The nine-seater commercial vehicle was bumpy all the way, and the smell of engine oil mixed with the smell of various foods made even people who didn't get motion sickness begin to feel uncomfortable.

The woman sitting next to her was holding a child over half a year old in her arms. The child was crying so much that it annoyed everyone around him.

Someone complained directly, Can you please stop crying? It's making so much noise!

With an embarrassed look on her face, she turned around and said sorry to others, then untied her clothes to feed the baby.

Some people looked away uncomfortably, while others showed disgust.

The woman was very young, and she must have had her first child in her arms. The reactions of the people around her made her feel ashamed, and her eyes became a little red.

At this moment, a piece of clothing was put on her shoulders, which helped her relieve the shame of breastfeeding in public.

She was startled for a moment, then turned to look at the woman sitting next to her wearing a mask and hat.

She was dressed very ordinary, no different from the people around her, but her eyes under the brim of her hat were particularly beautiful, but they were dim and lacked any energy.

She just silently put the clothes on her shoulders without saying anything.

But just this gesture warmed the mother's heart, and she whispered thank you.

Han Ruoxing said nothing, and fumbled for the diamond ring on her ring finger with her eyes lowered.

After the child had eaten enough, he finally calmed down and nestled in his mother's arms. He opened his round eyes and observed the surroundings curiously.

The woman patted the dust on her clothes and gave it back to Han Ruoxing. She noticed her touching the ring and took the initiative to talk to her, Are you married too?

Han Ruoxing said hmm and planned to get married.

How long have you been married? the woman asked again.

Han Ruoxing said nothing.

The woman thought she was asking an abrupt question, so she took the initiative to introduce herself, I have been married to my husband for two years. He works as a carpenter in the city. This year, he had a new family. He asked me to take the child back early because he was afraid of traffic jams during the Spring Festival. Are you traveling?

Han Ruoxing said calmly, No.

Also, when she goes out to play, she always chooses a safer way to travel, instead of this little black car that does not require identity verification. She wants convenience. This car can drive directly to a place very close to her home. She takes her children, and even more. More convenient.

Han Ruoxing was cold and indifferent and didn't speak much. The woman said a few words and then fell silent.

The little guy in her arms suddenly grabbed Han Ruoxing's clothes.

The child's mother quickly went to hold the child's hand, but the little guy held on tightly. The child was delicate, and the mother did not dare to pull hard, but kept saying sorry to Han Ruoxing.

Han Ruoxing looked down and saw her shadow reflected in the child's bright eyes. Then she grinned at her, exposing her bare gums.

She was stunned, then reached out and gently touched the little guy's fleshy hand. The latter suddenly let go of his clothes and grasped her index finger.

The soft touch made her heart tremble slightly, and a surge of sourness poured out of her.

The woman coaxed him for a while before the little guy let go of his hand. She said to Han Ruoxing, This kid usually recognizes his children, but this is the first time I've seen him like this. He likes you very much.

Han Ruoxing asked softly, How old is he?

It's still five and a half days old, the woman took the initiative to initiate the topic again, How old is your child?

Han Ruoxing shook his head, I don't have children.

The woman smiled and said, You can make preparations with your husband. Ask for it early. The children are older and the parents are still young. You can spend more time with them.

Han Ruoxing suddenly remembered what she said to Gu Jingyan on the night of Erhai's birthday.

She said she wanted him to be a father before he was thirty-five. If it was too late, he would have to use a cane to attend the parent-teacher conferences.

Gu Jingyan was angry at her venomous words, but he couldn't help but dream with her about life after having children.

All longings for a better future ended on New Year's Day this year.

The person who imagined the future with her disappeared forever into the cold river.

The sadness disappeared silently, but it rained heavily in my heart.

Han Ruoxing closed her eyes for a long time and whispered, My missing.

The woman was stunned and didn't understand what missing meant.

Did he disappear after a quarrel or elope with another woman?

Just as she was thinking about how to speak, Han Ruoxing added, He fell into the water and was not recovered for twelve days. They said he was dead. The Will Center notified me last night to read out his will.

The woman never expected that she would answer like this, and she suddenly didn't know how to answer the question.

She comforted in a low voice, He wrote you in his will, he must care about you very much.

Yeah... Han Ruoxing murmured, He cares about me...

The ugly words are spoken in the front, but the sincerity is hidden in the bottom of the heart. There is no one more duplicitous than him.

The atmosphere was a bit heavy, and the woman felt sorry for her, so she comforted her and said, There is a temple on the mountain in Liu Town, and I don't know what gods are worshiped in it. Everyone said it was very effective. Last year, my father-in-law was diagnosed with liver cancer, and my mother-in-law and I came here. I paid my respects and prayed for his speedy recovery. Within a few days, the hospital informed me that there was a mistake in the order and that he was in good health.

Han Ruoxing thought, can a misdiagnosis be considered effective?

There is also a relative of mine whose son's grades are usually very average. Before the college entrance examination, she came to the temple to make a wish. As a result, the child performed exceptionally this year and actually passed the first line. Even the neighbor's lost cow, after making a wish, it didn't last long. Tian also ran back by himself.

My mother-in-law said that as long as you are sincere, your wishes will come true and you will definitely find him.

Han Ruoxing didn't speak, leaning her head against the car window, wondering what she was thinking.

A few hours later, the car arrived at its destination. Han Ruoxing helped the woman get her luggage out of the car. The woman adjusted the waist stool, and Han Ruoxing disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Liuzhen is the hometown of great-great-grandfather. Lin Shu said that a month ago, the old man asked a friend in the city to send a letter to the two of them.

The content of the letter is very simple. The piglet is about to leave the nest. If it doesn't come, the suckling pig will no longer be tender.

Gu Jingyan promised the old man that he would go there with Han Ruoxing when the work was over.

Now that Gu Jingyan was gone, but the agreement was still there, Han Ruoxing might have fulfilled Gu Jingyan's words and went to the appointment.

It was after one o'clock in the morning that Mo Mingxuan arrived at Liu Town.

Although he was very anxious, it was not easy to go to the town to find someone in the middle of the night, so he spent the night in a hotel near the station. At six o'clock the next day, he took a bus to the old man's residence.

However, it came to nothing.

Han Ruoxing is not here with the old man.

The only clue was lost. She didn't have her mobile phone, she didn't take regular transportation, and she was cut off from all means of contact with the outside world. No one knew where she went.

Song Tianjun searched everywhere, and only saw her getting into a black commercial car from the surveillance camera, but the car was very dirty, and the license plate number was obscured by mud, so it was difficult to see clearly. The investigation would take time.

Mo Mingxuan originally planned to rush back to Jiangcheng immediately to make a long-term plan, but then he thought, could it be that he came too early and Han Ruoxing was still on the way? (End of chapter)

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