Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes and said nothing.

She didn't want to respond to the topic.

After a while, she asked, How is grandma? I can't get through her phone.

Mo Mingxuan considered it and said, I am too frightened. I have been recuperating recently and it is not convenient to see guests.

He and Shen Qingchuan had been to Gu's house several times after Gu Jingyan's accident, and each time it was Zhong Meilan who received them. Each time they said the same thing, that it was not convenient to meet guests.

When something happened to Gu Jingyan, he should have cared about his family, but now he didn't care about the search and rescue situation, but he stuck to the octogenarian in the old house. This can only mean one thing - the situation in the Gu family has changed, and everyone is planning for their own future. .

The two stayed on the terrace for a long time, and Han Ruoxing said, Lawyer Mo, can you bring me the cup? I'm a little thirsty.

Mo Mingxuan pushed his coat closer to her body, Can it be warmer?

Han Ruoxing nodded.

Mo Mingxuan returned to the ward.

Tang Xiaoxiao was on the phone with Shen Qingchuan at the moment, complaining about Mo Mingxuan.

Is he honest? Gu Jingyan's accident has just happened. Why does he come to Ah Xing to show hospitality and warmth? What does he want to do? Take advantage of the situation?

Shen Qingchuan did not complain with her like before, but remained silent.

That night he heard Han Ruoxing say with his own ears that Mo Mingxuan liked her, and Gu Jingyan didn't seem surprised. He boasted of his excellent eyesight, but he didn't notice it.

In fact, it’s not that I didn’t see it, it’s that I didn’t think about it at all.

If Jingyan was still here, he would have said something, but now that Jingyan was gone and the man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried, it was not his turn to say anything.

I'm talking to you, did you hear me?

Seeing that he remained silent, Tang Xiaoxiao complained softly.

Shen Qingchuan came back to his senses and whispered, No matter what he is thinking, having one more person by your bestie's side can at least keep an eye on her. She is in a very bad state right now. Don't always get angry with Mingxuan. If he hadn't gone Negotiate, those bastards from the Gu family have given up on salvage now.

Tang Xiao smiled and flattened his lips, I know.

What do you want to eat tonight? I'll bring it to you later.

No, Uncle Song said he would come over in a while to bring us food. You don't have to come over. Keep looking harder. The longer it takes, the more ugly it will be... and A Xing won't be able to bear it.

Shen Qingchuan said hmm.

Not long after Tang Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, Mo Mingxuan came back.

Tang Xiaoxiao thought about Shen Qingchuan's words, and finally did not lose face, and took the initiative to ask, What are you looking for?

Mo Mingxuan said, Which one is Ah Xing's cup? She said she wanted to drink water.

Tang Xiaoxiao took the blue thermos cup and said, This is hers. Wait a minute while I get some water.

After she picked it up, she and Mo Mingxuan went to the terrace, but Han Ruoxing was missing on the terrace.

Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly became anxious, Where's Ah Xing? Didn't you say it was on the terrace?

Mo Mingxuan obviously didn't expect it. He suddenly realized that Han Ruoxing was telling him to get the cup. Was he trying to get rid of him?

He said calmly, You go to the bathroom and take a look. I'll look for her downstairs. She didn't take her phone, so she shouldn't have gone too far.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't care about complaining and hurriedly found someone.

Tang Xiaoxiao searched the bathrooms on the entire floor, but couldn't find Han Ruoxing.

After Mo Mingxuan searched downstairs to no avail, he quickly contacted the hospital to get the surveillance camera. Later, he saw on the surveillance camera that Han Ruoxing stood up and left the terrace after he left.

Surveillance footage captured her exiting the hospital gate and disappearing into the sea of ​​people.

Han Ruoxing is missing.

She left the hospital without taking her cell phone or even changing out of her hospital gown.

Song Tianjun came over after hearing the news. When he saw Mo Mingxuan, he grabbed him by the collar and punched him. He gritted his teeth and yelled, What the hell did you say to Ruoxing?!

Song Tianjun's punch left no force at all, and Mo Mingxuan hit the shelf behind him and fell to the ground.

Tang Xiaoxiao was startled and quickly stepped forward to stop him, Brother Song, this matter has nothing to do with Lawyer Mo. Ah Xing may have left after receiving this message.

Tang Xiaoxiao said and handed over Han Ruoxing's mobile phone.

The above information page showed a message from the will notary office, requiring Han Ruoxing to be present to read the contents of Gu Jingyan's will within the agreed date.

Because she is one of the heirs to Gu Jingyan's inheritance.

This message was sent last night. The page was always open. She didn't know how many times she had read it.

She was so calm that Tang Xiaoxiao didn't notice anything unusual at all.

Tang Xiaoxiao blamed himself and was angry at the same time, What's going on with the will center? No one has found it yet, why are you sending this thing?

Mo Mingxuan wiped the blood from the corners of his lips with the back of his hand, stood up and said, The Gu family should have filed for Jingyan's death certificate, and the will center should have received relevant information, so it is related to what was mentioned in Jingyan's will. Everyone sent a message.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, Are the Gu family crazy? Gu Jingyan has just disappeared and they are in a hurry to apply for a death certificate?

Song Tianjun's face was gloomy. He really didn't expect that the Gu family would come up with this trick.

Just because Han Ruoxing can immerse herself in the fantasy that Gu Jingyan is not dead does not mean that she will be indifferent to the death certificate.

Moreover, Gu Jingyan listed her as the main heir. With Ruoxing's temper, it would be strange if he didn't collapse.

This bastard has such a bad mouth, but he still does things that hurt people's hearts.

Song Tianjun wiped his face and said in a deep voice, Call a few more people and we'll look for her separately. We'll go to the place where she usually goes first. If you have any questions, call her.

Tang Xiaoxiao looked for his family and friends, while Song Tianjun searched along the place where Gu Jingyan fell into the water. He was afraid that Han Ruoxing would do something stupid if he lost his mind.

Mo Mingxuan called Lin Shu after searching for it to no avail.

The news that Gu Jingyan fell into the water and disappeared spread like wildfire. Gu Qinghai took advantage of this to put pressure on the team. The team was leaderless. It was the moment of testing. Lin Shu withstood the pressure and stabilized the morale of the army. The situation was very difficult.

After Gu Jingyan's accident, he originally planned to go see Han Ruoxing, but Shen Qingchuan stopped him.

He said that Han Ruoxing was in a bad state now. She firmly believed that Gu Jingyan was still alive and urged Song Tianjun to go to the hospital every day, as if she was in a daze.

Fortunately, he didn't cry or make trouble, and his mood was considered stable. I told him not to go and not to irritate him again.

Now that I heard that Han Ruoxing had seen the information from the Will Center and disappeared, I couldn't help but become anxious.

Mo Mingxuan asked him where Han Ruoxing might go.

Lin Shu mentioned several places in a row, but Mo Mingxuan said, I've already looked for them, but there's none.

Lin Shu was a little surprised. He was talking about places where his wife and Mr. Gu often went, but Lawyer Mo actually went to them all.

He suppressed his doubts, thought for a while, and then said, There is another place. My wife might go there, but I'm not sure.


Lin Shu reported the address.

Mo Mingxuan was stunned when he heard this, and then said, I understand, thank you. (End of Chapter)

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