Han Ruoxing pulled the reins sharply, and Junjun immediately slowed down and stopped.

Han Ruoxing took Junjun's hand and turned around, looked at Zhong Meilan condescendingly, and said calmly, Where's grandma? I want to see her.

She has lost some weight, and her facial features have become sharper. She has completely lost the look of low eyebrows and submissiveness in front of Zhong Meilan, and there is a natural nobility all over her body.

Zhong Meilan used to look down on her because of her birth, then she was afraid of her because she became the daughter of the Song family, and now, she hates her because Gu Jingyan listed her as the first heir in his will.

Hearing Han Ruoxing's words, her expression immediately dropped, You killed Jingyan, why do you still have the nerve to come here? How do you still have the nerve to see the old lady? Get out of here!

Han Ruoxing didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so she pulled the reins and was about to go around Zhong Meilan.

The latter was irritated by her attitude and angrily yelled at the security guard on the side, Why are you standing there stunned? Stop her!

The security guards then stepped forward to intercept it, but Junjun was very flexible. After a lot of effort, several people made it miserable and couldn't do anything about it.

Zhong Meilan said angrily, A bunch of trash! You can't even stop a beast!

Junjun seemed to understand this sentence and suddenly turned around and rushed towards Zhong Meilan.

Zhong Meilan was startled. She couldn't care less about her ladylike demeanor and wanted to run away. However, she lost her footing and tripped over something, causing her to fall to the ground.

Seeing that the horse was about to charge over, Zhong Meilan turned pale with fright.

Gu Jingyang saw this scene when he came out and screamed in fright.

Fortunately, Han Ruoxing pulled the reins in time, and Junjun jumped into the air with his front legs and turned around abruptly.

Zhong Meilan sat on the ground in an extremely embarrassed posture, unable to stand up.

Gu Jingyang hurried over, helped Zhong Meilan up, turned around and yelled at Han Ruoxing, Han Ruoxing, are you sick? Why are you so crazy when you come to our house?

Get out of the way! I want to see grandma. Han Ruoxing looked at her coldly, not caring how frightened Zhong Meilan was.

Grandma is so furious because of what happened to my brother that she's unconscious now. What are you doing here to see her? To irritate her? When Gu Jingyan was mentioned, Gu Jingyang couldn't help but blush.

No matter how harsh Gu Jingyan was to her, he was still her brother. He was the one who always protected her when others bullied her when she was a child. The thought of his body still soaking in the cold river made Gu Jingyang want to cry.

Han Ruoxing's face looked a little moved. She held the reins tightly and said after a long time, I'll see grandma once and make sure she's okay, then I'll leave.

What can she do in the old house? Zhong Meilan finally calmed down and immediately became more energetic, Why, you saw Jingyan's will and couldn't wait to share the money, right?

Gu Jingyang didn't know about the will yet, so he was confused by Zhong Meilan's words. He frowned and asked, Mom, what will?

Zhong Meilan sneered, You don't know yet, right? Your brother made a will long ago, and 60% of his property was transferred to Han Ruoxing. The rest, part of it will be invested in the company in the name of donation, and part of it will be donated directly. To the charity foundation, and a small amount is saved in a trust fund, from which I can only withdraw interest every year!”

What's even more annoying is that the trust money will still be inherited by Gu Jingyang until Zhong Meilan's death. In other words, once the will takes effect, Zhong Meilan can only live on the interest every year.

He left most of the money to Han Ruoxing, leaving only the pitiful interest to his biological mother. Zhong Meilan was furious.

She felt that it was Han Ruoxing who encouraged Gu Jingyan to make such a will. No matter how bad the relationship between mother and son was, Gu Jingyan used to respect her quite a bit, and the reason for the stalemate between them was because of Han Ruoxing.

Gu Jingyan kicked her out of the Gu family because of Han Ruoxing, so if Gu Jingyan didn't leave anything to him in his will, it must be because of Han Ruoxing!

New grudges add to old grudges, Zhong Meilan hates her so much, Originally I was surprised why Jingyan made a will like this, but now I understand, you were the one who incited Jingyan to make the will, right?

Why did he make a will when he was so young and so good? And he gave all his property to your ex-wife, who has nothing to do with him? Not long after the will was made, something happened to him, and it happened with you. How could it be such a coincidence? I think what happened to Jingyan was because of your inheritance!

Han Ruoxing didn't intend to argue with anyone before she came, but Zhong Meilan's words really touched her pain point, and her face immediately darkened.

Since you mentioned the will, I would like to ask, who gave the order to the Gu family to reduce the manpower of the rescue team just a week after Gu Jingyan's accident? The police didn't even confirm whether the person was alive or dead, so you couldn't wait to file for the death certificate. It’s only been two weeks! Are you so afraid of him living?!”

Do you know what kind of injuries he suffered before he fell into the water? You know he can't swim. Do you know why he can't swim? He is not good to you? He almost took out his heart to beg for your cheap maternal love. , you still think he didn’t take it clean enough!”

Gu Jingyan is soft-hearted. He is afraid that you won't be able to survive without him, so he leaves you a trust fund. What about you? Do you want him to live or do you want him to die?

Gu Jingyang looked at his mother in disbelief. She had no idea that she had gone to report Gu Jingyan's death.

No matter how slim the hope is, nothing has been found yet. Is this approach too urgent?

Zhong Meilan was shocked by Han Ruoxing's aura. It took her a while to come back to her senses. When she met Gu Jingyang's probing eyes, she looked a little flustered and said, That's nonsense! It's just nonsense! Why are you standing there, keep catching me!

Han Ruoxing's eyes turned cold, and just as he was about to drive Junjun around with these people, Uncle Qin suddenly walked out of the house and stopped everything.

When Han Ruoxing saw Uncle Qin, she breathed a sigh of relief, got off her horse and walked to Uncle Qin, Uncle Qin, where is grandma, how is she?

Uncle Qin said calmly, The old lady is fine, but she is not in good spirits.

I want to meet her, is it convenient?

Uncle Qin shook his head, Old Madam doesn't want to see anyone now, you'd better go back.

Zhong Meilan, who was originally looking a little uncomfortable because of Uncle Qin's appearance, suddenly became more arrogant when she heard Uncle Qin say this, Did you hear that, no one wants to see you, get out of here!

Han Ruoxing looked at Uncle Qin's expression. He was very natural and did not look like he was being coerced.

She pursed her lips, It's something about Jingyan. I want to talk to her.

The document was signed, but she needed to inform the old lady about such a big matter.

If the young master has already arranged it, Miss Han can just make her own decision without informing her. (End of Chapter)

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