Gu Jingyan...can he still live?

Tang Xiaoxiao asked hoarsely.

Shen Qingchuan pursed his lips. He was always good at comforting people, but now he was not as optimistic as before.

Gu Jingyan couldn't swim, and in such fast water, the chance of getting injured was slim.

The body of the domestic violence man who jumped into the river with Gu Jingyan was recovered the next afternoon, but there was still no news about Gu Jingyan.

Shen Qingchuan sighed and said softly, No news may be good news. Han Ruoxing was not seriously injured. He was in a coma for so long and still hasn't woken up after being soaked in the water for so long. Mingxuan said that Jingyan was still injured. He might … He was rescued, but he is still unconscious due to his injuries.”

Tang Xiaoxiao's face turned a little gray, Axing wakes up and knows what she is going to do...

Han Ruoxing has been suffering from high fever in the past few days, and her relatives have been staying by her side. Tang Xiaoxiao can't stay in the ward for too long, but she still comes to see her twice a day. Almost every time she comes, she can see Han Ruoxing in a coma, haunted by nightmares. , all he shouted intermittently were the words Gu Jingyan.

It was hard for an outsider to accept that such a good person was gone at the last word, let alone the lover that Ah Xing had been with day and night.

Tang Xiaoxiao said angrily, The murderer is dead, but what about the other two kidnappers? This happened before the election. There must be a mastermind behind it. Maybe it was Gu Jingyan's uncle who hired someone to do it!

Shen Qingchuan's eyes turned cold, When the two people were found, they were also injured. Now that the murderer is dead, the two people who are still alive naturally put all the blame on him. Now there is no evidence to prove it. Even if it is really Gu Qinghai, there is no evidence. , nothing can be done to him, let alone...

Shen Qingchuan didn't say anything further. Tang Xiaoxiao was halfway through the most annoying thing, and immediately said anxiously, What's more? You said it!

Shen Qingchuan lowered his voice and said, What's more, if it is really him, this is an internal struggle within the family, and the old lady may not pursue it to the end.

Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, What do you mean you won't pursue it to the end? That's his grandson!

Kiss me again. After the person dies, the important thing becomes the living person. Shen Qingchuan paused, Think about it, Jingyan's life or death is uncertain. If the old lady sends her biological son in, the Gu family will still have something left in Jiangsheng. Who? Is it the big loser Gu Jingran, or the little loser Gu Jingyang? No one can step up and Jiang Sheng will be divided up sooner or later, and the old lady will not allow this to happen.

What's more, the old lady is afraid that she can't help herself now.

As soon as something happened to Gu Jingyan, she closed the door and thanked guests. It was probably Gu Qingjiang's fault.

Old Mrs. Gu has seen all kinds of storms and waves in her life, sending away her husband and sending away her eldest son. There is no scene that she has not seen before. No matter how sad she is, she will not fall down at this critical moment.

Thinking of this, Shen Qingchuan couldn't help but feel sad. This bitch is so arrogant, how dare God accept him?

Tang Xiaoxiao felt extremely uncomfortable, If the person is gone, let's just forget about it? The kidnapping case must be closed, right? It's not like they don't pursue the case, so the police just don't care, right?

Shen Qingchuan was silent for a moment and said in a low voice, The police's investigation over there actually has some clues.

Tang Xiaoxiao became more energetic, What did the police say?

The man who died was the domestic violence man that you and Han Ruoxing beat when you rescued Mingxuan. He suffered from face recognition difficulty.

what is that?

Commonly known as face blindness, but it's not the kind of face blindness we usually joke about. He really can't tell people apart, especially strangers. He relies on his clothes, body shape and voice to distinguish. The doctor he used to treat said that he used to have a long brain. I had a tumor and it started to happen after the surgery.”

The police found out from his relatives, friends and colleagues that he was indeed ill, and he was transferred to another job because of this illness. Because he couldn't distinguish faces, he became suspicious, had a weird personality, and even developed bipolar disorder. It was also because of this that after he hurt someone, he was not prosecuted but was sent to a mental hospital.

Both his ex-wife and his friends said that he had a volatile personality and was extremely possessive. Especially after he fell ill, whenever his wife talked to someone of the opposite sex, he would suspect that he was being cuckolded. Mingxuan helped his wife divorce him. He holds a grudge in his heart, so he keeps looking for opportunities to strike. Shen Qingchuan paused and said hoarsely, The police speculated that he mistook Jing Yan for Ming Xuan.

Tang Xiaoxiao found it extremely ridiculous, How can he admit his mistake? He can't tell Gu Jingyan and Lawyer Mo apart, so how can he recognize Ah Xing? This reason is simply untenable!

Because Han Ruoxing has a mole on her left ear, and because her Ling Long Biography became a hit, the kidnapper had seen her countless times. He remembered some of Han Ruoxing's features and her voice. The police said that the phone he recovered , there are many videos of Han Ruoxing, it is entirely possible that he kidnapped the couple for revenge.

Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't understand it at all, If it was for revenge, wouldn't it be more suitable for him to take action when Ah Xing and Gu Jingyan went to Erhai? Why did he choose it at Jiang Sheng's doorstep, before the election?

When Tang Xiaoxiao said this, an idea suddenly came to his mind, and he frowned and said, Do you feel that whether it is revenge or not allowing Gu Jingyan to participate in the election, these two reasons seem to be both, and they seem to be neither?

Naturally, Shen Qingchuan had already noticed something was wrong.

If you want to take revenge, there is no need to pick this day specially; to prevent Gu Jingyan from participating in the general election, there is no need to act so openly and openly at Jiang Sheng's door. Isn't this clearly telling others that this matter has something to do with Gu Qinghai?

How could Gu Qinghai, an old fox, make such a mistake?

This matter is full of weirdness, but now that Jingyan is not here, and the old lady has no visitors, the only one the Gu family can talk to now is Gu Qinghai, and Gu Qinghai is afraid that Gu Jingyan died without a complete body, so how can he go to find out the truth? ?

Shen Qingchuan thought for a moment, then took Tang Xiaoxiao's hand and said, Little bandit, we just need to know this matter ourselves. Don't tell anyone or mention it at all for now.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, You also think it's weird, right?!

Shen Qingchuan covered her mouth and made a silent gesture.

Tang Xiaoxiao blinked his eyes and looked around guiltily. When he saw no one there, he felt that Shen Qingchuan was making a fuss.

Just as he was about to say something, there was a gentle knock on the ward door.

Tang Xiaoxiao pushed Shen Qingchuan away and went over to open the door.

Outside the door, Mo Mingxuan and Yang Yuwei stood side by side.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately lowered her face and was about to close the door. Shen Qingchuan hurriedly stopped her and said warmly, Come here?

Tang Xiaoxiao changed her usual enthusiasm when she saw Mo Mingxuan, and walked away without saying hello with a straight face.

She knew that she was too emotional, but she couldn't blame Mo Mingxuan without being emotional about this matter.

If he hadn't been meddling in other people's business by filing a divorce lawsuit and angering that lunatic, Gu Jingyan and Ah Xing wouldn't have suffered this misfortune! (End of chapter)

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