Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 888 Are both pregnant with your children?

Gu Jingyan paused and asked, Has the horse been injured?

When you competed with Master Mo before, Master Mo was riding this horse. The horse lost control because of an injury. Here on its neck...

The horse trainer said as he pushed the horse's head up and showed the hair under the neck to Gu Jingyan, There is a long gash between here. I don't know what it was. It could be a nail or something. It was scratched by something. As soon as the reins were tightened, the wound deepened and the horse was in pain, so it became restless and lost control.

The wound is difficult to recover from. It took a month to heal. There are still some areas where there is no hair. When you were riding today, you must have strangled it here, which is why it reacted so badly.

The horse trainer has been getting along with these horses all year round and has a very deep relationship. He was worried that Gu Jingyan would sell the horse or destroy it humanely, so he interceded for the horse, Master, this horse is usually very docile and clingy. It has also taken Champion, if it hadn’t been injured, it would definitely not be like that. Give me some time and I will train it well.”

Gu Jingyan came to his senses, pursed his lips and said, I don't even remember what you said. Was Mingxuan injured at that time?

You saved him in time. Master Mo was not injured, but your arm was dislocated.

Gu Jingyan was silent for a moment and said, Fortunately, nothing big happened today. If there is another time, just send this horse away. Don't keep a horse that hurts people.

The trainer immediately assured, There will never be a next time.

Gu Jingyan stood there, staring at the horse's wound for a while, then turned and left.

Here, on the way back, Han Ruoxing called Dr. Jin.

Doctor Jin, are you in Jiangcheng now?

Yes, I would like to consult you on some matters. Is that convenient?

Okay, then I'll send you your location when I get there.

After hanging up the phone, Han Ruoxing drove to a Chinese restaurant not far from where Dr. Jin gave his lecture.

After waiting for a while, Dr. Jin came.

The two ordered their dishes, and when the waiter went out to prepare the dishes, Han Ruoxing whispered, Dr. Jin, I may be pregnant.

Dr. Jin was stunned and said, That's a good thing. Have you gone to the hospital for a checkup?

Han Ruoxing shook her head, I just took a pregnancy test yesterday, and one line was deep and the other was shallow. Something happened today, and I didn't have time to go to the hospital to check.

Dr. Jin said with a serious expression, The accuracy of the pregnancy test stick is very high. There should be no difference. One line is deep and the other is shallow. It should be caused by low hormone levels in the early stages of pregnancy. You have to go to the hospital for a checkup quickly. Don't dare to neglect it.

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips, But my lover has a vasectomy, how could I get pregnant?

Dr. Jin was stunned, Hasn't he had the recovery surgery yet?

Han Ruoxing shook his head.

Dr. Jin frowned and thought for a while, and then said, Either the operation failed, or he didn't do it at all.

Han Ruoxing thought for a moment and still felt that the first one was more likely.

If Gu Jingyan had told him that he had a sterilization when he was sober, she would have felt that this guy had lied to her, but when he told her that he had a sterilization, he was simply drunk.

Gu Jingyan couldn't lie when he was drunk, and they were divorced at that time, so there was no need for him to lie to her like that.

Damn it, it was the quack doctor he found who performed the ligation. The operation failed, and I don’t know if it had any impact on his body.

Thinking of this, Han Ruoxing asked Dr. Jin about his worries.

Dr. Jin waved his hand and said, If the operation fails, at most it means that it cannot prevent pregnancy. It usually won't have any impact. If you are worried, you can take him to the hospital for a checkup sometime.

Han Ruoxing nodded, I understand, thank you Dr. Jin.

Doctor Jin waved his hand, What matters now is you. You hurry up and get checked. You are pregnant before your body has fully recovered. If there is a problem, you must protect the fetus in time.

Han Ruoxing was not that nervous at first, but when Dr. Jin said this, she suddenly became nervous. She didn't even eat a few mouthfuls of food before she called Tang Xiaoxiao and asked her to come over and accompany her for a check-up.

She forgot to tell her not to take Shen Qingchuan with her yet, so Tang Xiaoxiao came with Shen Qingchuan.

When getting in the car, Han Ruoxing whispered to Tang Xiaoxiao, Why did you bring him here?

Before Tang Xiaoxiao could say anything, Shen Qingchuan said, Sister-in-law, if I don't come, you go to the hospital for a check-up, and the results haven't come out yet. You are unmarried and pregnant, and you are in the news. As long as I am here, I guarantee that the news will suppress you. of.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, He bought an expired pregnancy test stick, so he should be responsible for the aftermath.

Han Ruoxing whispered, As long as you are here, the media may not be able to photograph it, but with your mouth, I guess everyone will know it before the results come out.

Shen Qingchuan was speechless, Don't talk nonsense, I have a very strict mouth!

Han Ruoxing had an expression on her face that said, Do you think I believe it?

Tang Xiaoxiao asked, Axing, what do you think? If you are pregnant, aren't you going to tell Gu Jingyan?

Han Ruoxing said, I will tell him, but not now. Before that, I don't want news about this matter to get out.

He looked at Shen Qingchuan and said, He is just a flaw.

Shen Qingchuan...

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately glared at Shen Qingchuan fiercely, Hurry up and swear that you are not allowed to tell anything about what happened today!

Shen Qingchuan was helpless, what should he do if he met someone whose best friend was more important than his boyfriend?

Of course I'm used to it.

So she said, I swear, I will not take the initiative to say a word about anything that happens today, otherwise I will not make a penny in the future.

As he spoke, he glanced at Tang Xiaoxiao in the rearview mirror and said, Baby, it's okay to swear such a vicious oath.

Tang Xiaoxiao added, You can add one more thing, if you tell me, you will be a cuckold for the rest of your life!

Shen Qingchuan's eyelids twitched, Can you find a reasonable excuse for your cheating?

Tang Xiaoxiao glared at him, Bah, between us, you seem to be the more likely to cheat! He urged, Hurry up! Otherwise I will take back the opportunity I gave you!

Shen Qingchuan was speechless, Okay, okay, I say okay.

After Shen Qingchuan finished swearing, the three of them went to the city hospital noisily.

Shen Qingchuan's eldest brother is a doctor, and he really didn't lie about this.

His eldest brother is the chief physician of the gastroenterology department and is very popular in the hospital. Shen Qingchuan called someone on the road and asked him to open a green channel. A friend wanted to go for a check-up and not be photographed by the media.

His brother readily agreed, and when they arrived at the hospital, Shen Qingchuan's brother came.

As soon as he appeared, Tang Xiaoxiao recognized Shen Qingchuan's eldest brother among the three doctors at a glance.

There is no other reason, because the eyes look so similar.

The eldest brother is not as tall as Shen Qingchuan, but he is not short either. He is the tallest among the three doctors. He is tall and thin, wears glasses, and has a serious expression. Like the dean, Tang Xiaoxiao felt a little nervous.

The eldest brother came over, looked at the two ladies who came with Shen Qingchuan, adjusted his glasses, and asked, Are they both pregnant with your children? (End of Chapter)

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