Han Ruoxing said nothing, picked up a pen and signed his name on the document.

Lin Shu breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously, Thank you, madam.

Han Ruoxing asked, Where is the cell phone?

Lin Shu took out Gu Jingyan's mobile phone from his bag and handed it to Han Ruoxing, The police checked it and found that except for the broken screen, the content inside was not damaged.

Han Ruoxing thanked her and took it.

Grandma, do you know what's going on?

Lin Shu shook his head, After Mr. Gu's accident, I couldn't contact the old lady. Mr. Hai said that the old lady had an old disease and her condition was not good now. She had been lying on the hospital bed. The doctor said she needed to rest and could not be taken care of. I’m sorry to bother you, so I declined all visits.”

Being seriously ill but recuperating at home sounds like an excuse.

I understand, Han Ruoxing stood up, I'm leaving first, please contact me if you need anything.

After Han Ruoxing left, Qian Yan suddenly said, Gu Jingyan's luck is really good. Whether he chooses employees or wives, he can always meet someone who is determined to do it.

Lin Shu said, That's because Mr. Gu treats people sincerely and has nothing to do with luck.

Qian Yan glanced at him and said, If Gu Jingyan really can't come back, would he be interested in changing jobs?

Lin Shu waved his hand, If you don't agree, I'm blind.

Qian Yan...

Han Ruoxing left the teahouse and asked the driver to drive to the Gu family's old home.

On the way, she turned on Gu Jingyan's cell phone.

Gu Jingyan's mobile phone interface is very simple. He is not as addicted to the Internet as she is, and there are only a few commonly used apps on his mobile phone.

Han Ruoxing opened the photo album, and the first picture was an enlarged dog's face.

There was a hint of warmth in Han Ruoxing's eyes.

I met this dog on the road when I went to Erhai Lake. It seemed to be raised by the people in the hotel. It should be a string of dogs. It was fed by tourists until it was white and fat, and it looked very familiar.

Her phone was out of battery at the time, so she wanted to borrow Gu Jingyan's phone to take a photo of the dog, but Gu Jingyan volunteered to take it.

Han Ruoxing did not dare to compliment his photography skills, but Gu Jingyan was quite confident. He said that he had read some photography tips and he had improved a lot now.

Han Ruoxing was hesitant, so she let him take the photo.

Then, he went to imitate the previous photo of a dog with flowers on its nose to compose the picture. The process was very professional, and the result was hard to describe. The good dog face turned into a horse face.

Han Ruoxing continued to scroll forward, and there were actually many photos of herself in Gu Jingyan's phone.

Those photos were obviously taken when she wasn't paying attention. There were photos of her sleeping, playing with her mobile phone, squatting on the street playing with cats and dogs, and there were even photos taken during Kong Zheng's college entrance examination. I don't know who he was. How did you save it on your phone?

Han Ruoxing's eyes became blurry as she watched.

She turned to look out the window. Gu Jingyan's phone vibrated in her hand. She came to her senses and glanced down.

A Weibo private message popped up on her phone. She wanted to delete the message prompt, but she didn't want to click on the private message. She didn't care at first, but the content of the private message made her stunned for a moment.

That message is - Brother Zhuanwu, when will it be updated? I miss your handsomeness when you send red envelopes (bushi)

Brother Diamond...

Such a familiar title.

Han Ruoxing exited the private message, clicked on Weibo's personal homepage, and then saw the ID of the account used by Gu Jingyan - the daily life of the married diamond king Laowu.

She was forgetful, but this name, because it was so personal, made her remember it fresh.

It was one of the accounts that Gu Jingyan followed on Weibo. She checked it at that time, but the other party set it to be visible for half a year, and she didn't see anything.

This account can be logged in on Gu Jingyan's mobile phone. Is it his trumpet?

Han Ruoxing took a deep breath and clicked on all the Weibo posts under this account.

[Shredded pork with green pepper, mushy, but the taste is not bad. It’s the first time I made it, so it’s understandable; the seaweed soup tastes strange, a little sweet and a little salty. She mistakenly took the sugar for salt. She lied without blinking an eye. She clearly said it was salt. She added too much and wanted to cover it up with sugar. Did she think that adding too much sugar and salt would make it less salty? Weird brain circuitry. 】

[It’s hard to comment on the roasted pork ribs. The meat is chewy in the mouth. Doesn’t she taste it before serving it? I'm like a guinea pig. 】

[I don’t know why I got angry again, but I got better at night. My temper comes and goes quickly. 】

[I have changed my clothes, but she won’t take me with her to the class reunion! 】

[Let me pick you up after the party. Am I a tool person? ! 】

[For the sake of her buying me clothes, I forgive her for now. 】

[Because I didn’t have the birthday cake, I quarreled with me and ignored me for several days. How should I calm down in this situation? 】

[I forgot to bring her a watch when I was on a business trip, so I was annoyed for two weeks. I have never seen her so perseverant in anything. 】

[I'm angry again. Isn't it because she rubbed her lipstick on my shirt? 】

[The standard answer for rubbing lipstick on my shirt is to buy her lipstick. What’s the logic of this? The Internet harms people. 】

[Her interest in cooking seems to have passed. She hasn’t cooked for me for a long time. In fact, she has made progress. Is it because I am too ‘harsh’ in my evaluation every time and it hurts her self-confidence? 】

[If you accidentally speak too much, how should you take it back? 】

[She is several years younger than me, so I should let her order. 】

Han Ruoxing couldn't stand it anymore, her eyes were red and she was sobbing silently.

The car finally arrived at the Gu family's old home, and Han Ruoxing finally calmed down.

She got out of the car, straightened her appearance, and walked straight towards the door. Before she could step in, the guard stopped her and asked her what she did.

The security guard in this guard room was a stranger. Han Ruoxing had never seen him before.

She said calmly, I am Gu Jingyan's fiancée, and I am here to take care of the old lady.

Fiancée? The security guard looked her up and down, Wait a minute, I'll ask.

As he spoke, he walked aside and made a phone call. He came back after a while and said, You can go back. It is not convenient for the old lady to see guests now.

Han Ruoxing frowned, Where's Uncle Qin? Call him and I'll tell him.

The security guard was impatient, I told you that it's not convenient to see guests. Don't you understand? Leave now.

As he said that, he pushed Todoroki.

Han Ruoxing looked worried. The more he refused to let him see him, the more fishy he became.

At this moment, the horse-breeding worker was leading Junjun for a walk in the garden. When she whistled, Junjun broke away from the worker who was pulling him and ran towards the gate excitedly.

Junjun, who was tall and strong, rushed over in a daze, frightening the security guard into panic, dodged left and right, and hurried into the guard room and closed the door.

Han Ruoxing pulled the reins, got on the horse, smoothed Junjun's mane, and whispered, Good Junjun, take me to see grandma.

The little guy seemed to understand Han Ruoxing's words, and with a long hiss, he led her into the old house.

As soon as I entered the yard, I found that there were more people in the yard. In addition to the gardeners and the keepers who usually took care of the animals at home, there were also several strong young men in suits.

Several people chased it, and Junjun thought it would be more fun if others played with it again. Even if the breeder came forward, there was nothing he could do about it.

Until Zhong Meilan's voice came, Han Ruoxing! You harmed Jingyan and didn't tell me, but you still come here to act wild. Are you crazy?! (End of Chapter)

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