He didn't know a few Chinese characters and couldn't write letters, so he lost contact with his great-aunt for three years after leaving.

She originally thought that after three years, she would already be married, but when she returned, she found that the person she had longed for was also waiting for him at home.

The two hadn't seen each other for many years, but it seemed as if they had never been separated. They quickly established a relationship.

Grandpa hired a matchmaker to discuss the marriage, and the date was quickly set.

Both of them are busy and looking forward to the new home they are about to form, but they don't want bad luck to come.

A serial murder occurred in the town. The murderer specifically targeted young women, raped them and then killed them.

Four murders were committed in half a year, causing people to panic for a while. Those with women in the family, especially young girls, were not allowed to go out alone at all.

My great-grandmother was working in a textile factory, and my great-grandfather drove her to and from get off work every day. Seeing that the wedding was approaching, my great-grandmother’s family suddenly changed their mind and wanted to increase the betrothal gift. It turned out that my great-aunt’s brother had fallen in love with a girl from a certain family, and the bride price was very high. Grandma's family couldn't get enough, so she came up with this idea.

My great-grandmother was so ashamed and angry that she had a big quarrel with her family because of this.

However, in that era, marriage was not a woman's choice.

If grandpa doesn't give it, grandma's family will immediately arrange another marriage for her. There will always be someone willing to pay for it.

Grandpa was also angry, but he had to pay the money. He couldn't just watch the family push grandma into the fire pit.

But when he bought a new home, he didn't have much money left. After borrowing money from relatives and friends, it was still a little short of money.

There was a coal mine in the county at that time. The machinery at that time was not that advanced. The coal was all produced by workers without protection.

But there was a lot of money, and he only needed to work for a month to collect the remaining money. What's more, he was only twenty years old, so he was young and strong and had plenty of strength.

Even though he was very busy at work, my great-grandfather would still wait for my great-aunt at the door of the textile factory on time when she got off work.

Until one day, it rained heavily and the entrance of the mine collapsed. The workers cooperated inside and outside, and it took a long time to dig out the entrance of the mine.

As soon as the great-grandpa came out and changed his clothes, he hurried to pick up the great-grandma. It was already dark at that time. When he arrived, the door of the textile factory was locked, and the great-grandma was not there.

Grandpa felt uneasy, so he ran to Grandma's house. As a result, Grandma didn't come home at all. A co-worker who worked with him said that she waited at the door for half an hour and then left, saying she was looking for him at the mine.

But the people in the mine did not see Grandma.

Grandpa felt that something was wrong, so he called a few retired comrades to search for the person along the road from the textile factory to the coal mine.

One of his comrades heard a noise while passing by a crop field. He shouted Who's there? Suddenly a figure jumped up and ran away in a panic.

The comrade stepped forward and took a look, and his expression suddenly changed.

Something happened to my great-grandma.

When grandpa rushed over, her lower body was naked and her neck was wrapped with a rope...

It was simply discovered early and he was still breathing, so he was rushed to the hospital.

The only survivor of a serial rape and murder case, the police quickly arrived to learn about the situation.

After the great-grandmother was out of danger, she identified the murderer.

However, the matter did not end here. Instead of gaining the respect of everyone for identifying the murderer, the story of the day she was discovered and humiliated spread among the surrounding crowd.

Everyone thinks that she did not die not because she was lucky, but because she was too cooperative and not as chaste as the other women who died before. Workers also said that the grandma liked to dress up too much, so she was attacked by the gangsters, or she was too Swagger”.

In an era when female chastity was paramount, the victim became the target of blame.

Her family members seemed to feel that she had disgraced her. They had previously thought of increasing the betrothal gift, but when the incident happened, perhaps they were afraid that the great-grandfather would dislike the great-grandmother, so they actually offered to reduce the betrothal gift.

My great-grandmother had a strong personality and couldn't stand this kind of grievance, so she committed suicide in a fit of anger.

Fortunately, he was discovered and rescued in time.

The great-grandmother did not want the great-grandfather to become the laughing stock, so she took the initiative to terminate the engagement.

Grandpa was heartbroken and saw the faces of these people clearly, so without telling anyone, he took Grandma away from his hometown forever and settled in Liuzhen, a few hundred kilometers away.

The two got married, and my great-grandfather also found a job. Everything seemed to be going in a good direction, but two months later, my great-grandmother became pregnant.

After checking the date, I found that the child was not my grandfather's, and my great-grandmother wanted to abort it. At that time, food was a problem, and I couldn't afford to go to the hospital. My great-grandfather said he should keep it, but my great-grandmother didn't want to, so she secretly tried various methods to trouble her. , and even listened to folk remedies and drank broken porcelain water.

Fortunately, my great-grandfather discovered it, so it didn't lead to a tragedy.

No matter how much the great-grandmother tried, the child was always safe and sound. The great-grandfather thought that this might be his fate, so he persuaded the great-aunt to keep him and raise him as their child, and no one was allowed to mention it.

My great-grandmother cried for several days, and finally had no choice but to accept the reality.

Grandpa’s eldest son, Qiao Xusheng’s father, is not related by blood to Grandpa. However, Grandpa has always kept his promise to Grandma and treated his eldest son as his own. No one knows this secret except the couple. .

He originally thought that this matter would be brought to him in the coffin if Han Ruoxing didn't mention it today.

The eldest son's family is obviously very different in temperament from his two children.

Especially in Qiao Xusheng's generation, those children are somewhat selfish.

Although my great-grandfather still treated everyone equally, he already had a grudge in his heart.

When the news of Qiao Xusheng's accident came, my great-grandfather was stunned for a long time. In the end, he only came to the conclusion that a dragon begets a dragon, a phoenix begets a phoenix, and a mouse's son can dig holes. It was not too sad.

As for Han Ruoxing not being Qiao Xusheng's daughter.

Grandpa paused and whispered, Actually, Gu Xiaozi has told me your life experience a long time ago.

Han Ruoxing's heart trembled, Gu Jingyan told you? When?

He didn't tell himself at all.

It's been a while, and I can't remember the details, Grandpa touched it and said, He gave me back the money I left for you, and asked me to pretend not to know.

He was still a little angry and said, It's not because of my blood relationship that I'm good to Xingxing!

Grandpa liked Han Ruoxing at first because of He Yurou. Grandpa had a particularly good impression of that grandson-in-law. She loved the whole house and had a crush on her. Naturally, he also favored Han Ruoxing. Later, he simply fell in love with this child.

The reason is also very simple. Not only is this girl cute, but she is also sensible.

He still remembers that when he gave the little girl candy, she frowned and looked like she wanted to spit it out at any time, but when he asked about it, she forced a smile and said, It's very sweet. (End of chapter)

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