Han Ruoxing frowned and wanted to say something else, but Uncle Qin turned around and left.

After two steps, she was blocked by security guards.

Zhong Meilan said unceremoniously, Get out! Don't think that I dare not touch you now that you are a member of the Song family!

Han Ruoxing stopped, turned to glance at her, turned and left without saying a word.

Zhong Meilan glared at her back and cursed.

Gu Jingyang didn't speak. She just looked at her mother with some strangeness and asked in a low voice, Mom, did you really go to issue a death certificate for my brother?

Zhong Meilan was startled, then became angry, Do you believe her or not me?

Gu Jingyang lowered his eyes and said nothing.

She no longer knows whether to believe her or not. When she reduced her staff before, the reason given by Zhong Meilan was that grandma didn't want the matter to escalate and affect the company.

My brother is neither alive nor dead, and my grandma loves him so much. How could she make such a decision?

Seeing that Gu Jingyang didn't speak, Zhong Meilan also softened her tone, Of course I hope Jingyan is okay. He is my son. How could I not feel bad for him? But after so many days, the salvage team has said that there is no possibility of survival. What can I do? What? Your brother is gone and you haven’t started a family yet, so I have to strive for more and make plans for the future of our mother and daughter.

Afraid that Gu Jingyang would defect, Zhong Meilan took a strong dose, Don't be fooled by Han Ruoxing, she doesn't care about your brother that much. Your brother is missing. She is still in the mood to have a passionate fight with Mingxuan. Such a wanton woman, she What sincerity is there? Your brother and Mingxuan are both so confused by her that they don’t even care about their own mother! If it weren’t for her, you and Mingxuan would have become friends long ago.

Gu Jingyang was stunned. She looked at Zhong Meilan without speaking for a long time.

Her love for Mo Mingxuan has faded long ago. She doesn't know whether Mo Mingxuan is interested in Han Ruoxing, but Han Ruoxing is definitely not what her mother said. She had a fierce fight with Mo Mingxuan when her brother's life and death were uncertain.

Lin Shu told her that the kidnapper jumped into the river with her brother in his arms, and Han Ruoxing jumped in almost without thinking.

She could risk life and death for her brother, so how could she immediately fall into the arms of Brother Mo after his accident?

She suddenly remembered that after her father passed away, her grandma wanted to take her to the old house to raise her, but her mother was unwilling, but she didn't say it clearly. When her brother came back from playing with her one day, he took her to take a shower.

She was afraid of the cold and kept fussing and refused to rush. Her mother said that this was the only way to keep her by her side, otherwise grandma would take her away.

After taking a cold shower, she developed a fever. When her grandma asked what happened, she followed what her mother taught her and said that her brother took her out to play and got caught in the rain.

Because of the death of his father, Gu Jingyan was indeed very cold towards her for a period of time, and everyone in the Gu family knew it.

When she said that, coupled with her mother's guidance intentionally or unintentionally, grandma thought that Gu Jingyan did it on purpose. He had not yet gotten over the haze of his father's death, and he still hated her.

The grandmother was afraid that the two children would have quarrels in the long run, so she agreed to let her live with her mother.

Of course Gu Jingyan didn't let her get wet in the rain. He took off his coat and put it over her head and carried her back.

She always thought that Zhong Meilan did this because she couldn't let her go, but now, she suddenly felt that it was just using her to achieve her purpose of staying in the Gu family.

Just like now she used the unfounded rumors about Han Ruoxing and Brother Mo to arouse her hatred for Han Ruoxing and help her seize her brother's inheritance.

Lin Shu said that unlike her brother, Zhong Meilan's maternal love did not benefit Gu Jingyan, so no matter what he did, it would not be an exaggeration.

She didn't believe it before.

As a favored vested interest, she never felt unfair.

But at this moment, when she thought about the past carefully and put it from her brother's point of view, for a moment, she just felt cold all over her body.

Zhong Meilan was still analyzing the will, but Gu Jingyang had no intention of listening.

She thought of the way Gu Jingyan was relieved to find her despite the scorching sun and sweating profusely when he got separated at a scenic spot when she was a child.

She thought of the lab fire, and when she was rescued, Gu Jingyan held her and said it's okay over and over again.

She thought that no matter what she wanted for her birthday, Gu Jingyan would try his best to help her realize it.

She thought...her brother might still be soaking in the cold river water at this moment, but her mother was thinking about her will. Finally she couldn't stay any longer, so she found an excuse and left in a hurry.

Three days passed by in a flash, and Han Ruoxing felt as if the days were like a year, but also felt relieved because there was still no news from the salvage team.

No news is the best news for her.

Han Ruoxing got up early in the morning, changed her clothes and went downstairs, and happened to bump into Song Jiayu coming back from outside.

She didn't come back all night. To be precise, she didn't stay at home for long in the past few days.

Su Wanqin said that Song Jiayu accompanied her overseas classmates, and Han Ruoxing had never seen her accompanying students leaving late and returning early.

She thought that Song Jiayu probably had a boyfriend, and they were in love and it was hard to leave him.

To pull away so quickly is really...

Han Ruoxing paused. The life or death of the person she liked was uncertain, but she was not sad at all. She was still in the mood to go out with Xue. Is it normal?

Thinking of this, he looked at Song Jiayu with a more probing look.

Song Jiayu looked tired, said hello to Han Ruoxing, and was about to go upstairs.

Sister Jiayu, Han Ruoxing suddenly stopped her, Hasn't your classmate left yet?

Song Jiayu smiled and said, It's said that we will play for another two weeks. It's a rare time to come here, so we must have a lot of fun.

Do you want me to help lead the way? You have been abroad for so long, and you probably don't know many interesting places in the city. I grew up here. Which district is fun and which street has the best fly restaurants? I am very familiar with you. It’s a rare time for my classmates to come here, so I’ll help out and show my kindness as a landlord.”

Song Jiayu was startled, then when she saw Han Ruoxing's gentle expression, she pursed her lips and said, I won't bother you. You... must be in a bad mood these days. I can just take them to have some fun.

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, It's a rare trip, how can I do it casually? And after so many days, what else can't I accept?

Song Jiayu looked at Han Ruoxing and couldn't see through her for a moment.

Okay then, I'll tell them, if it's convenient for you tomorrow, we can make an appointment tomorrow.

Han Ruoxing nodded, Okay.

When Song Jiayu went upstairs, Han Ruoxing's expression became cold. She took her mobile phone and dialed Tang Xiaoxiao's number, Xiaoxiao, do me a favor...

Jiangsheng Group, high-level meeting.

Compared with the evenly matched situation three weeks ago, with the disappearance of Gu Jingyan, the evenly matched situation has also tilted. Gu Qinghai and his son's control over Jiang Sheng is basically a certainty. There are many people flocking to it. The father and son are like stars. Holding the moon.

On the other hand, Gu Jingyan's side has lost its backbone. Although the people are not disorganized, their morale has dropped a lot.

Mr. Hai, it's almost time, let's get started.

Just as Gu Qinghai was about to nod, Lin Shu said, Wait a moment, the person in charge of our team will be here soon.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

What do you mean, Gu Jingyan is back? (End of chapter)

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