A boss opposite Lin Shu said, Assistant Lin, are you kidding? I haven't heard any news from the salvage team.

Lin Shu said calmly, It's not Mr. Gu, it's the person in charge designated by Mr. Gu.

The man chuckled lightly, I have never heard of who Mr. Gu appointed as the person in charge. He has been in trouble for so long, and Assistant Lin never mentioned it. But when the company decided to appoint a temporary person in charge, you mentioned it. This person in charge Was it appointed by Mr. Gu or Lin Shu yourself?

Lin Shu glanced at the man with a calm expression, Mr. Gu is used to planning ahead. He could think of making a will, so why couldn't he think of appointing the person in charge? The acting person in charge was drafted and signed by a lawyer entrusted by Mr. Gu. When he could not arrive at the scene, At that time, I can attend major meetings of the company on his behalf. Every decision made by the acting person in charge can be fully represented by Mr. Gu and Mr. Yan. Do you have any questions?

The man choked and looked miserable.

Gu Jingran glanced at Lin Shu and said in a lazy tone, If you appoint an agent without the consent of the board of directors, the board of directors may not recognize it.

Lin Shu nodded, If you are at a professional level like yours, it is indeed not possible, but with Mr. Gu's status in the company, he does not need to inform the board of directors. He only needs to pledge certain assets to the company to appoint an agent.

As he spoke, he opened the folder in front of him and said, Young Master Gu can take a look at Mr. Gu's pledge contract.

Gu Jingran looked worried.

Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, just from the names, you can tell how disdain Lin Shu has for him.

When he was about to get angry, Gu Qinghai interrupted him, Even if you are the acting person in charge, you should follow the company's rules. If you fail to meet the time limit, you will automatically be deemed to have given up participating in the meeting, he said, looking at his watch. Two minutes left.

Lin Shu frowned.

The company's rule is that no one is allowed to enter the meeting fifteen minutes after the start of the meeting. If it exceeds the time limit, he will automatically be deemed to have given up. It is clear that he does not want the acting person in charge to attend the meeting.

Just as Lin Shu was about to speak, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and a female voice came into the ears of everyone in the conference room, Sorry, I was looking for some things and wasted some time. Hello everyone, I am Han Ruoxing, the temporary person in charge of the Alex team. people.

Alex, the codename of Gu Jingyan’s R\u0026D team.

The sudden introduction left many people confused.

They thought that the person Gu Jingyan appointed would be a senior member of the company, but they never expected that the person he appointed was not only not from the company, but also a woman who had never held such a convenient job.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Who is this woman? How did Mr. Gu appoint her?

Han Ruoxing, Mr. Gu's ex-wife, is also Song Wanqian's daughter. I heard she is an actress.

Acting? Are you making a fuss? Do you think this is just playing house?

I have no problem with Mr. Gu letting Lin Shu be the person in charge. A woman? What does she know?

I heard that Mr. Gu disappeared because of her. It's not surprising that such a love brain can do such a thing.

It's such a child's play. Isn't this a joke on the future of the company?

These comments rushed into Han Ruoxing's ears. Her expression was calm, as if she didn't hear a single glance, and she walked straight in, followed by Qian Yan and a middle-aged man in his forties.

Lin Shu stood up, pulled Gu Jingyan's seat away, and said warmly, Madam, please sit down.

Just as Han Ruoxing was about to sit down, Gu Qinghai suddenly said, Wait a minute, Miss Han, if I remember correctly, your father's company is also involved in Jiang Sheng's similar business. Isn't it inappropriate for you to be the person in charge of Alex?

Han Ruoxing raised her eyes and looked at him, Hai always thinks that I will reveal Jiang Sheng's secrets to my father?

Gu Qinghai also looked back at her, I am always responsible for the efforts of the entire company. I hope Miss Han understands.

Han Ruoxing nodded, Understood, so I have invited a lawyer here. Once Jiang Sheng's secrets are revealed to my father and used by him for profit, I will triple compensation for the losses caused to Jiang Sheng, and I am willing to bear the corresponding legal liability. Responsibility, the real estate and cars under my name have been entrusted to relevant institutions to be frozen. Once the situation I mentioned above occurs, those assets can be directly mortgaged to the bank to compensate your company.

Qian Yan added, The total value is about 1.2 billion.

Now it was everyone's turn to be speechless. 1.2 billion was nothing to a company like Jiang Sheng. The main reason was that showing such an attitude was equivalent to swearing on the entire Song family, and the doubts were naturally weakened.

Han Ruoxing looked at Gu Qinghai, Mr. Hai, am I qualified to sit now?

Gu Qinghai had a sullen face and snorted softly from his nose as a response.

Han Ruoxing took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair, then sat down.

Qian Yan and the middle-aged man following him also sat next to Lin Shu.

When everyone arrives, the meeting officially begins.

In the first half hour, each department was reporting on the week's work. After the work report was completed, it got down to business. Several bosses took turns and began to detail the Alex team's stagnant research and development, inactivity and other crimes after Gu Jingyan's accident.

Finally, we came to the conclusion that a country cannot be without a king, and a family cannot be without a master. Similarly, the team cannot be without a backbone, so they all proposed to appoint a new team leader for Alex to take over the previous research and development progress. Research and develop further.

After the bosses finished speaking, Gu Qinghai looked at Han Ruoxing, What do you think, Miss Han?

Han Ruoxing said calmly, Okay.

Gu Qinghai was stunned. He didn't expect her to agree so simply, which made him unable to react for a while.

However, Han Ruoxing paused and spoke again, but there is something I need to inform everyone in advance to avoid problems in the future and unclear division of responsibilities.

Gu Qinghai thought she was being mysterious, looked her up and down, and asked, What's the matter?

Han Ruoxing said, Let Mr. Zhu talk to everyone about this matter.

After saying that, he looked at the middle-aged man behind him, who nodded, and with Lin Shu's assistance, began to project.

Others looked at the middle-aged man and whispered.

Is this Zhu Xueting?

Zhu Xueting? The founder of Xinchuang Technology?

It seems to be him. I met him once at a business reception before. He has a good relationship with Mr. Gu.

What is he here for?

Eighty percent of them were invited by Lin Shu to help out.

With Gu Jingyan's absence, no one can bear the pressure from President Hai.

There was a lot of excitement on the field, and within a moment, the projector came on, and the screen appeared on the screen.

Zhu Xueting nodded humbly to everyone, Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time.

As he spoke, he began to display the contents of the file.

At first, most people didn't pay much attention, thinking that this was just Lin Shu's way of resisting the company's appointment of a new team leader. However, as more content was shown, everyone's attitude gradually changed. (End of chapter)

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