Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 920 What should I do if my friend’s book is copied?

She has always felt that Gu Jingyan is different from other men. He is not the kind of person who judges people by their appearance. He knows how to appreciate the soul of everyone.

The only difference between her and Gu Jingyan was the time they spent together.

She just didn't expect that Gu Jingyan would even say to break off the engagement, and Han Ruoxing was already in a heated fight with Mo Mingxuan, and she could still pester Gu Jingyan so shamelessly. She was indeed a woman from a small family and had no shame.

Su Wanqin didn't know what she was thinking, so she calmed down and said, There are many good men in this world. Gu Jingyan and Han Ruoxing are not involved. They are not your good match. You should take your heart back as soon as possible. Now she is only focused on Gu Jingyan. This is your opportunity, you might as well put your energy into Caline and get a firm foothold as soon as possible. Equity is equity, and what people want is the most important.

Song Jiayu was in a lack of interest, and Gu Jingyan couldn't think of anything now. It was the time when she could get close to her, and she didn't want to spend her energy elsewhere. Caline had her mother here, so she wasn't worried that Han Ruoxing could take it away.

Over the years, her mother's connections have penetrated deeply into every corner of Caline. Even if Han Ruoxing is the daughter of the founder, she may not be able to shake her mother's position.

So she prefers to spend time with Gu Jingyan. After all, this may be her only chance.

But speaking, she did not dare to disobey Su Wanqin. She lowered her eyes and said, I know, Mom.

After he finished speaking, he asked again, Mom, who sent you a text message during dinner tonight?

Su Wanqin paused and said calmly, Harassing text messages.

Song Jiayu said Oh. She felt that her mother had lied. Song Wanqian didn't notice it while eating, but she saw it.

The mother, who had always been steady and calm despite the collapse of the mountain, saw a trace of panic in her eyes when she saw the text message.

What is it that even she has to hide?


Early the next morning, Song Tianjun took a private plane to Country M.

Before leaving, he called Han Ruoxing and asked her if there was anything she wanted.

Gu Jingyan heard Han Ruoxing muttering about a basketful of things here, with such an attitude that he wanted to bring all the specialties there.

Really not polite at all.

Song Tianjun had a very good temper. He took note of it as she spoke, and finally asked, Did Gu Jingyan treat you harshly? Why did he buy all daily necessities?

It's okay to treat me harshly. After all, I'm a guest now. I can't let the host prepare everything. I should prepare all the toothpaste, toothbrush, towels, and even the quilt. After all, it's good if they can take care of me. .”

Gu Jingyan...

Do you dare to be more obvious about the yin and yang?

Song Tianjun understood and followed her words, It's not surprising. Where can someone who can hang out with Shen Qingchuan be so generous? It's fine if you take care of yourself. Don't be picky. You have hands and feet, but you're pregnant. As a child, it’s easy to carry two buckets of water.”

Han Ruoxing responded, What my brother said is that I ask for too much.

Gu Jingyan...

Song Tianjun laughed and said, Okay, I'll hang up then. I'll contact you when we get there.

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, Brother, be careful in everything. I hope you come back soon.


After hanging up the phone, Han Ruoxing went upstairs.

Gu Jingyan stopped her, You... wait a moment.

Han Ruoxing turned around, What are you doing?

Gu Jingyan cleared his throat and said, Go to the mall and buy something with me.

Han Ruoxing immediately turned her head back, No, I'm only cultivating a relationship with you and preparing to provide a pair of qualified parents for my children. I'm not responsible for accompanying you shopping.

Gu Jingyan...

one million.

Han Ruoxing paused, turned his head and put on a serious smile, Galaxy Plaza, Century Plaza, Bai Yao Trading, Taikoo Li, where do you want to go? By driving yourself or taking a taxi. If you want to take a taxi, I will contact you now.

Gu Jingyan...

The way she spoke was indescribably flattering. Gu Jingyan hated that kind of flattering face the most, but when Han Ruoxing said these words, not only did he not dislike it, he even felt a faint sense of pleasure in his heart.

So cute and tight.

He put his fist against his lips, coughed slightly, looked away, and said calmly, Let's drive there, you choose the place.

Then go to Baiyao Trading. It's cost-effective.

Gu Jingyan responded.

Han Ruoxing made a gesture of invitation, Mr. Gu, please move upstairs and I will help you change.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips, One million is not enough, do you want to take advantage of it?

Han Ruoxing originally said it in a joke and didn't think too much about it, but when Gu Jingyan said this, she suddenly felt that the word changing clothes was extremely ambiguous, and her ears turned red immediately, but she had to keep her posture steady.

Then he cleared his throat and said, Mr. Gu has a heavenly appearance and a body of a dragon and a phoenix. I am lucky to be able to admire him. As the saying goes, don't take advantage of the bastard...

Gu Jingyan narrowed his eyes, Is this how you teach yourself about prenatal care?

Han Ruoxing paused and said, Don't take advantage of turtle eggs.

Gu Jingyan...

Gu Jingyan didn't know whether he was angry or vulgar, so he glared at her and went upstairs to change clothes.


The news that Han Ruoxing was staying at Gu Jingyan's house soon spread in the circle.

Although it was said to be helping Gu Jingyan recover his memory, everyone's understanding was that wasn't this just preparation for marriage?

Song Wanqian loved his daughter dearly. If he hadn't identified Gu Jingyan as his son-in-law, he probably wouldn't have let his daughter live there, right?

It's just that the romance between Han Ruoxing and Mo Mingxuan was very popular, and the Mo family seemed to have the idea of ​​​​marriage, but now I don't know how to feel.

The messages in the group flashed rapidly one by one.

Mo Mingxuan looked at the messages in the group and turned off his phone.

Lawyer Mo, are you with that big star?

The new assistant asked curiously while delivering the documents.

Mo Mingxuan raised his eyes with a gentle expression, We are just friends.

The assistant was a little disappointed, I thought you two were together. Don't you like her?

Mo Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, then lowered his eyes and said very softly, I like it.

The cell phone rang on the table, and there was another text message from Mo's mother, which was another girl's information on the blind date.

He was a little irritated, but just then Yang Yuwei sent a message, Barrister, I have a question for you, what should I do if my friend's book has been copied?

Mo Mingxuan paused, thought for a moment, and asked, Miss Yang, can we meet and discuss it in detail? I happen to have something I want to ask you for help with.

Yang Yuwei was a little surprised and nodded, Okay.

The meeting place for the two was set at a Chinese restaurant not far from Mo Mingxuan's law firm.

Yang Yuwei arrived first.

I didn't order anything, so I sat at the window seat and waited for him.

It's the twelfth lunar month of winter, the weather is freezing, and today there are rare snowflakes. The snow is not heavy, and it melts instantly when it falls on the ground. However, it makes the ground wet and brings up mud and water when walking, which is annoying. (End of chapter)

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