After Song Jiayu landed, the two of them didn't run far before they stopped.

Han Ruoxing turned around and wanted to say something to Gu Jingyan, but the latter didn't even look at her and walked straight towards Song Jiayu.

Han Ruoxing tightened her grip on the reins, turned over and dismounted.

Song Jiayu's hand was scratched, but there were no other injuries. After all, the speed had slowed down. It was just a roll when he landed on the ground, which was not too serious.

However, there was still some fright. Han Ruoxing had also seen how scary it was when the horse was jolted when he first learned to ride a horse.

She sat on the ground, her eyes red, looking like she was about to cry. When she saw Gu Jingyan, her aggrievedness was even worse, and she couldn't help but call, Brother Gu...

Gu Jingyan said nothing, squatted down and took her hand, whispering, Move your limbs and see if you can move.

Han Ruoxing's face was grim.

At such a slow speed, what kind of osteoporosis would it take to prevent me from moving?

Song Jiayu leaned on Gu Jingyan, followed his instructions, moved his arms, and moved his legs. After making sure that the joints were not injured, Gu Jingyan said, Besides your hands, do you feel any pain anywhere?

Song Jiayu shook her head with red eyes and said hoarsely, Brother Gu, I'm so scared...

It's okay, it's okay... Gu Jingyan comforted in a low voice.

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips, suddenly feeling that she was a little redundant here.

She wanted to turn around and leave, but Song Jiayu suddenly stopped her, Ruoxing, you can obviously tame Junjun, why did you lie? Did you deliberately trick me into getting on the horse?

Han Ruoxing looked at her coldly, When did I tell you that I didn't tame it?

Song Jiayu calmed down now and figured out the whole story.

His tone also became sharper, You said Junjun only lets Brother Gu and Grandma touch him. Doesn't that mean he won't let you touch him? He will listen to you even if you whistle. How could he not let you touch him?

That's because you misunderstood. What I said was that only the two of them can touch each other after we take him back home. I mean that only the two of them can touch the Gu family. I am not a Gu family member.

Song Jiayu...

She looked ugly, Are you playing word games with me?

Han Ruoxing laughed and said, Sister Jiayu, you have to ride the horse yourself. I have advised you many times. I said that Junjun has a strong temper and is difficult to control, but you are against me and insist on riding. If you don't control it now, something will happen, and it will still be on my head. If I had known this, I should not have saved you just now, and you would be killed or crippled, it all depends on God's will!

Gu Jingyan frowned, That's enough! Don't speak so meanly!

Not enough! Han Ruoxing was furious, You blind dog who doesn't distinguish between good and bad! She wants to show off herself and show off her skills in front of you, but she makes a fool of herself. Do you have to blame me? I'm really sick. Go save her. she!

The corners of Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched. Did he blame her for what happened just now?

Han Ruoxing was too lazy to stay with the two of them, and even looking at them made her angry. After scolding them, she didn't even look at Gu Jingyan's ugly face, and left with a sullen face.

angry? You are so angry! She is still angry!

After Han Ruoxing left, Song Jiayu said, Brother Gu, it's my fault. Ruoxing is right. She kept persuading me not to ride. It was me who didn't listen to her advice. I fell down and talked nonsense. Go and chase her. Ruoxing, apologize to her.

What's my fault? Why should I apologize to her? Gu Jingyan said angrily, I'm so angry that I can't even say a word.

Song Jiayu lowered her eyes and whispered, It's also my fault that what I just said angered her.

Gu Jingyan said expressionlessly, It has nothing to do with you. Every time I see her, she feels like she's eaten a firecracker. She's probably a firecracker.

Song Jiayu...

After Song Jiayu's wounds were treated, the two returned to the villa.

The old lady was talking to Han Ruoxing in the living room. When she heard the voice, Han Ruoxing, who was originally smiling, suddenly changed his expression and his eyes became cold and indifferent.

She looked away, turned to the old lady and said, Grandma, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I'll go back first.

The old lady said, The meal is almost ready. Grandma specially asked someone to cook some of your favorite dishes. You can leave after eating.

Han Ruoxing said, I can't make it to grandma. I made an appointment with my friend to meet at 12:30 noon. It would be too late to go after eating. It would be bad for my work partners to be late.

When the old lady saw what she said, she stopped trying to persuade her, Then I'll ask your Aunt Qin to pack your favorite dishes. You can take them with you when you leave later and take them home to eat, right?

Han Ruoxing was helpless, You've said so, can I still refuse?

The old lady was very happy and pulled her and said, Let's go, grandma will take you to the kitchen, and we will pack whatever you like.

As he spoke, he took Han Ruoxing and took two steps. Then he remembered something and turned to Gu Jingyan, Jingyan, take Jiayu and wash your hands. Dinner will be served later.

Song Jiayu felt a little uncomfortable. The old lady obviously treated her like a guest, and she was even closer to Han Ruoxing than her own granddaughter.

Gu Jingyan glanced in the direction of the kitchen, and then said to Song Jiayu, Come with me.

Song Jiayu lowered his eyes and responded.

Aunt Qin and her helpers are busy in the kitchen. There are many dishes prepared on the stove, which are colorful and delicious.

Aunt Qin's craftsmanship is as good as Xiaoxiao's, otherwise Shen Qingchuan, an old man, wouldn't have been able to enjoy the meal for so long when he was a child.

While the old lady was directing people to pack, she asked Han Ruoxing, Ruoxing, do you like eel porridge?

Han Ruoxing said, I've never drank this before.

The old lady opened a ceramic pot and said, Aunt Qin made it herself, and added broth to it. I think it tastes good. You can smell it.

Before Han Ruoxing even got close, she smelled the fishy smell and immediately felt like retching. She hurriedly covered her mouth and stood aside. It took a long time to suppress the nausea.

The old lady was stunned for a moment, Ruoxing, what's wrong with you?

Han Ruoxing shook his head, It's okay. It's just that I may have a bad gastrointestinal condition recently and I'm a little sensitive to meat and fish. I feel like vomiting when I smell it.

The old lady's face changed slightly.

She closed the lid, looked at Han Ruoxing with a cautious expression, and asked tentatively, How long has this been going on?

Han Ruoxing frowned, It's been a week, I can't remember clearly. I haven't calculated it carefully.

The old lady was calculating the days in her mind, and her eyes suddenly became unpredictable.

You haven't taken any medicine, have you?

Han Ruoxing said, It's just a minor problem, no need to take medicine.

The old lady didn't say anything, but greeted her, Look, if there is any other dish you want to eat, grandma will ask someone to serve it to you.

Han Ruoxing smiled and shook her head, That's enough, grandma, this is enough for me.

Okay, then tell grandma what you want to eat next time. Grandma asked Aunt Qin to make it and send it to you.

Han Ruoxing did not refuse, Thank you, grandma.

After seeing Han Ruoxing off, the old lady suddenly smiled, and Uncle Qin asked her what was wrong.

The old lady shook her head, and after a while she murmured, It's such a big circle... (End of Chapter)

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