Gu Jingyan glanced at her and sneered, Blowing it works so well, are you blowing it with fairy energy?

That's right, Han Ruoxing said without changing her expression, You used to say that I was a fairy. Isn't what the fairy blows out just the fairy energy?

Gu Jingyan...

Nonsense! How could I say such disgusting words?

Han Ruoxing clicked her tongue and said, Where are you from? The disgusting words you said to me are much more disgusting than this.

Gu Jingyan looked unbelieving, You should tell me, what disgusting words did I say to you?

That's too much. For example, why can't you live without me? How can you only love me in this life? How can you live and die with me? Especially what...

Gu Jingyan didn't understand, What?

Han Ruoxing wanted to get close to his ear, but Gu Jingyan stretched out his hand to block her, Stand there and say.

Han Ruoxing said, It's not convenient to say it here.

Gu Jingyan unscrewed the water cup and said calmly, What's the inconvenience? Tell me!

Han Ruoxing curled her lips, Especially during sex, she likes to call me baby, saying I'm soft and sweet, and she's willing to die on my body...

Pfft - cough cough -

Gu Jingyan just drank the water in his mouth. Half of it spurted out and the other half choked in his throat. He coughed until his face and neck turned red.

Han Ruoxing walked over, worriedly helped him along his back, and said a little aggrievedly, I'm just saying it's inconvenient to say, but if you insist on me telling you, you don't even remember me. In your mind, you must still be a virgin. This kind of topic is so exciting for you.

Gu Jingyan's ears turned red from coughing, and he stared at her with shame and annoyance. He gritted his teeth for a long time and said, You are so ahem... vulgar!

Han Ruoxing rolled her eyes in her heart. She lost her memory and became an innocent male college student. The two of them used to drive much faster than this.

I'm vulgar, I'm vulgar, please stop coughing, the wound will open in a while.

Gu Jingyan glared at her angrily, That's your fault too!

Blame me, blame me, Han Ruoxing had a good temper. What she was thinking now was that even if Gu Jingyan didn't know her, quarreling with her would be better than him never coming back. She said with concern, The wound is really not torn. Is it? Don’t endure any pain.

Gu Jingyan looked at her anxious and distressed look. His lips moved as if he wanted to say something. The next second, Song Jiayu's voice came, Brother Gu, I've done it.

Gu Jingyan pushed Han Ruoxing's hand away and said coldly, You don't have to worry about it.

When Song Jiayu came closer, she noticed the unusual atmosphere between the two. She asked in a low voice, Brother Gu, what's wrong with you?

Gu Jingyan said with a sullen face, It's okay.

Han Ruoxing's face didn't look very good either, and there seemed to be some unpleasantness between the two of them.

Seeing this, Song Jiayu didn't ask any questions, turned around and raised a smile, Brother Gu, I'll take Junjun to run two laps.

Gu Jingyan nodded, Be careful.

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes.

Has Gu Jingyan forgotten how difficult Junjun is to tame, or is he absolutely confident in Song Jiayu's skills?

But Junjun was willing to let Song Jiayu touch him, which she didn't expect.

Song Jiayu got on the horse and Junjun trotted into the racecourse. The new shoes jingled and jingled as he ran, making him very powerful.

Junjun ran very slowly, just like walking. Song Jiayu couldn't feel the feeling of galloping at all. She saw Gu Jingyan on horseback who seemed to be talking to Han Ruoxing again. She couldn't help but feel worried, so she whipped Junjun hard, thinking Run faster so that Gu Jingyan can focus on her.

Junjun was in pain, and he started to speed up. Gu Jingyan saw Junjun running faster, so he turned around and looked over.

Song Jiayu felt happy and whipped his horse again.

Unexpectedly, this time Junjun suddenly became crazy for some unknown reason. He began to run around the racecourse, jumping back and forth, trying to throw Song Jiayu off the horse.

Song Jiayu was jolted so hard that she almost fell off the horse. She didn't care about being cool, and hugged the horse's neck tightly, shouting Gu Jingyan's name loudly.

Gu Jingyan's expression changed and he stepped forward.

Han Ruoxing grabbed his wrist and said, You are injured.

Gu Jingyan looked tense, Jiayu will die if she falls!

Han Ruoxing's heart trembled, she clenched her hands and said hoarsely, Do you care so much about whether she is okay?

Gu Jingyan said solemnly, She saved me.

Han Ruoxing closed her eyes, Okay, I'll pay back this favor for you!

Then he pushed Gu Jingyan out of the racecourse, gritted his teeth and said, If you dare to come in, I won't care about her!

After saying that, he took another horse and turned over.

Gu Jingyan's heart tightened and he said angrily, Come back here!

Han Ruoxing turned a deaf ear, clamped the horse's belly tightly, leaned down and ran towards Song Jiayu.

Song Jiayu was already dizzy from being jolted by Junjun, but her survival instinct made her hug the horse's neck tightly.

For a second, Han Ruoxing really wanted to turn around and leave.

She didn't hate Song Jiayu for being fake. She hid Gu Jingyan for so long and turned him into this when she came back. She was like a thief who stole her life and even her lover.

The dark side in my heart kept surging, but in the end reason prevailed.

She whistled, and when Junjun heard the whistle, he immediately stopped jumping and ran towards her.

Han Ruoxing rode at a relative speed to Junjun and said loudly to Song Jiayu, Don't be stupid! Hold on to the reins!

Song Jiayu was still shocked at how Han Ruoxing's riding skills were so good, and only later did he hear what she was shouting.

She hugged the horse's neck tightly and stretched out her hands with difficulty to grab the reins, but Junjun jumped up again as if he was deliberately against her.

This time, Song Jiayu flew to the side.

Now she only had one leg hanging on the horse's back, and the other leg was almost close to the ground, and she might fall off at any time.


Han Ruoxing shouted, Good boy, don't jump, don't jump, okay?

Junjun was grabbed by the hair on his neck by Song Jiayu, otherwise he wouldn't have jumped so hard, but when he heard Han Ruoxing's voice, he stopped jumping as if he understood.

Han Ruoxing drove the horse and gradually got closer to Junjun. Finally, with Junjun's cooperation, she pulled its reins. When she tightened the reins, the horse she was riding suddenly seemed to be frightened and jerked. , the next second, Han Ruoxing's people were no longer visible on the horse.

Gu Jingyan was chasing after him on horseback. When he saw this scene, his throat tightened. The next second, he saw Han Ruoxing getting on the horse again.

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands, raised his riding whip and chased after him, then went from the other side and tightened Han Ruoxing's reins.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at him. Gu Jingyan said with a stern face, Why are you standing there? Save people!

Han Ruoxing tightened her grip on Junjun's reins and exerted force. The little guy's speed finally slowed down and gradually turned into a trot.

Exhausted, Song Jiayu finally let go of his hand and fell from Junjun's body. (End of chapter)

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