He came by shuttle bus, and Han Ruoxing didn't even have his ID card. He could only come here by private car. Each passenger in a private car went to a different place, and it was definitely slower than a direct shuttle bus.

Thinking of this, he stayed.

Grandpa didn't know what happened. He was very happy when a guest came to his house. He arranged a place for him and cooked delicious food for him.

Mo Mingxuan was worried about Han Ruoxing, who couldn't eat anything every day.

He stayed with the old man for two days, and Han Ruoxing never showed up. On the morning of the third day, he suddenly woke up from a nightmare.

In the past, dreams were full of lingering fires, but this time, what appeared in the dream was the scene of Han Ruoxing determined to follow Gu Jingyan and jump off the bridge.

He broke out in a cold sweat, opened his eyes suddenly, and stared at the old newspaper stuck above his head. It took him a while to get out of his dream little by little.

It had been three days, no matter what kind of transportation she took, it was time to arrive.

Unless she wasn't here at all.

Mo Mingxuan didn't dare to delay, so he packed up and went to the old man to say goodbye.

The old man went out early in the morning. As he got older, he slept less and couldn't lie down when he woke up, so he got up early to go for a walk nearby.

Mo Mingxuan was uncomfortable here, but he was gentle and handsome, and spoke modestly and politely. After coming here for a few days, the neighbors around him had a particularly good impression of him.

When he heard that he was looking for Lao Qiaotou, he enthusiastically showed him the way.

Mo Mingxuan soon found the old man who was watching others cracking whips in the square of the town's senior citizen activity center.

He was about to make love to Qian, when suddenly a few old ladies taking a break from exercising were chatting next to him.

A few days ago, I went to the Temple of Gods to burn incense, and I saw someone walking on the plank road again. Oh, I was scared to death. How could you have the courage to go on such a narrow road?

He must be a stranger again. He was fooled by that bald donkey named Chen. What about the reincarnation eye and Nuwa stone? I have never heard of this thing since I grew up in this town.

There are always a few people who are fooled every year. Even an old woman like me doesn't believe it. Why are young people becoming more and more superstitious?

Well, no one in this world has any obsessions. They are just looking for sustenance. I heard that the man who came back this time died. He was young and pitiful. That bald donkey is too hateful, my son-in-law said When I returned to town last time, I saw this bald donkey cuddling with a woman—

The auntie was grabbed by someone before she even spoke about her gossip.

Auntie, where is the temple of gods you just mentioned?

The aunt was startled. When she turned around and saw a gentle young man, she thought she was coming from other places to burn incense and pray for blessings, so she informed her of the location of the temple.

After saying that, he kindly told me, Young man, just burn incense and pay for the sesame oil. If anyone tries to tell you your fortune, don't believe it. They are all scammers!

Mo Mingxuan thanked him, said hello to the old man, and hurried up the mountain.

Today happened to be the first day of the Lunar New Year, and many people went up the mountain to burn incense. Mo Mingxuan walked all the way and asked questions, and soon found the temple of the gods.

It is said to be a temple, but it is actually not big. There is only a temple for worshiping incense and a tile-roofed room for caregivers to rest.

The queue for burning incense stretches from the inside of the temple to the outside, more than ten meters long, and is still growing.

As soon as Mo Mingxuan arrived, he saw a man dressed as a monk sitting there outside the temple, guiding people.

Mo Mingxuan walked over with a sullen face. The monk had noticed Mo Mingxuan since he arrived, thinking that another big customer had arrived, and was secretly rejoicing. Unexpectedly, Mo Mingxuan rushed up, grabbed him by the collar, and pulled him away. He grabbed up from his seat and asked with a cold face, Where is the woman you coaxed to climb to the top of the mountain a few days ago?

The fake monk was startled and wanted to deny it, I - little monk, I don't know what you are talking about - ah -

Before he could finish speaking, his wrist was twisted violently, and a burst of heart-breaking pain made him cry out.

Don't make me ask a second time!

The cold voice, without any warmth, suddenly made people feel chilly.

This guy who deceived and kidnapped people, how could he have any backbone? He immediately did all the tricks.

Three days ago, a woman did come to the temple to burn incense.

She was dressed in ordinary clothes and wrapped up tightly, but she was very generous with her money. She invested several thousand in sesame oil. Others put incense, donated money and left. She was the only one who could not afford to kneel in front of the temple. At first glance, she was in trouble. When things get difficult, it's best to cheat this kind of people out of their money.

So he took the initiative to go over and talk, but the other party didn't say much until he said there was a death stone on the top of the mountain. If you write the name of the person you want on it, your wishes will come true.

The woman suddenly became energetic and asked him about the stone. He had seen too many of these crazy men and women, and they were not merciless at all. Han Ruoxing not only gave him all the cash in her hand, but also gave him the necklace.

He originally wanted the diamond ring on her hand, but Han Ruoxing refused to give it to him.

Mo Mingxuan clenched his hands and stared at the man with a sinister look that frightened him.

Yes, she gave it to me voluntarily. I didn't steal or rob. She was too obsessed with it. She insisted on telling her how to get up. I told her it was very dangerous, but she didn't listen...

and after?

Then? I don't know after that. It seems...it seems like I didn't see her come down...

lead the way.

Mo Mingxuan tightened his face and spoke coldly.

Ah? The man was stunned for a moment. Mo Mingxuan glanced at him, and the latter immediately shrank his shoulders, I, I, I, I'll just take it.

The road to the top of the mountain is very steep. No one goes up except for the people who protect the mountain. Because there is a plank road dozens of meters long to the top of the mountain. One side is close to the cliff, and the other side is the cliff. It is only half a meter wide and tight. One person passed.

A sign reading Undeveloped, Climbing Strictly Prohibited fell on the ground at the entrance to the plank road.

Mo Mingxuan bent down to pick up the sign. When the fake monk saw that the shackles were gone, he turned around and ran away.

Mo Mingxuan didn't look at him, picked up the sign and hung it again on the stone wall at the entrance, and followed the plank road to the top of the mountain to find it.

After passing the plank road, walk a short distance up the mountain road to reach the top of the mountain.

His field of vision suddenly widened, and he immediately saw a huge rock standing on the edge of the cliff. On the withered yellow grass next to the rock, there was a familiar bag, but Han Ruoxing was nowhere to be seen.

Mo Mingxuan's heart suffocated. He held his breath and approached the boulder bit by bit.

The stone was about three to four meters long and wide, more than two meters high, and had an irregular shape.

The sunny side was densely covered with unknown objects. As I got closer, I could see clearly that they were all Gu Jingyan's name, almost covering half of the stone wall.

Mo Mingxuan's throat froze, and he followed the handwriting, walked around the boulder, and saw the person sitting behind the boulder.

She leaned against the boulder, arched her knees, put one hand around her knees and buried her head in it, while the other hand was placed outside with a pen in her hand. (End of chapter)

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