As soon as Han Ruoxing left, Lin Shubian and Zhong Meilan came back with Coco.

Lin Shu was holding Ke Ke, and the two of them looked cheerful, especially Ke Ke, who was holding Lin Shu and talking to Uncle Lin, chattering and asking questions. On the other hand, Zhong Meilan's face was almost dragged to the ground.

Especially the way she looked at Lin Shu, her displeasure was mixed with a hint of anger.

When entering, Lin Shu handed over the household registration procedures he had just completed for Coco to Zhong Meilan.

Zhong Meilan took it, looked at him coldly, endured all the words, and finally said, Lin Shu, you are really good! You lied to all of us!

Lin Shu pretended to be confused, Madam, where did you start talking about this? What did I lie to you?

Zhong Meilan gritted her teeth and said, You have been misleading me that Keke is Jingyan's daughter! If not, I-

Zhong Meilan did not continue.

Her original plan was to use Coco as an excuse to annul Gu Jingyan's previous will and kick Han Ruoxing out of the inheritance.

Unexpectedly, Coco was not Gu Jingyan's daughter. Instead, she was accused of stealing the inheritance because of this incident.

Although Gu Jingyan couldn't remember what happened before, the exposure of Coco made him obviously very unhappy.

Early this morning, at the unanimous request of Gu Jingyan and the old lady, she took Coco to apply for adoption.

When the procedure is completed, Coco will become Gu Jingyan's adopted daughter.

She was extremely annoyed that she had not been able to get what she wanted and that she had put herself in such a situation.

Lin Shu said lightly, I never said that Keke was Mr. Gu's daughter. It was you who heard Keke calling Mr. Gu's father and thought that she was Mr. Gu's daughter.

Zhong Meilan was choked, But you didn't explain it either!

Lin Shu asked her, Why should I explain a child's joke? Besides, you didn't tell me what you wanted to do with Coco?

Keke never knew about Mr. Gu's disappearance. You brought her to the scene without saying hello and put on mourning. You should be lucky that the child was not frightened. Otherwise, you should consider how to explain to Mr. Gu.

Zhong Meilan turned pale with anger, You - how dare you talk to me like that, don't forget whose salary you are getting!

Lin Shu spoke calmly, My labor contract was signed with Jiang Sheng. Why, is my wife one of Jiang Sheng's shareholders now?

This sentence hit Zhong Meilan's pain point immediately.

Each of the descendants of the Gu family has more or less shares in Jiang Sheng. Even the younger generations like Gu Jingyang and Gu Jingran who have not made any achievements in the company were given 1% of Jiang Sheng's shares when they were born.

No matter who is at the helm of the Gu family in the future, these one percent shares can always receive Jiang Sheng's dividends, but if they want to be sold, they can only be sold to the person at the helm of the Gu family. This is a rule set by the family.

If this was the case, Zhong Meilan would not be so unwilling. However, a few years ago, when Jiang Sheng was reorganized, several Jiang Sheng elders wanted to sell their shares. At that time, she wanted Gu Jingyan to spend money to buy back those shares and put them in the in her name, but was rejected by Gu Jingyan.

Those shares were finally bought back by Song Qingyun. Although the total amount was less than 1%, for a group as big as Jiangsheng, even if it was only 0.1%, tens of millions a year would not be a problem.

Because of this incident, she often quarreled with Gu Jingyan, and Lin Shu's mention of this incident was like poking her heart.

The entire Gu family, even Song Qingyun, has shares in Jiang Sheng, but she does not. Isn't this a clear irony?

Zhong Meilan was so angry that she suddenly raised her hand and slapped Lin Shu with such force that her palms were numb.

She gritted her teeth and said, You are just a dog raised by the Gu family. After a long time, you can't even correct your identity?

Lin Shu tilted his head, his ears buzzed, and the left side of his face became numb.

Coco was startled, pushed Zhong Meilan's leg, and shouted, Don't hit Uncle Lin!

Zhong Meilan was so annoyed that she pushed Cocoa casually, Go away you bastard!

As a result, Coco was pushed to the ground and his forehead hit the corner of the flower bed, and he was immediately bruised.

The little girl was in pain and immediately started crying.

The sound alarmed the old lady who was walking in the garden in a very good mood. She asked Uncle Qin to push her over. As soon as she came, she saw Lin Shu supporting Coco. The child was crying so hard that his face was red and pale, so pitiful.

what happened?

The old lady frowned and shouted.

Coco shouted grandma with red eyes, then hugged Lin Shu's leg and sobbed softly.

Zhong Meilan didn't expect the old lady to be in the yard, so her expression changed slightly, but she quickly pretended that nothing happened and said, The child was unsteady when he walked and fell. He cried for Lin Shu to comfort him. Mom, , why did you come out?

Lin Shu lowered his eyes and stroked Coco's head without saying anything to expose her.

The old lady glanced at Zhong Meilan and said calmly, Come out and get some air, and then looked at Lin Shu, Lin Shu, have you completed the application procedures?

Lin Shu nodded, When the documents are confirmed, just go over and handle it.

As soon as he raised his head, the old lady saw the slap marks on Lin Shu's face, and she immediately frowned, Lin Shu, what's wrong with your face?

Lin Shu said, It's okay, I accidentally touched it when I got off the car.

As soon as he finished speaking, Coco shouted, No, Uncle Lin was beaten by the old witch!

old lady? ? ?

Who is the old witch?

Coco pointed at Zhong Meilan, That's her! Grandma, she was the one who beat Uncle Lin, and she even called Uncle Lin a dog!

You kid, why are you talking nonsense!

A cold sweat broke out on Zhong Meilan's back, and she hurriedly defended herself, Mom, don't listen to the kid's nonsense. I just had a quarrel with Lin Shu, and she thought I was bullying Lin Shu.

Coco said, I didn't lie, Grandma, she said Uncle Lin...

Coco has a particularly good memory and almost completely repeated what Zhong Meilan just said.

Not only the words were the same, but she even imitated Chung Mei-lan's tone and demeanor 100%.

The old lady has been in a relationship with Zhong Meilan’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for thirty years. How could she not know what kind of character Zhong Meilan is?

After listening to Coco's words, the old lady said nothing and raised her hand to wave her over.

Coco walked up to the old lady's wheelchair and whispered, Grandma, you have to vent your anger on Uncle Lin's behalf.

The old lady rubbed her head and said, Good boy, you go back with Grandpa Qin to wash your face first, and then Grandma has a word with your Uncle Lin.

Keke nodded and was led away by Uncle Qin.

Zhong Meilan was worried, fearing that the old lady would believe the dead child's words, so she whispered, Mom...

The old lady raised her arm and said, Help me up.

When Zhong Meilan heard this, she thought the old lady was trying to protect her. She quickly stepped forward and bent down to help the old lady up. As soon as she stretched out her hand, the old lady slapped her in the face. (End of chapter)

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