Han Ruoxing was startled for a moment, then lowered his eyes.

She was silent for a long time before speaking, Lawyer Mo, Jingyan regards you as his best friend, and so do I.

I know, Mo Mingxuan smiled, very gently, but his face was a little pale, I never dared to try to replace him, I just hope that you will be well.

I will be fine, Han Ruoxing said softly, because I know he wants me to be fine.

Mo Mingxuan gently grasped the phone and said no more.

Life in Liuzhen is peaceful and comfortable.

In the past few years, some government projects were carried out in Liu Town, which occupied a lot of land. Many residents received a large amount of demolition fees, so the residents' lives were relatively prosperous.

It’s just that there are no pillar industries in the town, and the quality of education is not good enough to retain young people.

Two young men came to Lao Qiao's house. They were beautiful and elegant, and soon the news spread to everyone in the country.

The good thing about the small place is that every household has some relatives or friends, so in one day, more than a dozen waves of relatives came to see the fun on the pretext of delivering things or passing by.

Grandpa is quite famous in the town. He was a cook when he was young. He was always there to take care of weddings and weddings from all over the country. The neighbor’s old lady described the dishes he cooked as being so delicious that one would lick the plate after eating them. .

Later, when he got older and could no longer cook, he began to study medical books on his own. He would still be able to figure out whether a pig was losing weight, a dog was upset, or a cow was flatulent. .

However, my great-grandfather also knew that what he was learning was superficial, so he never charged for it. He just had someone deliver it to him and help him take a look at it. If he couldn’t see it, he hurriedly had someone deliver it to the city.

People in the town didn't seem to know about Qiao Xusheng, and no one mentioned it.

Grandpa was so lively. The meal for three people ended up being like a banquet, with a big table.

Neighbors are chopping vegetables, kneading dough, and there is endless laughter and laughter.

While washing the dishes, an aunt next to her whispered to Han Ruoxing, Girl Qiao, you have found a good partner. He is decent-looking, has a bright eye, speaks softly, and is polite. He is. What are you doing?

Han Ruoxing said while washing the dishes, Madam, he is not my partner, he is my friend and a lawyer.

The aunt was surprised, Why did I hear Old Qiaotou say that my great-grandson-in-law is coming?

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes and said, I was supposed to come, but... something happened and he couldn't come.

Oh, the aunt said enthusiastically without thinking too much, then remember to bring him here next time, and I will cook my specialty dishes for you.

Han Ruoxing moved for a moment, then smiled for a long time and said, Okay.

It was getting late, and the guests were leaving one after another. Han Ruoxing was busy cleaning up, and Mo Mingxuan was also helping.

Grandpa sat on the threshold of the hall door and looked at them.

Although Mo Mingxuan is not skilled at work, he is very diligent and careful. For example, if Han Ruoxing cannot move a chair, he will take the initiative to help. For example, when handing a cleaned fruit knife to Han Ruoxing, he will be careful. Point the blade towards yourself to avoid scratching Han Ruoxing.

Some very detailed things can often reveal a person's quality.

Boy Mo, Grandpa called him, Do you have any cigarettes?

Mo Mingxuan shook his head, I quit smoking.

Grandpa said oh in disappointment.

Mo Mingxuan put down his sleeves and said warmly, What brand do you want to smoke? I'll buy it for you.

Grandpa's eyes lit up immediately, That's so embarrassing.

Mo Mingxuan smiled and said, I ate a lot tonight and I just happened to go out for a walk. I dropped by.

So Grandpa used the donkey down the slope and said, Then you can help me carry the peonies.

Mo Mingxuan had never heard of this cigarette name, but he still said, Okay.

He picked up his coat and turned to look at Han Ruoxing, Ruoxing, what do you want?

Han Ruoxing shook his head, No, thank you.

Her tone was polite and distant, and Mo Mingxuan's eyes showed a little loss, and he said softly, Then I'll be back as soon as I can.

Han Ruoxing said hmm.

As soon as Mo Mingxuan left, Grandpa called out, Xingxing, stop doing this. Come and sit with Grandpa for a while.

Han Ruoxing wiped her hands and walked over with some anxiety.

Grandpa patted the threshold next to him and said, Come, sit here.

Han Ruoxing sat down next to the old man.

What happened to that boy from the Gu family? Did you have a fight?

Han Ruoxing thought that her great-grandfather would ask about Qiao Xusheng, but she didn't expect that when he opened his mouth, he would ask Gu Jingyan.

Coming down from the mountain, Han Ruoxing had always been very restrained, but her great-grandfather's concerned inquiry suddenly made her collapse and burst into tears.

Grandpa has lived to this age and has become a human spirit.

Han Ruoxing had a fever and was brought here by Mo Mingxuan. He already guessed that the matter was not simple, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Grandpa stretched out his hand and lovingly wiped away her tears, Cry, darling. It will make you feel better if you cry.

Han Ruoxing didn't cry for too long. She wiped away her tears and said in a hoarse voice, Grandpa, I'm going back tomorrow. Jingyan hasn't come back yet. I have to help him protect his hard work and his family. I can't be here Stayed here too long.

Grandpa nodded and patted the back of her hand, Then Grandpa will see you off tomorrow.

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes and whispered for a long time, Grandpa, I am not a descendant of the Qiao Qiao family. Qiao Xusheng and I are not related by blood.

As a relative, it was impossible for the great-grandfather not to know about Qiao Xusheng. If he still treated her like this, he probably didn't even know that she was not Qiao Xusheng's daughter.

The only person in the Qiao family who truly loved her was her great-grandfather, and she was unwilling to hide it from him.

Grandpa did not speak, the atmosphere was calm, and Han Ruoxing was mentally prepared.

Grandpa will not scold her, but he will definitely be disappointed.

After a long time, the great-grandfather spoke, and he said, You mean, you won't come here again, right? There's no blood relationship anyway, so you don't want to look at a bad old man like me.

Han Ruoxing was stunned and subconsciously denied it, Of course not, I no longer have the qualifications.

All the great-grandfather's love and affection for her ultimately stemmed from that blood relationship. Without this relationship, how could she dare to covet the old man's wishes?

Grandpa said, Actually, whether you are Qiao Xusheng's daughter or not has nothing to do with me.

Han Ruoxing was confused. What does it mean it doesn't matter?

Grandpa talked about the past this time.

My great-grandfather was not originally from Liuzhen. He and his great-grandmother were both outsiders. They were childhood sweethearts. When I was a child, my great-grandfather’s family conditions were very poor. In order to have enough food, he joined the army and left for three years.

I saved some money when I was discharged from the army. Although it was not enough to return home with a glorious coat, it was enough to put down roots in my hometown. (End of chapter)

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