This is not a means of delay, but the research and development progress of Gu Jingyan's team - they have conquered a core technology of the lithography machine.

This is a sensational achievement for the entire industry.

Once the test is passed and it can be mass-produced, it will most likely get rid of the monopoly of this technology abroad, and the commercial value will be immeasurable.

The senior officials who were standing next to Gu Qinghai just now and watching the excitement were speechless at this moment.

After Mr. Zhu explained, he finally said, Everyone, the research and development has reached the final experimental stage. At this stage, substitution is the most taboo. If the experimental results are leaked at this stage, the consequences will be unimaginable.

We all work in this industry, so of course we all know the seriousness of the matter.

Gu Qinghai's desire to control Jiang Sheng is his business, but if this harms the interests of shareholders, no one will agree.

Everyone knows how much wealth and fame new technological breakthroughs can bring.

Someone was the first to speak, Mr. Hai, I think what Mr. Zhu said makes sense. We are arranging people to go in at this stage. If something goes wrong, no one can afford it.

Seeing this, others also agreed, Mr. Huang is right. Any new person joining the team at this stage is risky. It is better to wait until the end of the experimental stage before placing people.

Mr. Hai, everything should be based on the progress of the test.

Gu Qinghai's expression was cold and he stared at Han Ruoxing with a heavy gaze. His eyes could not be called friendly.

Gu Jingyan had never disclosed this research and development breakthrough to the company. If nothing happened to him, once this trump card was revealed at the election meeting, many people would definitely defect.

Everyone is bound by interests, and Gu Qinghai knows this very well.

Now that something happened to Gu Jingyan, this research and development result has become the talisman of the entire team. If people are forced to enter, once there is any news that the results are leaked, there is no guarantee that Lin Shu and his team will not take advantage of it, but it will infringe on the rights of shareholders. Failure to protect interests will lead to people's betrayal.

With this talisman, Alex's team has obviously become a tough nut to crack, unless... Gu Jingyan never comes back.

Han Ruoxing looked back at Gu Qinghai candidly, her eyes were very much like Gu Jingyan who was confronting him at the meeting, which inexplicably gave him a chill.

But soon this thought was thrown out of his mind. Just relying on the Sword of Shang Fang left by Gu Jingyan, a girl was just pretending to be powerful here. If Gu Jingyan couldn't come back, what kind of trouble could she cause? It's just a matter of waiting a little longer.

Thinking of this, Gu Qinghai finally said, In that case, let's wait until the test is over. However, I hope that Alex's test data can be released to the high-level work group to let everyone know the progress of the test, in case someone deliberately delays the time.

Han Ruoxing didn't understand this, so she looked at Lin Shu, who nodded at her, and Han Ruoxing said, Okay, Assistant Lin will be responsible for reporting this matter to everyone.

With this reassurance, shareholders naturally have no objections.

After the meeting, Han Ruoxing went to the bathroom. When he came out, he met Gu Jingran blocking the door of the bathroom.

The latter was wearing a suit, and he looked a bit more human-like than before. He was about the same height as Gu Jingyan, but his aura was completely different.

When Gu Jingyan wears a suit, you want to weld the suit on him, which is both charming and oppressive; when Gu Jingran wears a suit... Han Ruoxing glanced at his back that was never straight and his face with kidney deficiency, and just wanted to comment - - Thin dog!

Han Ruoxing ignored him and walked around him to leave. Gu Jingran immediately stood in front of her and said, Miss Han is really affectionate and loyal to my brother. She sacrificed everything she had to protect his team. Others are dead. You are so Doing it is nothing more than delaying time, so what’s the point?”

Are you done? Han Ruoxing gave him a cold look, Get out of the way when you're done.

Gu Jingran smiled and said, Sister-in-law, my brother is dead. Sooner or later, Jiang Sheng will belong to my father. I am his only son. When he dies, Jiang Sheng will be mine. I actually don't care that much whether a woman is divorced or not. We are well matched, so you might as well consider me and marry me, and you will be the head mother of the Gu family in the future.

Gu Jingran was really fascinated by Han Ruoxing's face, and the flirtatious look she showed when she was drunk on their wedding night had always been on his mind.

In the past, he was afraid of Gu Jingyan, so he only dared to harass her behind her back. Now that Gu Jingyan was gone, he naturally had nothing to be afraid of, and he looked at Han Ruoxing without any concealment.

Han Ruoxing almost laughed angrily at him.

But he calmed down, looked at the clear-minded filial son in front of him, and suddenly said, If you are willing, your father won't agree.

Gu Jingran took her hand and said, As long as we cook the rice, what does he have to disagree with? It's not too late for him to be happy about being able to become in-laws with the Song family.

Han Ruoxing took her hand out of the pig's claws and raised her eyes to glance at him, Your dad seems to be in good health. When he dies, you will inherit. I'm afraid you will have to wait until he is old and golden. Why don't you just run for the heir yourself? ? If you succeed in the election, who do you want to marry, do you still need his consent?

Gu Jingran was stunned. He had never thought about this before.

He looked at Han Ruoxing and suddenly smiled, Do you want us father and son to turn against each other?

Han Ruoxing sneered, You want to marry me, that's the premise, otherwise why do you think I would fall in love with Gu Jingyan? I don't dare to fight, so why should I bet my future on you?

Gu Jingran looked suspicious, but Han Ruoxing was too lazy to talk nonsense to him and walked straight past him.

Lin Shu and Han Ruoxing originally wanted to invite Mr. Zhu to have a meal, but they were very busy, something happened to Gu Jingyan, and there were a lot of things going on at Xinchuang Technology, which made them anxious, so they politely declined their invitation.

They just asked about Gu Jingyan's situation before leaving. When this topic was mentioned, both Han Ruoxing and Lin Shu fell silent. Mr. Zhu knew the result and didn't know where to start with his words of comfort. After a few simple greetings, he left.

Lin Shu looked at Han Ruoxing and asked his doubts, Madam, how did you find the experimental data done by Mr. Gu?

Lin Shu had naturally known about the progress in research and development for a long time, and not many people knew about it. All the data parameters were with Gu Jingyan. When Gu Jingyan disappeared, the whereabouts of these things were unknown.

Lin Shu had thought of this amulet early on, but he didn't know where Gu Jingyan kept it, so he told Han Ruoxing about it. He originally had no hope, but Han Ruoxing found it.

Han Ruoxing lowered her eyes and said, He put it in the box of the engagement ring.

She discovered it when she put the ring away.

Lin Shu...

Sure enough, it's like what Mr. Gu's love brain would do, but it's really safe. Who would have thought that such an important thing would be stored in a proposal ring box?

After coming out of Jiangsheng, Han Ruoxing stood on the roadside and called Tang Xiaoxiao.

A white car passed by, and the glass was bright or dark. A pair of eyes suddenly fell into Han Ruoxing's eyes, and her heart tightened suddenly. (End of chapter)

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