Han Ruoxing was woken up by a dog barking.

When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by earthen walls covered with newspapers. The tungsten filament light bulb above his head was so old that the glass walls had turned black.

Surrounded by old objects, the large floral quilt covering her body looked like it was made of new cotton. It was soft and warm, and had a faint smell of sunshine. For a moment, Han Ruoxing thought she was just like the heroine of some period novels. , traveled to the 1980s and 1990s.

If so, will Gu Jingyan also travel through time?

However, the mobile phone placed on the table broke her delusion. She lay on the bed for a while and then got up.

The illness is gone like silk. Although the fever has subsided, my body is still soft and I have no strength. I have been burning all night and my whole body is sticky. In addition, I stayed in the mountains a few days ago and was exposed to the wind and sun. The smell on my body is really strong. Doesn't smell good.

She wanted to clean it, but there was nothing in the room. She turned around, gathered her clothes, and went out.

When she walked out of the door, she realized that she was sleeping in a tile-roofed house like before. She was also sleeping in the main house, with a side room on the east and west sides. There was a little black dog in the yard, barking at passers-by.

There is no gate in the yard. A hawthorn tree is planted on the east side of the gate. It is winter and all the leaves have fallen, leaving only hawthorns hanging on the branches, beautiful and deserted.

Han Ruoxing vaguely remembered the time when she was a child picking hawthorns under this hawthorn tree.

While I was dazed, someone from behind called out, Wake up.

Han Ruoxing turned around and saw Mo Mingxuan wearing an old coat walking from the west side of the main house.

Seeing her staring at the coat on his body, Mo Mingxuan explained with a smile, My great-grandpa said I was wearing thin clothes, so he found me some clothes. It's quite warm.

Han Ruoxing did not answer, but asked, Where is great-grandpa?

Mo Mingxuan said, There's a castrated piglet in the backyard. I'll take you there.

The backyard is larger than the front yard, with a vegetable garden, a chicken shed, and a pig and sheep pen.

But now the only animals he raises are pigs. He is very old, and even though he is in better health than his peers, he can no longer take care of him.

Originally, the pigs were going to be sold this year, but the mother pig was pregnant with her baby, so she kept them.

When my great-grandfather was young, he would castrate the piglets himself. Now that he is old and his hands are unsteady, he asked Mo Mingxuan to come over and help.

Mo Mingxuan grew up in the city. He had never even seen a pig, let alone castrated piglets, and he didn't dare to poke them with tools.

Grandpa was like a coach watching the game, frantically directing his apprentice how to play. As a result, his unlucky apprentice couldn't even grab a rebound.

Looking at the teeth marks on Mo Mingxuan's hand that were bitten by the pig, the great-grandfather held it in for a long time and said, This is the first time in my life that I have seen someone bitten by a pig.

Mo Mingxuan...

Han Ruoxing thought of the time when her great-grandfather went to Jiangcheng. She and Gu Jingyan took her great-grandfather out to play.

Gu Jingyan was particularly indifferent at that time. After all, as a young master, he was just like an old man when he went out. When he got off the car, someone had to come and open the door.

As a result, when we arrived at Grandpa’s place, he didn’t care what kind of CEO you were. He bought water for him to go, bought tickets for him to go, queued up for food and let him go. Even to go to the toilet, he had to wait outside with his clothes.

If Gu Jingyan showed any dissatisfaction, the great-grandfather would sigh, In this marriage, no matter whether you have money or not, you must find someone with a good temper. You must not find someone who blows his beard and stares after being asked twice. Ask him to buy a cup. Water, he dares to stare at you, and when you are old and lying on the hospital bed, he will definitely pull out your oxygen tube immediately.

Gu Jingyan was so angry that he vomited blood. While his great-grandfather was going to the toilet, he came up to her and said in a low voice, What does this have to do with pulling out the oxygen tube? He had to make me run back and forth several times for a one-time run. , I can’t feel resentful about him tormenting people?”

Han Ruoxing glanced at him and said, Then you go back. I didn't ask you to come.

Gu Jingyan choked for a moment, and finally snorted, Do you think I want to come? I don't want people to gossip!

He has a hard mouth but a soft heart. No wonder his great-grandfather bullied him too much.

Mo Mingxuan couldn't do anything, so his great-grandfather had no choice but to call the neighbor's juniors to come over and help.

He raised and lowered the knife, one at a time, and in a short time all the dozen piglets were castrated.

Mo Mingxuan was stunned and asked in a low voice, Doesn't this... hurt?

Grandpa was silent, How about you ask them?

Mo Mingxuan...

Grandpa said, grabbing the fattest piglet, and said to Han Ruoxing enthusiastically, Xingxing, how about this one? Or you can choose which one you like, and Grandpa will kill it for you later.

The little piglet was lifted up and squealing on its hind legs. Han Ruoxing stretched out his hand to free the little piglet from his grandfather's hands and whispered, I don't want to eat meat. I want to eat the sweet potatoes you roasted when I was a kid.

Grandpa suddenly laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth. That's easy to say. Grandpa will make a fire for you to bake now.

Then he said to Mo Mingxuan, Boy Mo, take Xingxing to wash up and come back to help me chop some firewood.

Mo Mingxuan responded, stood up and said to Han Ruoxing, Let's go, I'll take you there.

The town government has built resettlement housing, but my grandfather and some elderly people in the village have long been accustomed to living in their own tile-roofed houses, and the buildings are not suitable for them, so they have never moved.

There is a bathroom in the resettlement room, with water, heating and electricity. When Han Ruoxing came out after washing, Mo Mingxuan was on the phone.

Seeing her coming out, he covered the receiver and said, Tianjun's call, do you want to answer it? If you don't want to answer it, I'll refuse it for you.

Han Ruoxing wiped the water from her hair and whispered, Give it to me.

Mo Mingxuan then spoke to the person over there and gave the phone to Han Ruoxing.

Ruoxing, how are you? Are you feeling better?

Han Ruoxing gave a vague hmm and then said, Brother, I'm sorry for making you worry.

Seeing that her tone was normal, Song Tianjun's heart finally dropped, It's okay...it's okay, as long as you're okay, he said, softening his tone, and then asked, When will you come back?

Just these two days. I haven't seen my great-grandpa for a long time. How about spending two days with him... over there?

Song Tianjun understood that she was asking for news about Gu Jingyan.

Song Tianjun pursed his lips and said after a long time, There is no news yet. He was afraid that Han Ruoxing would be sad, so he added, Maybe that's what you said. Jingyan might have been rescued. Otherwise, it's not the sea, so how could he not be able to fish it out? ? I asked Rong Xu to go to the hospital for a checkup. I will contact you if there is any news. Also, apologize to Mingxuan for me and thank him for finding you.

Han Ruoxing responded, hung up the phone, turned to look at Mo Mingxuan, and then noticed some shallow bruises on the left corner of his lip.

Han Ruoxing quickly figured out what was going on. She walked over and returned the phone to Mo Mingxuan and whispered, Lawyer Mo, don't worry about what I said on the top of the mountain yesterday. I was not clear-headed at the time. And my brother, he is also looking for help. I’m sorry. Also, thank you for your help until now. Thank you very much.”

Ruoxing, Mo Mingxuan lowered his eyes and whispered, If you are saying thank you to me from Jingyan's perspective, then there is absolutely no need. He is my friend, and I should help; if you are saying thank you to me as your own It’s even more unnecessary,” he said, raising his eyes, the hidden emotions in his eyes ready to come out, “because I am willing to do so.” (End of Chapter)

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