She was stunned, thinking that she would give up after looking for Han Ruoxing, but she didn't at all.

Tang Xiaoxiao always felt that today's events were a bit magical. When he got home, he couldn't help but talk to Shen Qingchuan, Let's not talk about whether the handwriting and bloody clothes that Asing saw were real or fake. The time when the eldest brother of the Song family appeared was just a coincidence. It’s a bit outrageous, don’t you think?”

Say? Shen Qingchuan took a bite of the apple and said while eating, I think Han Ruoxing has a lot of imagination. It's outrageous to think that Jingyan was hidden by Song Jiayu. If Jingyan is fine, he can Aren't you going to contact us? No matter how powerful Song Jiayu is, how can she stop her while she's still alive?

Tang Xiaoxiao held her cheek and frowned, You are right, but this Song Jiayu, I always feel that she is not a good person. She clearly said she was accompanying her friends, but why did she end up running to the hospital?

Couldn't it be someone who answered the phone temporarily and was called over?

Tang Xiaoxiao choked and said dissatisfied, Why do you always speak for that stinky turtle?

I'm not speaking for her. I think Han Ruoxing was too sad and nervous to imagine such a thing. You have to let her recognize the reality and don't go crazy with her.

Then he handed the apple to her mouth, It's weirdly sweet, try it.

Tang Xiaoxiao pushed away in disgust, What do you mean going crazy together? I was fulfilling my promise to support my bestie unconditionally! Even if it is really what she imagined, I will accompany her to come out.

I just like your heroic spirit of being a heroine! She said and walked closer to Tang Xiaoxiao, Don't just help your best friend, you also help your boyfriend.

Tang Xiaoxiao wondered, How can you help?

My parents were very touched by what happened with Jingyan. They recently started to arrange blind dates for me. I said I had a girlfriend, so they asked me to take her home to see you, little bandit, Shen Qingchuan arrived. He touched her nose and said, After Jingyan's business is finished, can you accompany me home to meet my parents? your parents? Tang Xiaoxiao stuttered as he spoke.

Shen Qingchuan chuckled, I haven't even given you the money to correct my statement yet. You must have changed it too quickly.

Fuck you! Tang Xiaoxiao's face turned red. How long have we been talking? Isn't this too fast?

It's just a meeting to stop them from introducing me to someone else. Otherwise, we will always think that I am deliberately making excuses to frustrate them.

I... Tang Xiaoxiao scratched his hair, Let me think about it.

She has gained seven pounds since she got together with Shen Qingchuan, and her face is now rounder. How can she be embarrassed to meet her parents? She has to dig out the dusty fitness card...

Han Ruoxing returned home and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling, thinking back and forth about the bloody coat and the handwriting on the drawing board.

A message popped up on the phone, and the voice brought Han Ruoxing back to her thoughts.

She took her phone and looked at it. She saw a text message from an unknown number, God said it, what are you thinking about it?

Han Ruoxing deleted the boring message with an expressionless face, thought for a while, and dialed another number.

Mo Mansion.

Mo Mingxuan had just finished taking a shower and was sitting on the bedside reading emails. His cell phone rang and he was stunned for a moment. It was Han Ruoxing.

He picked up the phone and called, Ruoxing.

Lawyer Mo, are you asleep?

Not yet, some work has not been completed yet.


Han Ruoxing didn't speak, as if he didn't know how to speak.

Mo Mingxuan took the initiative and asked, Ruoxing, do you have anything to do with me?

Han Ruoxing said hmm.

Mo Mingxuan's eyes were gentle, You say it, I'll listen.

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes and asked, I want to learn to skydive, can you teach me?

Mo Mingxuan was startled, How do you know I can skydive?

It's written in your law firm's profile.

Mo Mingxuan understood, and immediately chuckled, If you want to learn, of course you can, but it's not that easy to get a high-altitude skydiving certificate. I can take you to experience it first.

Han Ruoxing then asked, When will you experience it?

Mo Mingxuan asked, You want to hate it whenever you want.

Han Ruoxing said, Tomorrow.


Not available?

Mo Mingxuan glanced at the work at hand, pursed his lips and said, It's convenient, then I'll pick you up tomorrow.

Okay, Han Ruoxing whispered, Thank you.

Go to bed early and wait for my call tomorrow. Mo Mingxuan said goodbye to her warmly. After hanging up the phone, he stood up, opened the closet, and took out his clothes.

When he finished packing and went downstairs, Mother Mo was going upstairs with a cup. Seeing her son dressed up and about to go out in the middle of the night, she hurriedly called him, Mingxuan, where are you at so late?

Mo Mingxuan replied while changing his shoes, I left something at the company, I'll go get it.

What is it, do you have to go at night?

It's the client's stuff. Mo Mingxuan put on his coat and said, I'll be back in a moment. Then he disappeared into the dark night before Mom Mo said, Let the driver take it to you.

Mother Mo was worried. She felt that her son's mood seemed to be a little excited.

Mo Mingxuan didn't come back until two o'clock in the morning, and went out early the next morning.

He arrived near Song's house at eight o'clock and then called Han Ruoxing. Han Ruoxing seemed to have just woken up and her voice sounded a little rusty. She said, Come over here. I'll pack up and go out immediately.

Mo Mingxuan said hmm and said in a low voice, Take your time to clean up, don't be in a hurry.

After hanging up the phone, he felt inexplicably nervous. He stretched out his hand to pull down the visor, straightened his hair slightly in front of the mirror above, made sure there was nothing wrong, and then closed it.

Han Ruoxing came out half an hour later and was a little surprised to see Mo Mingxuan's car, I thought you were on the way.

Mo Mingxuan said warmly, I just arrived a while ago.

Han Ruoxingxing put on the seat belt and said, Let's go.

Mo Mingxuan responded and started the car.

Han Ruoxing is timid and cherishes his life. He would not dare to ride a roller coaster even after watching the Death Series, let alone skydiving, an extreme sport that challenges the psychological quality.

When she saw the helicopter, she wanted to turn around and leave, but thinking about the purpose of her trip, she gritted her teeth and held back.

The two captains flying the plane were both foreigners and looked experienced.

They spoke French, and Mo Mingxuan was communicating with them. Han Ruoxing stood aside and couldn't understand at all. She just saw those people looking at her from time to time, and she smiled politely in return.

After the three of them finished their greetings and got on the plane, Mo Mingxuan took the equipment and told her the essentials of skydiving, Many people will not be comfortable with the first skydiving. When you are free falling, your ears will hurt. This is normal. , don’t be too nervous.”

Han Ruoxing nodded.

The plane quickly flew over a thousand meters. Looking from above, it was almost impossible to tell what was what.

Mo Mingxuan put on the equipment, put it around her chest, buckled Han Ruoxing to his chest and tied it up.

Are you scared?

Mo Mingxuan asked her in a low voice in her ear.

Han Ruoxing said hmm.

Mo Mingxuan smiled, tied the rope tightly, and said softly, Don't be afraid, I'm here.

Han Ruoxing tilted her head uncomfortably and asked in a low voice, Can I take a photo? (End of Chapter)

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