She clutched the clothes and her breathing was heaving. The nurse didn't pull the clothes for a long time, then called her.

Han Ruoxing came to her senses, let go of her hand, and said hoarsely, I'm sorry.

The other party thought she was weird, but he was in a hurry to deliver the laundry, so he hugged her and left without thinking too much.

The phone in her bag vibrated. Han Ruoxing picked up the phone and whispered, Twelfth floor, come up.

Tang Xiaoxiao came soon.

Han Ruoxing told her what she had discovered. Tang Xiaoxiao was surprised, Did you see clearly?

Han Ruoxing said excitedly, Smile, that dress is the same size as Gu Jingyan's, and the back is also injured and bleeding. I don't believe there is such a coincidence in this world. I feel that Gu Jingyan is here, I feel it.

Tang Xiaoxiao has always been on the side of her best friend, even she felt that the situation was indeed a bit outrageous. She said, Then let's go in and take a look and see what this smelly turtle is up to!

Han Ruoxing had imagined this possibility before she came. What she thought at that time was to wait until Song Jiayu left before she could go in and take a look.

But now, when she knew that Gu Jingyan was very likely to be here, she couldn't wait even a second.

Tang Xiaoxiao pulled Han Ruoxing open the door of the ward aggressively.

The bed in the ward was empty. Song Jiayu stood at the window. She turned around when she heard the voice and was stunned, Ruoxing, why are you here?

Before Han Ruoxing could say anything, Tang Xiaoxiao got straight to the point, Where's Gu Jingyan? Where did you hide Gu Jingyan?

Where did I hide Brother Gu? Song Jiayu was confused, What are you talking about?

Stop pretending! You're not sick or in trouble. Why are you going to the hospital so late at night? Are you sneaking around to avoid people?

Song Jiayu frowned, I don't know what you are talking about? I came to the hospital to visit my teacher and ask you to get out.

Huh? Are you feeling guilty? Are you anxious to drive us away? You came to visit your teacher. Where is your teacher?

Song Jiayu said, He is recovering in the recovery room and has not returned yet.

Tang Xiaoxiao said in a strange tone, You are still injured and bleeding, so you can go to rehabilitation training. You, a teacher, have quite a lot of blood.

Song Jiayu was very angry. Just as he was about to say something, an old man in his sixties or seventies with gray hair was pushed in.

Song Jiayu's ugly expression softened a little, she stepped forward and knelt down, covered the old man's legs with a blanket, and said warmly, Teacher, are you finished training?

Tang Xiaoxiao was stunned. Is her teacher really living here?

The old man nodded, looked at Han Ruoxing and Tang Xiaoxiao strangely, and asked, Jiayu, is this your friend?

Song Jiayu forced a smile and said, It's my sister. She has something to do with me. I'll send them away now.

After saying that, he stood up and walked to Han Ruoxing, Ruoxing, you saw it too, I didn't lie to you. I know that something happened to Brother Gu and you feel bad, but this is not an excuse for you to break in here without permission. My teacher also had a car accident. During the recovery period, please leave with your friend and do not disturb his cultivation.

Han Ruoxing's eyes moved from the erasable drawing board in the corner to Song Jiayu's face.

She raised her eyes, looked at Song Jiayu closely, and asked in a deep voice, Where is Gu Jingyan?

Song Jiayu frowned, I told you I don't know, don't make trouble here unreasonably.

Han Ruoxing grabbed her collar with red eyes, Where did you hide Gu Jingyan! How is his injury, okay? Where did you do it?!

Song Jiayu pushed her hand and struggled hard, I don't know! You hurt me!

If you have something to say, why are you taking action?

The old man sitting on the seat saw this and hurriedly broke up the fight. As a result, the wheelchair slipped over somehow and happened to hit Song Jiayu's calf. Song Jiayu lost her balance and fell to the ground. The wheelchair was also crooked and about to fall.

When Song Tianjun walked to the door, he saw this scene. The girl who came in with him was startled and rushed to hold the wheelchair. He said to Han Ruoxing with an annoyed look on his face, Why are you pushing me?

Tang Xiaoxiao said immediately, Which of your eyes saw her pushing? It was obviously the old man who slid over and hit Song Jiayu!

Who are you? You broke into my grandpa's ward without any trouble. Are you still reasonable?

Song Tianjun quickly stepped forward to apologize, Mr. Ma, I'm sorry, sorry, this is my sister Ruoxing. She probably has something to do with Jiayu.

Then he helped Song Jiayu up, pulled Han Ruoxing aside and whispered, Go out and talk.

But Han Ruoxing broke away from his hand and refused to leave. She said, Brother, Gu Jingyan is here.

Song Tianjun was stunned, What?

Gu Jingyan is here, Han Ruoxing's eyes were red, Brother, Gu Jingyan is still alive, he is in this hospital!

Song Tianjun whispered, Ruoxing, are you tired?

Brother, I'm not confused. Gu Jingyan is really here. I saw his handwriting!

As he said that, he pulled Song Tianjun to the erasable drawing board and pointed to the lower right corner, Brother, look, where is your - character? Han Ruoxing's face changed, and the blurry font in the lower right corner of the drawing board disappeared at this moment. She suddenly became excited and asked Song Jiayu with red eyes, Did you erase the words?

Song Jiayu looked frightened and pitiful, I don't know...

Han Ruoxing took Song Tianjun's arm, Brother, here! There was an uncleaned word Xun just now. When Gu Jingyan was writing, he always put his hand on Bei's hand, which made him pull. , only he can write like this, brother! Gu Jingyan is still alive! He must be in this hospital!

Song Tianjun looked at the empty lower right corner of the whiteboard, then looked at the emotional Han Ruoxing, and pressed the corners of his lips.

Ruoxing, you are too tired. Can my brother send you home to rest?

Han Ruoxing paused and said, You don't believe me. She said, taking a step back and her tone gradually calmed down, I won't leave, Gu Jingyan is right here, and I'm not going anywhere!

Song Tianjun spoke softly because he was afraid it would not work. If he spoke harshly, he was afraid of hurting Han Ruoxing, so he said, I believe you, I will help you find it.

Song Jiayu watched Song Tianjun respond to Han Ruoxing's requests with great affection, and clenched her fingers lightly.

It turns out that pampering and love are different. Apart from helping her when she came in, Song Tianjun never asked how she was doing from the beginning to the end.

But because of Han Ruoxing's words, he accompanied her to search all the wards in the hospital, and even checked the patient information of the nursing home through connections.

The result was nothing.

Han Ruoxing was in despair. Song Tianjun comforted her in a low voice, You have been too tired recently and your emotions have been too tense. Go home and have a good rest at night.

Han Ruoxing closed her eyes and gradually calmed down.

She asked in a low voice, Brother, why are you here?

Song Tianjun said, Not long after I separated from you, Jiayu called and said that Teacher Ma wanted to see me and asked me to come over.

Teacher Ma is my and Jiayu's calligraphy teacher. Although I haven't studied for long, we have a good relationship, so I came here.

In fact, when he saw Teacher Ma's granddaughter, he guessed the other party's intention. It was just to bring the two of them together, but the other party came to pick him up at the door. It was really unreasonable for him not to come up and say hello. Who could I never imagined that this would happen to me when I came up.

He put his coat on Han Ruoxing and said warmly, Don't think about it. Go home and have a good sleep. Don't do anything these days. Go out with your friends to relax and relax.

Han Ruoxing lowered her eyes, played with her phone, and said hmm absentmindedly.

Tang Xiaoxiao's phone vibrated. She opened it and saw a WeChat message from Han Ruoxing - looking for someone to keep an eye on Song Jiayu. (End of chapter)

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