Do you think I'm a sow, giving birth to ten babies - bah, a devil wants to give birth to you!

Shen Qingchuan rubbed his calf and laughed muffledly for a while, then he said softly, Didn't you ask me to buy more? I am a guilty person now, how dare I disobey your orders.

Tang Xiaoxiao almost got caught in his glib words again. She glared at him and said, I told you to stay away from me, why didn't you listen?

Shen Qingchuan paused and automatically ignored this sentence. He turned to Han Ruoxing and said, Sister-in-law, go and get it checked quickly. If it's there or not, you'll feel at ease.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately stood on a united front with Shen Qingchuan, Hurry up and get tested. Don't take it for granted. What if you are really pregnant and you hurt the baby because you didn't pay attention? Just be careful.

Han Ruoxing couldn't resist the two of them, so she finally took a box and went to the bathroom.

Tang Xiaoxiao sat upright on the sofa, staring in the direction of the bathroom.

Shen Qingchuan was amused by her appearance, leaned over and whispered, Little bandit, do you like children?

I like it. I like well-behaved people, except naughty children.

When she was a child, she was particularly envious of two or three other children. Although they usually fight and fight, if they are bullied, they can form a team to fight back. If they do bad things, someone will share the punishment. More importantly, after their parents leave, they have brothers and sisters to take care of them. With this, I can help you with advice on major matters, and you won’t be alone.

So when she knew that Shen Qingchuan's hardware was damaged, she felt confused in every possible way.

It wasn't that she told Shen Qingchuan that it didn't matter if she wanted children or not. She really liked children. The moment she accepted Shen Qingchuan, his status in her heart exceeded her expectations for her future life.

That's why she was so angry when she found out that this bitch was pretending to be sick to deceive her.

Shen Qingchuan said, We have such good genes, the children we give birth to will definitely be well-behaved, sensible and not troublesome.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyelids twitched, Stop putting money on yourself. If I want to have a baby, I won't have a baby with you.

Then who are you born to, Zhao Chang?

Don't worry about it, I'm not with you anyway!

Shen Qingchuan is very persistent in discrediting his love rival, Zhao Chang has three white eyes, a flat nose, and is so ugly even after plastic surgery. If you had a child with him, how ugly would the child be? I would be different, purely original. She has a pretty body, a smooth body, and a good waist. The child we have will not be the same as a good-luck boy.

Tang Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, Do you want to be shameless? Just praise yourself when you praise yourself, and slander others? Besides, how do you know that Dr. Zhao has had plastic surgery, so he can't just have a long face?

Shen Qingchuan continued to slander, How long does it have to be to turn the swollen eyelids into double eyelids?

Tang Xiaoxiao...

She couldn't talk to Shen Qingchuan, so she could only stare at him and say, I'm too lazy to talk to you!

Shen Qingchuan stuck over and reached out to gently tap Tang Xiaoxiao's shoulder. The latter shook his shoulder vigorously, as if to shake off the dirt on it.

Shen Qingchuan wanted to laugh, so he leaned into her ear and whispered, Little bandit, I was wrong. I shouldn't have chased you in that way. You can hit me and scold me as much as you want, but don't ignore me, okay? I can't see you these days, and my heart aches. I want to see you, but I'm afraid you'll be angry when you see me, so I can only watch you secretly in the car. You've lost a lot of weight. Did I make you sad?

Stinky cucumber is really a person who can tell nonsense. It has only been a few days, but it can be seen that she has lost one or two kilograms, and she has lost a lot of weight?

Even so, she still felt a little soft-hearted because of these words. She felt that she was really too worthless, and she felt that Shen Qingchuan was really too manipulative. He could accurately find her weaknesses and take advantage of her sympathy.

When she thought that all these things were learned from other women, she felt unspeakably annoyed.

She used to think that relationships were all about looking for white paper and newspapers looking for newspapers. How could she have thought at that time that her blank paper would look for Shen Qingchuan, a newspaper.

She has a slippery tongue and a lot of thoughts. How can she handle someone with a string of guts and brains?

Rationally, she should carefully consider her relationship with Shen Qingchuan; mentally... she didn't want to be rational, and Shen Qingchuan shook her principles in just a few words.

Tang Xiaoxiao pushed Shen Qingchuan's hand away and said uncomfortably, It has nothing to do with you, I'm trying to lose weight.

You're not fat, why should you lose weight? You're too thin and unhealthy.

Tang Xiaoxiao felt that she had gained seven or eight pounds since being with him, but she was confused by Shen Qingchuan's bottomless praise.

It is a pleasure to have a partner who can always give positive feedback, whether it is true or false.

Her parents are a classic example of reverse emotional feedback.

No matter how successful her mother was in her career, her father would never say a word of praise. Instead, he would blame her for why women don't take good care of their children. Why are they always so ambitious?

When there is a problem with her career, he will say, Look, I will tell you that you can't do it. Why didn't you listen to me in the first place? If you suffer a loss, you will have a long memory.

She didn't understand before, why her parents didn't quarrel all the time like other parents' parents, and their relationship broke up, and finally they ended up getting divorced. When she started a relationship, she realized that quarreling is not terrible. The person you are with has never given you positive emotional feedback or value recognition, turning you into an emotional desert little by little.

Shen Qingchuan is a completely different person.

When her work was rejected, he would help her scold those people for their lack of vision and their ignorance of real gold.

At first, she thought he was glib and deliberately said nice things to make her happy. Until one time when the two of them were watching a drama, Shen Qingchuan blurted out a line from her script, and then said with a smile, You haven't written this line yet. She is of good quality, and if she can sell the rights to make a TV series, it will only be a matter of time for us.

Only then did she realize that he had read all her works and even remembered many of the plots.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaoxiao was suddenly stunned for a moment.

She was angry at Shen Qingchuan for cheating, but she didn't regret falling in love with him.

She turned to look at Shen Qingchuan, whose peach blossom eyes were full of tenderness, which reflected her current appearance.

do you like me?

I like it. Shen Qingchuan was particularly serious.

Tang Xiaoxiao lowered his eyes and said Oh, and after a few seconds, he said, Then you can take a look.

Shen Qingchuan was startled, then he curved his lips and said Okay.

Han Ruoxing went to the toilet before and held in her urine for a long time. It took half an hour to get out of it.

Tang Xiaoxiao heard the sound and immediately stood up and ran over, How is it? Did you hit it?

Han Ruoxing showed her the pregnancy test stick, What does it mean when one is dark and one is light? (End of Chapter)

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