The insinuations of these words are really ugly.

Those who use second-hand goods look embarrassed.

The second-hand goods are even more dissatisfied, Who do you think is a second-hand goods?

Han Ruoxing paused and said, I'm definitely not talking about you.

Just as Gu Jingyan felt more at ease, he heard Han Ruoxing say, Being dumped once is called second hand, being dumped twice is called third hand. You still have one more hand.

Gu Jingyan...

Ruoxing, the relationship between Brother Gu and me is not what you think...

What's that like?

Han Ruoxing interrupted her, Let me listen.

Song Jiayu curled up her fingers, I...I just want Brother Gu to get better as soon as possible. I don't want anything else.

That's weird, can he get better faster if you're here? Are you a doctor or do you have a panacea to control his body?

Song Jiayu was choked, her face turned red, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Her appearance is somewhat bitter, and when she feels wronged, she becomes even more pitiful.

Gu Jingyan frowned, Did you eat firecrackers so early in the morning? Attack indiscriminately?

Han Ruoxing turned to look at Gu Jingyan, It's because she saved you that I have been showing mercy. As he spoke, he leaned close to Gu Jingyan's ear, lowered his voice, and said slowly in a voice that only two people could hear, Gu Jingyan, Whether you remember me or not, if you protect Song Jiayu, I will step on her. If you dare to be with Song Jiayu, I will cut off your descendants!

She spoke in a gentle and gentle manner, but the words she spoke made Gu Jingyan feel a chill in his crotch.

He didn't come back to his senses until Han Ruoxing and Uncle Qin were far away.

Brother Gu, do you want some water? Song Jiayu called him, and a gust of wind chimes sounded. Gu Jingyan was pulled back from his thoughts, and then he reached out and took the water handed over by Song Jiayu.

The other party asked in a low voice, Brother Gu, what did Ruoxing just say to you?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, It's just dirty words.

Song Jiayu observed his expression and after a while said, Let's go to the back garden for a walk.

The old lady was in the back garden. Han Ruoxing obviously came to see the old lady. She wanted to see what Han Ruoxing wanted to do.

Gu Jingyan came back, and the old lady looked better. She was sitting in a wheelchair in the back garden and directing the gardener to clean up her vegetable garden.

Take it easy! The rice seedlings are about to break!

Oh, why are you so stupid! You can't even build a vegetable shed? Why are you so clumsy at such a young age? All these young men are doing the same job, but they are not as agile as my granddaughter-in-law.

Han Ruoxing couldn't help laughing and called grandma in a low voice.

The old lady moved for a moment, then immediately returned to a serious expression, and said calmly, Coming?

Han Ruoxing responded, picked up the box in her hand, and said with her lips, Duck goods.

The old lady quickly glanced at Uncle Qin and saw that he wasn't paying attention. She coughed and said, Old Qin, make a pot of tea and prepare some pastries to bring over.

Uncle Qin responded and left.

The old lady waved, and Han Ruoxing immediately understood and stepped forward to take out the vacuum-packed duck products one by one.

The old lady's eyes shone brightly, Didn't Lao Qin notice?

Han Ruoxing said, I put dried jasmine flowers on it. Unless Uncle Qin brought a police dog over, no one would guess it.

The old lady smiled and said, You are still smart.

Han Ruoxing opened a pair of gloves and handed them to her, Grandma, how are you doing?

The old lady shook her head, I'm fine.

Are you really okay? When Jingyan disappeared, you didn't see any guests, and Uncle Qin said you couldn't get out of bed. Is this the case?

The old lady laughed and said, Ruoxing, you are so smart, how could you not guess it?

Han Ruoxing's heart sank suddenly.

It seemed that the truth was what she thought, and grandma was indeed under house arrest at that time.

I just don’t know if this is what the second uncle meant, or whether the second uncle and Zhong Meilan conspired.

She wanted to say something else, but the old lady waved her hand towards her, making a silent gesture. While putting on her gloves, she said, Didn't you go see Jingyan when you came here?

When he mentioned Gu Jingyan, he couldn't help but think of him and Song Jiayu together, which made Han Ruoxing feel upset.

He has someone with him, why should I go there? Will he make me angry by hearing those annoying words he said?

The old lady sighed, Jingyan came back this time. Not only did he not remember many things, but his temper also changed a lot. I don't know whether this difficulty is a blessing or a curse.

Han Ruoxing paused. She didn't even test the old lady's mouth yet, she just threw out the words. It seemed that she couldn't ask anything.

Han Ruoxing thought for a while and said, Grandma, I'm sorry.

The old lady raised her eyes and looked at her.

Han Ruoxing continued, I have always wanted to say sorry to you. It was me who did not hold on to Gu Jingyan. If I had been sober enough at the time, I would not have let him let go. After what happened, I actually have not dared to face it. You, luckily...luckily he's okay.

The old lady was silent for a while before speaking, It's a lie to say that I don't have any knots in my heart, but grandma has no position to blame you. You have done everything you can. I can't attribute the responsibility to you just because Jingyan didn't come back at that time. If it were me, I might not be able to do better than you.

He paused for a moment and then added, Jingyan put his final trump card with you, and you helped him defend the team, which proves that he was not wrong about the person.

Han Ruoxing lowered her eyes, gently rubbed the ring on her ring finger, and said after a long time, Grandma, I want to move back to the Royal Garden with Gu Jingyan.

The old lady hesitated, It's useless to tell me. It will only work if Jingyan is willing. He has a very stubborn temper now, and only Jiayu can persuade him.

Han Ruoxing sighed inwardly, Jiang was still too old. For such a long time, he didn't even get a useful word out of the old lady's mouth.

Ruoxing, you and Mingxuan, what's going on with you two?

The old lady suddenly said this.

Han Ruoxing came to her senses and replied, Friends.

Oh, the old lady seemed to ask casually, and chatted about something else, but the topic soon returned to Mo Mingxuan, If Jingyan never remembers it, is it possible for you and Mingxuan?

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes, Grandma, is this question you want to ask, or is it for someone else?

The old lady waved her hand, I'll just say it casually. If you want to say it, say it. If you don't want to say it, don't say it.

Han Ruoxing pondered for a moment and whispered, Even if Gu Jingyan can't remember him, even if he asks me to stay with him, I will never look back. But if he doesn't want me, I can't wait for him forever. Mingxuan is not bad either. It’s impossible, it depends on fate. ”

Gu Jingyan and Song Jiayu had just walked over when they heard Han Ruoxing's words.

Song Jiayu subconsciously looked at Gu Jingyan.

The latter pursed his lips slightly, his face expressionless, and it was impossible to tell his mood at the moment from his face.

Song Jiayu called out Brother Gu tentatively.

Gu Jingyan didn't respond, but Han Ruoxing discovered them.

She turned around and saw the two of them. Her eyes moved from Song Jiayu's hand supporting him to Gu Jingyan's face. Her eyelashes moved and she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Gu Jingyan's eyes met hers for two seconds, and then he looked away, Grandma, I want to go to the stables.

The old lady said, You haven't recovered yet and you can't ride a horse.

Gu Jingyan said, I don't ride, but Jiayu feels bored, so I'll take her to see it. (End of Chapter)

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