Mo Mingxuan was startled, Take photos?

Han Ruoxing said, It's my first time skydiving. I want to commemorate it.

Mo Mingxuan said, I didn't bring a sports camera.

Just take a few pictures before leaving the cabin, okay?

Mo Mingxuan smiled and said, You can take pictures if you want. I just think that if I didn't bring a sports camera, the results might not be that ideal.

Han Ruoxing opened her phone and whispered, That's enough.

Then he turned on the camera, took a few selfies, threw the phone aside, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said, Come on.

Mo Mingxuan laughed and joked, You look like a strong man going to the guillotine.

Just as Han Ruoxing was about to reply, Mo Mingxuan jumped out of the hatch with her.

The cold wind hit her face instantly, like needle pricks, and the imbalance of ear pressure caused by the free fall caused severe pain in her ears. She could not hear any other sounds except the huge buzzing sound. The fear of death almost made her panic. No sound is made.

She didn't come back to her senses until someone tapped her shoulder, Mo Mingxuan took her hand, and motioned her to spread her arms and bend her legs.

After the parachute opened, the speed of descent slowed down, the wind in his ears became calmer, and the fear in his throat gradually faded away. Han Ruoxing looked at the vast land beneath him through his goggles. Man was in the natural world of the universe. At this moment, she had the most direct experience of the insignificance.

When landing, something happened. Her knee knocked on the ground. The skin was not broken, but it was bruised. Mo Mingxuan felt very guilty. Even though the captain who was traveling with him told him that no bones were broken, his He didn't even relax his brows.

Let's go to the hospital and have a look. He suggested.

No, Han Ruoxing raised his head and said, Take me to dance again.

Mo Mingxuan was startled. He could feel that Han Ruoxing didn't like this sport very much. Her body had been very tight during the whole process, so asking to jump again was something he didn't expect.

Mo Mingxuan was silent for a few seconds and said, Let's wait another day, the wind is blowing.

Han Ruoxing was a little disappointed, but quickly said, You can still ride a motorcycle, right? Let's go play that, right? It won't be affected by the wind, right?

Mo Mingxuan felt that Han Ruoxing was a little strange. Apart from work, she had never asked him to go out to play. Before he could understand, Han Ruoxing said again, Do you have work in the afternoon? If you are busy, forget it.

Mo Mingxuan came back to his senses and said warmly, There is nothing to be busy with, but heavy motorcycles cannot be driven in the city. We have to wait until night to play in some lanes in the suburbs.

Han Ruoxing rolled his eyes, Then let's take a rest after dinner and then go.

Mo Mingxuan was so confused by her smile that the tips of his ears felt hot. He looked away and coughed lightly, Okay, I'll make a call first to get someone ready to get off the bus.


When Mo Mingxuan walked aside, Han Ruoxing took the phone and posted the photo taken on the plane on Weibo with a skydiving emoticon.

Then switch to the trumpet account and contribute to major marketing accounts in the name of a black fan.

After doing this, Mo Mingxuan also came back. She put away her phone, stood up and said, Let's go, I'm treating you today.

Soon, two topics, # Han Ruoxing’s suspected love affair was exposed # and # Han Ruoxing’s boyfriend was the lawyer who filed a lawsuit for her # , were on Weibo’s hot list.

The popularity of Linglong Biography allowed her to quickly accumulate a certain number of fans in the circle. Coupled with the frame-up by the martyred former top female star Yao Kexin, and the subsequent incident at Chenguang Kindergarten, her popularity was greatly increased.

These two things made Han Ruoxing extremely popular with the public, because other famous actors would take advantage of this stage to crazy take on roles in variety shows and endorsements, but Han Ruoxing seemed to have disappeared from the entertainment industry.

Weibo didn't update much, and she didn't receive many endorsements. After The Legend of Linglong, she filmed Murder, which has not yet been released. Later, it was rumored that she had accepted a literary film.

Other than that, there is no news.

After being silent for so long, it suddenly popped up, but it was because of love, and the marketing account was well-founded. According to the photos Han Ruoxing posted on Weibo, she compared the photos of the man with only half of her chin exposed behind her back to the ones maintained in the mall. After comparing the photos of Han Ruoxing's lawyer, the moles on her neck were all exactly the same, which was confirmed beyond a doubt.

Fans are almost pissed off by these hot searches. They have seen unmotivated people, but never seen such unmotivated people.

There were tens of thousands of comments on Han Ruoxing's Weibo in just a few hours.

Is this love necessary?

Sister, doesn't it feel good to focus on your career? What kind of man do you want?

I won't say anything else if you find someone in the circle. Find a lawyer. You are really not afraid that when you break up, the other party will expose you and cut off your livelihood.

She has ruined all my good feelings towards Susu. She has no ambition at all.

Susu (the queen's maiden name) is Susu, and Han Ruoxing is Han Ruoxing. The good ones are not the actors, but the character design and director. Let's take off the filters.

Passenger, I think it's a good match. Fans care too much. You're already in your twenties, and you can't fall in love? They don't follow the traffic line. Do you like it or not?

A few of the hot comments are faked by Yao Kexin's fans. She is already cooking and stepping on the sewing machine, and the maid is still jumping around here. Are you afraid that others won't remember her if she doesn't get some attention?

Sorry, Linglong Biography is the starting point for Sister Xing, but it is the peak that a certain family will never reach.

After everyone denounced the anti-fans, they suddenly realized a problem.

Didn't Sister Xing post on Weibo before that the two of us are just friends? She didn't post it this time, and she didn't respond to the trending search for so long. Is it...a default?

She posted the photo herself. Does that mean she is secretly giving out candies to everyone?

Damn it, did the CP I drank come true?

I don't agree! I stand with Sister Xing and Mr. Gu! The top Yanba in the entertainment industry and the big guys in the technology industry! Where are the fans of Catching Fire? Support me!

Here we come! Mr. Gu, rush me!

Something happened to Gu Jingyan, and everyone was busy running around, so when everyone knew about this hot search, it was already night.

Song Tianjun was furious and contacted Han Ruoxing while suppressing the news.

Han Ruoxing was sitting on Mo Mingxuan's motorcycle when she received the call.

Brother, what's the matter?

Where are you now?

Lawyer Mo and I are riding a bike.

Huh? Song Tianjun thought he heard wrongly, Who are you with?

Mo Mingxuan.

Song Tianjun was confused, Have you...have you read the online news?

What news?

Song Tianjun pinched his brows, The skydiving photos you posted at night were taken out, and now people are spreading rumors about your relationship with Mo Mingxuan. Come back quickly. (End of Chapter)

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