Su Wanqin said, Can she still hide her lover from us? Her classmates from abroad came to Jiangcheng to play, and she went to work as a guide for them.

Song Wanqian frowned, I don't think I've ever heard her mention it.

I mentioned it a long time ago. If Xing wasn't awake at that time, you might not have noticed.

Song Wanqian naturally heard some complaints in Su Wanqin's words.

Since Ruoxing was recognized, although on the surface, apart from Caline's equity, he had also prepared Ruoxing's things for Song Jiayu equally, but emotionally, he did neglect Song Jiayu a lot.

When Su Wanqin mentioned it, he felt wrong and said, Why don't you ask her classmates to come to your house for a meal? It's a rare visit and we can do our best to be landlords.

Su Wanqin said, No, they young people can just have fun by themselves. Besides, Ruoxing has been in a bad mood recently, so stop making trouble.

Han Ruoxing was too lazy to listen to Su Wanqin's meanderings and whispered, Dad, I'm a little tired.

Su Wanqin said with concern, Sister Sun, the food is ready. Let's rest after eating.

Han Ruoxing didn't look at her, but said to Song Wanqian, Dad, I want to rest.

Song Wanqian immediately felt distressed, Then you go upstairs and rest first. After you sleep well, Dad will ask Aunt Sun to do it for you again. He handed Han Ruoxing's mobile phone to her.

Thanks dad.

Han Ruoxing took it and stood up, carrying the things upstairs.

As soon as they left, Song Wanqian frowned and said, Don't mention Jingyan in front of Ruoxing now. If you don't look at her like that, aren't you stabbing her in the heart?

Song Tianjun raised his eyebrows while listening.

It's rare that his stupid father actually changed his mind today.

Su Wanqin seemed a little aggrieved and said in a low voice, I'm also sorry for Jingyan's child. Why did something like this happen...

These words made Song Wanqian feel uncomfortable.

Although he had disliked the boy for a while because of the divorce between Gu Jingyan and Ruoxing, after all, he was the child he had watched since childhood and was the flesh and blood of his best friend. How could he be worried now that he was neither alive nor dead? ah.

He turned to Song Tianjun and said, Tianjun, if you add more people, no matter how hard you try, you must find them back. You can't... you can't let him be alone...

Song Wanqian's eyes turned red and he could no longer speak.

Song Tianjun responded, I understand.

Han Ruoxing went upstairs to charge her phone. The phone lit up, and the screen saver showed a photo of her and Gu Jingyan at Erhai Lake.

She took Gu Jingyan to take the photo. Gu Jingyan still didn't like taking pictures, so he grimaced when he saw the camera. Before pressing the shutter, she turned her head and kissed him. Gu Jingyan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Captured him looking down at her.

Han Ruoxing's eyes were sore, and she just sat on the edge of the bed with her mobile phone, without moving for a long time.

She didn't know how long it took, but she didn't come back to her senses until her phone rang.

The call was from Lin Shu, and Han Ruoxing stood up and answered the call.

Madam, are you back?

Lin Shu asked softly.

Han Ruoxing said Hmm and said, How are you doing there?

Lin Shu was not in a good place, but he knew that Han Ruoxing was even worse, so he lied, It's okay, everything is fine. I found Mr. Gu's cell phone. Do you want to take it back?

The mobile phone was originally claimed by a family member, but Han Ruoxing and Gu Jingyan had legally terminated their relationship, so the claimant was Zhong Meilan.

Lin Shu filed a claim with the police on the grounds that the phone contained company confidential documents. After the police approved it, the phone was handed over to him.

As a cautious person like Gu Jingyan, he would naturally not put important documents in his mobile phone. Lin Shu wanted to come back because he wanted to give it to Han Ruoxing to leave her in his thoughts.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment and asked in a low voice, Where are you?

Lin Shu made an appointment with her.

Han Ruoxing simply packed up and went out.

Song Wanqian was worried and arranged for her family's driver to take her there.

The place where Lin Shu invited her to go was a teahouse. It was three o'clock in the afternoon and it was not the weekend yet. There was no one in the teahouse.

She reported her room number to the boss and was led to a room.

Opening the door, Lin Shu and... Qian Yan were sitting inside.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, then reached out and closed the door.

Madam. Lin Shu seemed to have caught a cold, his voice was a little hoarse, and he looked a little haggard. When he saw Han Ruoxing, he was still polite and gentle as before. He stood up and pulled out the chair opposite and said, Sit down and talk.

Han Ruoxing put down her bag and sat down.

Han Ruoxing's situation was much better than Lin Shu imagined. If she was too bad, today would not be a good time.

Han Ruoxing did not take the initiative to speak.

Lin Shu didn't come alone, but brought Qian Yan with him. Qian Yan was Gu Jingyan's classmate and a lawyer, so giving her a cell phone was just an excuse. Lin Shu had other things to ask her for.

Sure enough, after sitting down, Lin Shu said, You know this Lawyer Qian, so I won't introduce him much. Let Lawyer Qian talk to you.

Han Ruoxing looked at Qian Yan, who still had a cold and indifferent expression. He opened the document in front of him and handed it to Han Ruoxing.

This is the document Gu Jingyan entrusted me to draft before. Please take a look.

Han Ruoxing took a light breath and asked, A will?

The will was not made by me, Qian Yan said calmly, This is an authorization contract.

Han Ruoxing didn't understand.

Qian Yan said, If you don't want to read it, I will briefly elaborate. A month ago, he entrusted me as a third party to draw up this authorization contract. The general content of the contract is that once he himself is unable to participate in the company due to various reasons, The adjudication of major matters will be handled by Ms. Han Ruoxing. Until he comes back officially declared dead, the property in his name will be distributed according to his will.

Han Ruoxing was stunned by the sudden news. She was a little confused. Why did Gu Jingyan make such a contract? Did he have a premonition?

Did he say anything else? Han Ruoxing asked a little eagerly.

Qian Yan shook his head, But when the agreement was signed, there was a video recorded at the scene. Do you want to watch it?

Han Ruoxing nodded with red eyes.

Qian Yan took out his mobile phone and played the video of the signing of the agreement.

Qian Yan didn't lie to her. The video was simply recorded when signing the contract to avoid leaving evidence of any mistakes in the future. Gu Jingyan didn't even look at the camera. He was talking about his own ideas. Qian Yan was beside him to help draft it, and Lin Shu was sitting there. Be there to witness the whole process.

After printing out and signing, Gu Jingyan said, If she doesn't want to, don't force her. I hope my worries are unfounded.

Han Ruoxing closed her eyes and replayed the whole thing in her mind.

The murderer mistakenly identified Gu Jingyan as Mo Mingxuan. Everyone said it was an accident. But if it was an accident, why would Gu Jingyan have a premonition of this incident?

A chill hit her back, Han Ruoxing pressed her lips together and didn't speak for a long time.

Madam, Lin Shu whispered, If you don't want to participate, you can refuse.

Han Ruoxing asked, What will happen if I refuse?

Lin Shu was silent for a while and said, Three days later, there will be another meeting. If Mr. Gu cannot be present, they will appoint someone to take over our team. Once the core technology is stolen, everyone's efforts will be in vain, even if Mr. Gu comes back. , will also be severely damaged, and will not be able to fight Mr. Hai again in a short period of time. (End of this chapter)

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