Tang Xiaoxiao also hesitated. After all, she had no experience.

So while reading the manual, I checked Baidu.

But Shen Qingchuan was one step ahead, It says it's a weak positive, it could be early pregnancy, or it could be biochemical pregnancy. To put it simply, as long as there are two positive tests, no matter how deep or shallow it is, the probability of you getting pregnant is very high. If you're not sure, you're worried. , you can wait two or three days and take another test, or you can go directly to the hospital for a test.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately hugged Han Ruoxing excitedly, Ancestor, my ancestor! You have a little ancestor! Oh my god, I'm going to be a godmother hahahahahaha...

Han Ruoxing still couldn't come to her senses, even a little unbelievable.

She stretched out her hand to hold down Tang Xiaoxiao, who was jumping around. My dear, check if the pregnancy test stick has expired? How can I be pregnant?

Yes, how is that possible? Gu Jingyan's sterilization was done, where could she get pregnant?

Why is it impossible? Are you stupidly happy? Tang Xiao joked, but he still took a box in his pocket and looked at the production date. At this sight, his face turned green.

Son of a bitch! Are you buying bargains again just to save money! These have expired for half a year!

No way, Shen Qingchuan said innocently, I even checked the production date at that time.

Tang Xiaoxiao glared and threw the box at him, See for yourself!

Shen Qingchuan took it over and saw that it was indeed expired.

He grabbed the bag of pregnancy test sticks and took them out one by one. When he looked at the end, he found that only two boxes had the latest dates, and the rest were all expired.

No wonder there is such a large-scale activity, so good is mixed with bad!

Seeing Tang Xiaoxiao's angry and disdainful expression, Shen Qingchuan was really wronged, Baby, I really looked at it, I... I looked at the two outermost ones, and then they all went in. Who knew what this black-hearted businessman was doing? Such an immoral thing.

Tang Xiaoxiao snorted, If you hadn't been trying to gain advantage, could you have been deceived?

Shen Qingchuan was unable to argue, picked up the things and gritted his teeth and said, I'll go find them!

After he left, Tang Xiaoxiao said angrily, You can't count on him if he's unreliable!

Okay, the man was careless when shopping, and he didn't mean it. I'm going to wash my hands, and let's eat.

After saying that, she turned and went to the bathroom. On the sink, there was the box of the pregnancy test stick she had just used. After washing her hands, she picked it up and wanted to throw it away. She glanced at the delivery date on it, and the next second, her movements He paused.

The one she used was within the shelf life.

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips and stared at the box for a long time. It wasn't until Tang Xiaoxiao called her that she came to her senses and threw the box into the trash can.

Early the next morning, Song Tianjun called and asked her how was it.

Han Ruoxing was still awake and asked vaguely, What's going on?

Song Tianjun......

You haven't gotten up yet?

Han Ruoxing took the phone in front of her and took a look, Isn't it only eight o'clock?

Song Tianjun was simply convinced, I thought you were so sad that you couldn't sleep last night.

Han Ruoxing laughed softly after hearing this, Brother, Gu Jingyan is back. Is there anything more reassuring than this? My sleep quality will only be better than before.

Song Tianjun said, Soon you will feel uneasy.


Jiayu went to the Gu family's old house early in the morning.

Han Ruoxing...

Gu Jingyan called her to go.

Song Tianjun stabbed her in the heart again.

Han Ruoxing turned over, He insists that he doesn't recognize me now. Even if I go, I won't welcome him. I don't want Song Jiayu to see the joke.

Aren't you afraid that they will fall in love over time? Gu Jingyan doesn't remember you.

Han Ruoxing paused, raised his eyes and asked, Brother, did Song Jiayu tell you how she found Gu Jingyan?

She said she found it on the shore five kilometers away from your accident. Gu Jingyan was unconscious at the time. He was in a coma for half a month before waking up.

Han Ruoxing lowered the corner of her mouth, Do you believe it?

Song Tianjun didn't answer, just said, It's been too long, and some traces have been found on the shore.

The implication is that whatever Song Jiayu says is whatever it is, and there is no way to tell whether it is true or false.

Han Ruoxing thought of the pregnancy test stick last night and suddenly whispered, Brother, help me prepare the gift. I'm going to the Gu family to visit the sick.

Song Tianjun smiled and said, I'm ready, just waiting for you to get up.

Han Ruoxing...

An hour later, Han Ruoxing appeared at the Gu family's old house, fully dressed.

Song Jiayu was supporting Gu Jingyan for a walk in the yard at the moment. The two of them talked a few words from time to time and looked very harmonious.

Han Ruoxing stood not far away and watched for a while until Uncle Qin called her, Miss Han.

Han Ruoxing came back to her senses and said, Uncle Qin, good morning.

Uncle Qin nodded, took the thing in her hand, and said warmly, Come with me.

Han Ruoxing thanked him and followed.

When they first entered the yard, Song Jiayu, who was still chatting and laughing, suddenly let go of Gu Jingyan's hand and said somewhat unnaturally, Ruoxing, why are you here?

Gu Jingyan turned his head and saw Han Ruoxing in an oatmeal-colored coat.

In just one night, her complexion was much better than the previous day, her face was rosy, her eyes were brighter, and even her hair was shining in the sun.

Netizens' comments about the beauty ceiling of domestic entertainment are certainly not groundless. She just needs to stand there and she is the scenery in the eyes of others.

Gu Jingyan looked at her, walked over slowly, stood in front of her, and then asked, Didn't we agree yesterday? What are you doing here?

Han Ruoxing pointed to the gift in Uncle Qin's hand, Look at the patient number.

Thank you, but that's not necessary.

Han Ruoxing glanced at this doggy man who had lost his memory and returned to the same state as before, and said calmly, It's not for you. It's not you who has the final say whether it's necessary or not, right?

Gu Jingyan?

Han Ruoxing said, glanced at Song Jiayu, and asked with a smile, Sister Jiayu, if you take care of Gu Jingyan for a day, how much will she pay you?

Song Jiayu's face suddenly became embarrassed, she clenched her hands and whispered, What kind of reward? I...I have been taking care of Brother Gu for a while. I was worried that others wouldn't take care of him, so I just came to help.

Gu Jingyan frowned and looked at Han Ruoxing, I called Jiayu here to do a favor between friends. Why does it sound so unpleasant in your mouth?

Isn't it hard to hear? Han Ruoxing looked innocent, I'm just curious. Apart from money, I really can't figure out what kind of motivation drives Sister Jiayu to put aside her status as the daughter of the Song family to serve my fiancé.

We are about to break off the engagement! Gu Jingyan reminded him friendly.

Han Ruoxing said Oh, Before the divorce, you were my fiancé and my ex-husband. I'm used to using new things. I really don't understand the psychology of those who like to use second-hand goods. Sister Jiayu, you Do you understand? (End of Chapter)

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