The corners of his eyes were moist, and Han Ruoxing looked around blankly.

Song Tianjun sat at the end of the bed, lowered his head, and used ointment to help her smear the wounds on her feet. Tang Xiaoxiao sat on a chair not far away and took a nap.

She turned and looked out the window.

The lights are bright, not as dark as in the dream.

Everywhere in my body aches, and I can still feel the chill in my bones.

She withdrew her gaze, looked at Song Tianjun, and called softly, Brother.

The sound that came out made him startled for a moment. It was hoarse and unpleasant, like the sound of a rotten old bellows being pulled, but Song Tianjun froze and raised his eyes suddenly.

Ruoxing, are you awake? How are you? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Does your body hurt? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Song Tianjun was emotional and even a little incoherent.

Tang Xiaoxiao was taking a nap, but now she was awakened. She jumped up from her chair and ran over, almost crying with joy, Axing! You're awake, you scared me to death!

Han Ruoxing's throat hurt and she couldn't speak. Tang Xiaoxiao hurriedly handed over the cup. Han Ruoxing took a few sips and took it away.

Song Tianjun said warmly, Let's rest for a while. I'll call the doctor.

But Han Ruoxing stopped him, Brother, where is Gu Jingyan? How is he?

Song Tianjun lowered his eyes and covered her with the quilt, He was injured more seriously than you. He was sent to the Imperial Capital.

Han Ruoxing's lips turned white and she looked weak, but her eyes were bright. She stared at Song Tianjun for a few seconds, then turned to look at Tang Xiaoxiao. Tang Xiaoxiao didn't have such good acting skills. She looked away with a guilty conscience and coughed. He said, Brother Song, please stay with Ah Xing. I'll call the doctor.

After saying that, he ran away.

Han Ruoxing once again focused her attention on Song Tianjun, Brother, give me your cell phone. I'll call Lin Shu.

Song Tianjun pursed his lips, Your cell phone was damaged by the gangster at that time, and you haven't gotten a new one yet.

What about your cell phone? Lend it to me. I remember Lin Shu's phone number. Han Ruoxing spoke again.

Song Tianjun fell silent.

Han Ruoxing's mood became heavier and heavier as he remained silent.

In an instant, the terrifying coldness hit her again, swallowing her heart bit by bit.

She sat down from the bed suddenly, pulled out the reserved needle on the back of her hand, lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed.

The injuries on her body were not healed. She almost fell to her knees as soon as she hit the ground. Regardless of the pain, she stumbled and jumped out with a pale face.

Song Tianjun didn't notice for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he quickly chased after her and grabbed her. Han Ruoxing struggled hard, so Song Tianjun simply wrapped her arm around her, You haven't healed yet, where are you going?

Han Ruoxing said, Did Gu Jingyan go to Kyoto to see a doctor? I'll go to Kyoto to find him.

Song Tianjun's heart ached and he hugged Han Ruoxing tightly. He opened his mouth and whispered, Ruoxing...

Han Ruoxing interrupted him, Brother, let go of me and let me go find him. I didn't catch him in the water. He must be complaining about me. Let me explain to him.

She struggled while speaking, and her voice had a strong nasal sound, Brother, please let me go. If he really resents me and doesn't want to see me, I will just take a look from a distance and come back. Brother, don't stop me, The water was so cold, he must have been frightened...

Song Tianjun's heart was broken. Han Ruoxing was too sensitive. She saw Gu Jingyan's accident with her own eyes. The method Song Wanqian said simply wouldn't work for her.

Some things are better hidden than hidden. Even if she can hide them now, she will definitely blame them when she finds out that she missed something.

Song Tianjun closed his eyes and pressed Han Ruoxing's shoulder, Ruoxing, calm down and listen to me. Gu Jingyan... hasn't been found yet.

Han Ruoxing suddenly stopped struggling.

She turned her head to look at Song Tianjun mechanically, as if she couldn't understand, What do you mean not found?

Song Tianjun said hoarsely, The search and rescue team has searched twice for the river where you fell into the water, but no trace of Gu Jingyan was found. They said... they said that it might have been washed into other waters. The salvage scope has been expanded and has been rescued three times. Oh my god... There is no way he is still alive.

But he didn't say the last sentence clearly.

Han Ruoxing's already pale face suddenly lost all color.

Just when Song Tianjun thought she would break down and cry, Han Ruoxing asked softly, Has the murderer been found?

Song Tianjun was startled for a moment, then nodded, I caught it the next day, he paused, then added, The person is already dead.

The implication is that even if Gu Jingyan doesn't salvage it now, it's probably a disaster.

How could a person who didn't know how to swim survive?

Han Ruoxing fell into a long silence.

She suddenly stopped crying or making trouble, but it was her calmness that made Song Tianjun uneasy.

After a long time, Han Ruoxing spoke again, Gu Jingyan and I stayed upstream of the river for a long time. The murderer was caught. Why couldn't we catch Gu Jingyan?

Song Tianjun was speechless. This was indeed strange, but experienced personnel from the salvage team said that after a person drowns, it usually takes three to seven days for him to surface, and it may take longer in winter. In addition, the silt in the lower reaches of the river is thick, and something may be blocking the river. The bottom is not certain either.

And in such cold water, even if you don't drown at the beginning and your hands and feet are frozen, you will still die in the end.

Although Han Ruoxing asked this question, she didn't seem to want to hear his answer. Instead, she quickly came to her own conclusion, It's been three days and I can't find him in the water. Gu Jingyan must have gone ashore. She suddenly He became excited, Didn't you go to the nearby hospital to search? Maybe he was rescued and is still unconscious at this moment. Brother, please hurry up and have someone go to the nearby hospital to search. Gu Jingyan must be in the hospital.

Song Tianjun opened his mouth and closed it again.

He wanted to say that there were no villages or shops nearby, and no one lived there at all. What's more, the incident happened in the early morning. Who would be wandering around the river with nothing to do and happened to save Gu Jingyan.

That’s lower than a few cars that won the lottery.

He felt that Han Ruoxing must have been stimulated, so she said such nonsense, but at this moment he did not dare to say anything to stimulate her, so he responded, Okay, I will ask someone to find her right away, but you have to lie back obediently, you The injury on your body hasn’t healed yet, so don’t worry about it anymore and make dad and the others worry.”

Han Ruoxing said worriedly, Then you ask them to look more carefully. They go to small clinics, small medical clinics, Chinese and Western medicine.

Okay, Song Tianjun coaxed, as long as you take good care of yourself, I will search through the hospitals in Jiangcheng and find him for you.

Han Ruoxing's eyes were red and she said hoarsely, Brother, he proposed to me at Erhai Lake. We talked about going to get the certificate on Valentine's Day.

Brother, when you see him, don't scare him, he is very cowardly.

Song Tianjun felt bitter in his heart, so he hugged her back to the bed, forced a smile, and whispered, I know, you are used to facing him.

Soon, Tang Xiaoxiao also led the doctor in. After the doctor checked, he gave Han Ruoxing medicine and asked him to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

Song Tianjun sent the doctor out, pulled the doctor and asked, Doctor, my sister... seems to have a problem with her brain. (End of Chapter)

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