After all, the old lady was old. Even if she exerted all her strength, it was far less painful than when Zhong Meilan hit Lin Shu just now.

But Zhong Meilan was in her fifties, and the act of being slapped was more humiliating, so even though it didn't hurt much, she was still blinded by the slap.

She covered her face and looked at the old lady in disbelief, Mom?

The old lady had a gloomy face, Something happened to Jingyan. If Lin Shu and others hadn't helped him stabilize the team, how would Jingyan still have a place in the company when he came back? How would you have the chance to be your Mrs. Gu?!

Lin Shu...and all the employees in Jiang Sheng, they all get paid based on their ability, they are not your servants Zhong Meilan, you can beat them up and scold them if you want! You are destroying the reputation of my Gu family!

Zhong Meilan's face turned green and red for a long time. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and said, Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong.

The old lady said with a cold face, It's not me you should apologize to, but Lin Shu.

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands, turned to Lin Shu and muttered, I'm sorry.

Lin Shu didn't speak, but said to the old lady, Old lady, I'm going back first.

Wait a minute, the old lady stopped him, Lin Shu, come with me and take care of the injury on your face before leaving.

Lin Shu responded, stepped forward and pushed the old lady to leave.

Zhong Meilan stared at the backs of the two men with a sullen face, clenching her fists tightly.

After walking far away, the old lady sighed, Lin Shu, you have been wronged.

Lin Shu shook his head, Old madam, there is no need for you to tarnish Ms. Zhong's face for me. She is Mr. Gu's mother after all.

The old lady smiled and said, You are two years younger than Jingyan, and you talk in an old-fashioned way. Even if Jingyan doesn't remember things, he won't be indiscriminate. You protect the team for Jingyan, and I have to protect him for him. you.

Lin Shu's heart softened. He lowered his eyes and was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he said, I don't know when Mr. Gu will recover.

let it go.

The old lady sighed and suddenly said, Lin Shu, do you have a girlfriend?

Lin Shu?

Is this topic jumping a little too fast?

But facing the old lady, he still said honestly, No.

In his job, he works overtime with his boss until midnight for a month and a half, and for the other half of the month he has to help his boss chase his ex-wife, so he doesn't have time to talk to his girlfriend.

Six years after graduation, they dated three times and broke up with each other three times, and the reasons for each were the same - he was too busy with work and had no time to spend with them.

After three things went wrong, he started not even going on blind dates. He happened to be busy with work, so he had the perfect reason to refuse.

It's just that the mother at home is pressing harder every year, and Lin Shu can't help but get a headache when he mentions this topic.

He really likes to watch Mr. Gu and his wife fall in love, but he really doesn't have much confidence himself.

After all, the probability of meeting a soulmate who is compatible in all aspects is too low, and the time cost is high. At his age, he is no longer willing to spend time to please a girl and work hard to build a relationship like when he was in school. After all, With this time, he could double his winnings.

The old lady asked, Do you want me to be urged at home?

Lin Shu sighed, Every festive season must urge you to get married.

The old lady smiled and asked, What do you think of Jingyang?

Lin Shu...

Miss Jingyang... is quite young. She is about the same age as my cousin. She has a similar personality. She is quite likable when she is quiet.

old lady……

Lin Shu, this ghost, is really good at talking!

Quite young—not the right age.

She's the same age as my cousin - I consider her my sister.

Likeable when he's quiet - I can't resist him normally.

Summary - Don't mess with the rules.

The old lady pretended not to understand what he meant and said slowly, I heard that you have been taking Jingyang in the company for the past two months. She has made a lot of progress now. This child is used to being arrogant and will not listen to anyone. How can he After teaching her to be like this, it seems that she still approves of you.

Lin Shu said, Ms. Jingyang is smart and perceptive. She used to be just playful, but now she has taken it back and her progress has been rapid. She doesn't listen to me more. It's mainly because of Mr. Gu's intimidation.

Lin Shu looked like he was avoiding him, which made the old lady a little depressed.

Then he asked directly, Lin Shu, do you look down on Jingyang?

Lin Shu practiced Tai Chi, I am very optimistic about Miss Jingyang. As long as she maintains her status quo, she will achieve great results in the future.

Okay! The old lady glared at him, Are you so unwilling to be my grandson-in-law?

Lin Shu was at a loss for words, and after a long while he sighed, Old madam, emotional matters are about your own will. I regard Miss Jingyang as my sister. I have no other ideas except that. Miss Jingyang must be the same.

Emotions can be cultivated, the old lady said, Do you dislike Jingyang's perverse personality? This child is not bad in nature, but he has been led bad by others. My health is getting worse day by day, and I always want to put their siblings in a good place. I’m not worried about Jingyan, he has his own opinion and responsibility, what I’m worried about now is Jingyang.”

I can't leave her marriage to her unreliable mother. I'm afraid she will harm Jingyang. I really like your child. You are hard-working, motivated, good-hearted, and responsible. If Jingyang can marry It’s her blessing to give it to you.”

Lin Shu lowered his eyes and did not answer.

The old lady waved her hand, That's all. If you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say anything. I'll look for you later.

Lin Shu sighed in his heart.

Gu Jingyang always said that the old lady was partial, but in fact everyone was her pet peeve. Zhong Meilan only thought about using the child to benefit herself, but what the old lady thought about was whether their brother and sister could be happy in their future lives.

She didn't care if Mr. Gu and his wife were a good match back then, and now she doesn't care if Gu Jingyang's marriage partner is a good match, otherwise he wouldn't say these things to a working-class person like him who has climbed up from the bottom.

To be honest, Gu Jingyang's appearance was actually Lin Shu's aesthetic point of view, but he didn't dare to compliment her character at all.

Whoever loves this blessing should want it.

After Song Jiayu finished her meal, Gu Jingyan asked someone to take her back. He stood in the yard for a while, then turned around and went to the stables.

The horse trainer had just fed the horse, and when he saw Gu Jingyan, he said hello, Master.

Gu Jingyan nodded in response, walked to a group of brown-red horses, and asked the horse trainer, Master Xu, this horse was frightened while running just now. Please help to find out what's going on. Is it injured or something else? .”

That batch of brown-red horses was the one Han Ruoxing was riding.

The trainer responded, took the horse out of the stable, and inspected it carefully.

He quickly came to the conclusion, Master, the horse is not injured. It is probably due to stress.

Stress? Gu Jingyan frowned, If these horses have not all gone through desensitization training, how can they be stressed?

It's not because of ordinary sounds or other stress. It was injured before. When you were riding, maybe the reins or something else touched its previous wound. It was just a subconscious reaction. (End of Chapter)

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