Mo Mingxuan naturally noticed Tang Xiaoxiao's change in attitude. He lowered his eyes and whispered, How is Ruoxing?

The fever has gone away, but I haven't woken up yet. Shen Qingchuan glanced at Yang Yuwei with searching eyes.

Mo Mingxuan explained, Miss Yang knew something was wrong with Ruoxing and wanted to come to visit, so she contacted me. I happened to be coming over and picked her up.

Shen Qingchuan nodded, Miss Yang, sit inside.

Yang Yuwei nodded and walked in carrying the gift.

Tang Xiaoxiao was holding a towel and wiping Han Ruoxing's palms. Seeing Yang Yuwei coming over, he nodded to her and continued busy with the work at hand.

Han Ruoxing's face on the hospital bed was pale, her cheeks seemed to have lost some weight, and her facial features looked a little sharper. She was completely different from the one she saw in daily life who was always smiling and eloquent.

Yang Yuwei heard about the whole incident from her father. She really couldn't imagine how much she cared to jump off the bridge without hesitation.

He's just a man, and as the daughter of the Song family, what do you want but can't find?

She used to think that Han Ruoxing was quite smart, but she didn't expect that she was also very smart about love. Is it worth putting herself in this situation for a man?

what did the doctor say?

Yang Yuwei asked Tang Xiaoxiao softly.

The doctor said it's almost time to wake up after the fever is gone. Even my hands and feet are slightly frostbitten, so I may need some time to recover.

Yang Yuwei sighed, Fortunately the police found her in time, otherwise I wouldn't have imagined it.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, The terrain in that area was not very good. It took the police a long time to find her. When they found her, her hands were frozen and she couldn't hold anything at all. If Gu Jingyan hadn't used a belt to fix Ah Xing, She couldn't last that long on her own, but Gu Jingyan himself...

Tang Xiao said with a smile, his eyes turned red.

Yang Yuwei was stunned. For a moment, she suddenly understood why Han Ruoxing jumped down without hesitation.

When they die, they want to leave the chance of life to their loved ones. Such people are certainly worth it.

Have Uncle Song and Tianjun gone back? Mo Mingxuan asked softly.

Shen Qingchuan nodded, Uncle Song went back to rest. Tianjun said he would take a shower and change clothes before coming back.

If Xing doesn't have nightmares anymore, does he?

Shen Qingchuan paused and looked at him strangely.

Jingyan's life or death is uncertain. Is he too concerned about his brother's girlfriend?

Shen Qingchuan said lightly, I don't know, we just arrived not long ago.

Mo Mingxuan said again, Have you and Miss Tang eaten? If not, I will take care of you here while you two go downstairs to have something to eat.

Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't hold it back anymore and said in a strange tone, No need, Lawyer Mo and Ah Xing are not relatives, so what's the point of leaving him to your care? Lawyer Mo loves to punish evil and promote good, and he loves to uphold justice. It's up to you. Don’t lead your enemies to Asing’s ward.”

Shen Qingchuan was afraid that she had said too much, so he coughed and said, Hurry up and wipe it.

Mo Mingxuan was startled for a moment, with a look of shame on his face, and whispered, This matter really has something to do with me. I didn't expect that the lawsuit would lead to such consequences...

I didn't expect that? Tang Xiaoxiao was getting angry, You help someone with a divorce lawsuit, but you don't understand the other person's illness or his personality? How many years have you been practicing? You just rely on your words to litigate. Is your blood rushing up? You are not afraid of death or retaliation. Don't hurt others! Now one is dead and the other is injured. You said you didn't expect it. You didn't expect how you led that woman to the scene accurately! If Gu Jingyan died Yes, you were the one who killed me!

These words were too harsh, and Mo Mingxuan's face became a little ugly.

Shen Qingchuan also felt that it was a bit much, and quickly said, The person has not been found yet, so why is he dead or not? Mingxuan's lawsuit has been going on for two or three months. Who would have thought that that piece of shit would lie dormant for so long?

Then he said to Mo Mingxuan, Mingxuan, don't argue with her. Han Ruoxing hasn't woken up yet. She is also confused when she is concerned, and she talks without hesitation. If you hadn't brought people there in time, maybe no one could be saved. , that person is a lunatic.

Mo Mingxuan's expression was dejected, and he didn't know whether he heard it or not. After a long time, he said, Ms. Tang is right. I have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter. I did take this lawsuit without fully understanding the situation. My In order to get more property in the divorce lawsuit, the client concealed the husband’s illness from me, causing me to lack an estimate of the potential risks, which led to the current situation. I am very sorry.”

Shen Qingchuan pursed his lips and said nothing.

Unlike Tang Xiaoxiao, as a person who was not familiar with Mo Mingxuan, he could vent his anger on the other person as much as he wanted.

He and Gu Jingyan were childhood friends, and his relationship with Mo Mingxuan was not bad, and Mo Mingxuan's relationship with Gu Jingyan was even better. That night, Mo Mingxuan accompanied the search and rescue team for more than ten hours, and he also saw it. inside.

Despite many complaints, he could not speak.

Stop talking, there's nothing going on here. You and Miss Yang should go back first, Shen Qingchuan paused and then said, Uncle Song is afraid that my sister-in-law will be irritated, so don't tell her about Jingyan's disappearance for the time being. Wait until she Wake up, don’t spill the beans.”

Mo Mingxuan was silent for a moment and said softly, Ruoxing is so smart that he can't hide it.

You can keep it secret for as long as you can, we can't let anything happen again.

Mo Mingxuan responded, placed a bouquet of flowers on Han Ruoxing's bedside, looked at her deeply, and called Yang Yuwei to leave together.

Neither of them spoke on the way out of the ward.

Yang Yuwei thought that Gu Jingyan's disappearance was a good opportunity for him to sneak in, and he didn't seem very happy.

Yes, after all, the person who had the accident was his love rival and his good brother. It is human nature to be unable to relax for a while.

Ms. Yang arrived at the door of the hospital. Mo Mingxuan turned to her and said, Ms. Yang, I called a car for you. It will be there in a moment. The license plate number is XXXX. I have something to go to the law firm, so I won't see you off. .”

Oh, it's okay, just go about your business.

Yang Yuwei shrugged and didn't care.

Mo Mingxuan nodded at her, turned and left.

Yang Yuwei stared at his back for a while and frowned. From this look, it didn't look much like Gu Jingyan's back. How could the kidnapper admit his mistake?

Han Ruoxing has been struggling in nightmares.

She dreamed about the night she was kidnapped over and over again, dreamed about Gu Jingyan being whipped, dreamed about him being pushed into the water covered in blood, until she finally saw him drowning in the cold river water.

She was like an outsider in the dream. No matter how she cried or struggled, she could not catch Gu Jingyan. Every time, she watched him slip out of her hands and turn into a cold corpse.

In her dream, she choked, sobbed, and cried...until she opened her eyes.

It was no longer pitch black around her, with a white ceiling above her head, and everything around her was bright. For a moment, she felt as if she had been having a long dream. Now, she was still in Erhai Lake, on the morning when Gu Jingyan proposed to her. . (End of chapter)

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