yang want?

Obviously, this is a transaction in Mo Mingxuan's eyes.

Yang Yuwei didn't think much about it. There were so many men in the world, and she wouldn't be tempted by a man who had someone else in mind. However, she was still somewhat hurt by these words, so her expression became a little lighter.

Lawyer Mo has done me a favor by helping my friend win this lawsuit. I promise to help you in return.

Mo Mingxuan nodded, Miss Yang has a charming personality.

Yang Yuwei paused, and when she saw that he was carrying an unstained look, she suddenly wanted to tease him.

Ms. Yang, it seems that Lawyer Mo is not familiar with the person you are having an affair with.

Mo Mingxuan paused and suddenly felt at a loss.

Yang Yuwei raised the corners of her lips with a bright smile, Call my name.

Mo Mingxuan hesitated and called, Yang——Yuwei.

This low voice spoke directly to her heart. She had to find a boyfriend as soon as possible, otherwise she would not be tempted after this back and forth.

After dinner, Mo Mingxuan took the initiative to send Yang Yuwei home.

In view of the agreement between the two, Yang Yuwei did not refuse. This area is the financial circle of Jiangcheng. Almost all the big factories in Jiangcheng are nearby. Of course, the ladies and gentlemen from those business circles often hang out here.

Before going out, Yang Yuwei met a few people from her circle, and everyone briefly said hello.

Yang Yuwei only understood why Mo Mingxuan chose to eat here after getting in the car.

Regardless of whether she agrees or not, as long as she eats here, the news will definitely spread.

Those people who love to eat melons don’t care what they are meeting for. They only care about whether there are melons to eat and whether there are rumors to spread.

When the time comes, no matter whether she and Mo Mingxuan are not related, they will become related.

Yang Yuwei glanced at Mo Mingxuan, didn't he know this?

She lowered her eyes and closed her clothes without asking any questions.

When the car passed Baiyao Trading, Yang Yuwei saw two familiar figures.

A tightly wrapped woman in a light blue down jacket, carrying a small bag, turned to urge the person walking behind.

The man behind was carrying large and small bags with a stern face, as if he didn't want to let strangers in, as if someone owed him money. That wasn't Gu Jingyan.

Even if you can't see the face of the woman in front, you know who she is.

Han Ruoxing walked a few steps, then turned around and said a few words. When Gu Jingyan came closer, he turned around and walked forward again.

Their car was waiting at the traffic light, and Yang Yuwei glanced at Mo Mingxuan.

The latter kept looking forward and seemed not to see the two people. He only clutched the steering wheel tightly, but it revealed some of his inner emotions.

Yang Yuwei glanced at it but said nothing.

As soon as the red light passed, the car started again.

When Yang Jinfeng saw Mo Mingxuan sending his daughter home, his eyes were shocked to the ground.

He didn't listen to a word of what Mo Mingxuan asked. After they left, he looked at his daughter and asked, Did you hook up with Mo Mingxuan?

Yang Yuwei's eyelids twitched.

Yang Jinfeng was worried, The Mo family is really not a good place to go. I have met the old man from the Mo family twice. He speaks in a domineering manner and looks at people with his nose every time. If I hadn't lived in the new era, I would have wondered if he would let me do it. He kneels down, after all, the people he talks about are farmers, industry and commerce.

But if you really like this boy from the Mo family, dad will work hard to prepare a generous dowry for you. You won't let the Mo family look down upon you.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, Fortunately, he is a complete human being.

Yang Yuwei......


Gu Jingyan watched Han Ruoxing enter another store and finally frowned, You still want to buy?

His hands were already full. Not only did he buy daily necessities, but he also bought a bunch of random things.

There was a small wholesale market outside the commercial building, and the things in it were so cheap that she couldn't wait to get a snakeskin bag to put them in.

Putting aside what he was carrying now, there were already two large bags stuffed in the car.

He really didn't understand why she had to buy more than twenty tea cups for three and nine yuan. (End of chapter)

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