And Gu Jingyan was also rushed two meters away.

Han Ruoxing swam over and grabbed his collar.

There was no way to communicate in the water, and it was difficult for Han Ruoxing to support the weight of an adult man like Gu Jingyan alone.

She tried her best to keep both of their faces out of the water, relying on the current to float forward, taking the opportunity to look for opportunities to save themselves.

She seemed to be particularly lucky. She didn't float very far before she came across a branch lying across the river. She took Gu Jingyan and moved towards it with difficulty. Finally, she caught the branch and had a chance to breathe.

Gu Jingyan... As soon as Han Ruoxing opened her mouth, her voice was filled with tears. She held back her tears and called him loudly, Gu Jingyan, don't sleep! I can't drag you, you pull the trunk, I support you, let's climb Go up.

Gu Jingyan choked on his saliva, and with the injuries on his body, he was extremely weak.

But Han Ruoxing's cry still made him cheer up and nodded.

The two of them held on to the tree trunk and climbed up bit by bit. However, before taking two steps, the tree trunk made a clear click sound and the entire tree trunk sank.

The two of them froze, not daring to move again.

This tree trunk was very slender. It must have been blown down by the wind, and one end fell into the water. The other end was still connected to the tree stump at the bottom. It was already shaky and could not bear the weight of two adults.

Han Ruoxing's face turned pale. There is nothing more despairing than having hope and being deprived of another life.

She suppressed her emotions, turned to Gu Jingyan and said, The police will find us soon. If we persist, we will be rescued soon.

Gu Jingyan said Yes, his voice was extremely weak.

Han Ruoxing turned her back and burst into tears.

She swallowed her emotions and shouted loudly to the shore, Help! Help!

The sound of the water was so loud that her voice had long been muffled when it reached the shore.

Gu Jingyan's whole body was stiff and cold, and the hand holding the tree trunk gradually became numb.

He whispered, Axing, stop screaming and save your strength.

Han Ruoxing's condition was only slightly better than Gu Jingyan's. Although she was not injured, a girl's body was already weak. Ordinary people could not survive such cold water for too long.

Her limbs also began to become numb, and the tree trunk made creaking sounds from time to time, and it might break at any time. If this continued, they wouldn't be able to be together for long.

Axing, after a few seconds, Gu Jingyan spoke again, If you are the only one, can you climb up?

Han Ruoxing froze, What are you talking about?

Gu Jingyan exhaled a breath of cold air, feeling that his breath was wrapped in ice particles, which hurt his lungs.

I can't hold on anymore. If you take me, neither of us can survive. I will be a drag on you. I let go of my hand and looked downstream. There should be a place to stay. You climb along the trunk of the tree. Go up and you will be saved...

Are you trying to lie to me again? Han Ruoxing interrupted him with red eyes, You just said you could hide in the woods. That's not true at all. You just wanted to trick me. You have no way to deal with it! This is not the shore. , you don’t know how to swim, if you let go you will die, do you know?!”

I know water, I learned how to swim, Gu Jingyan wanted to reach out to wipe her tears, but the wound was stinging and numb, and he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand. He whispered, You taught me so seriously last time, I I've learned it a long time ago. I choked on the water just now and didn't react. I didn't tell you because I wanted to give you a surprise next time I swim.

Han Ruoxing didn't believe it at all. She gritted her teeth and said, I don't believe a word of it! If you dare to let go, I will let go with you. If you want me to die, just let go!

Gu Jingyan closed his mouth and said no more.

In the cold night, both of them were conserving their physical strength. Han Ruoxing was exhausted, his lips were blue and blue from the cold, and he began to feel confused. He just relied on instinct to hold on to the branches.

Suddenly there was a noise on the shore, and she cheered up, Gu Jingyan, here they are, they are here!

She turned her head, and the person who was behind her had disappeared.

With the chill hitting her head, Han Ruoxing faced the empty water with a pale face and yelled Gu Jingyan's name, but the only response she received was the sound of cold running water.

Han Ruoxing suddenly let go of his hand and was about to swim away when he found himself tied to the tree trunk.

It turned out that before letting go, Gu Jingyan used his last strength to fix her to the tree trunk with a belt. Once she lost strength, she could hold on for a while longer with the belt supporting her.

The water in the river was too cold, and people would have been numb from the cold. Han Ruoxing had no idea that Gu Jingyan had done this secretly.

She had a white face and was tearing at her belt frantically. The searchlight on the shore had already spotted her. Someone shouted, and soon several people ran towards her and tried their best to rescue her ashore.

Han Ruoxing was struggling and crying at the same time. The chill was deep in her bones. Coupled with the fear of the whole day and the excitement of learning that Gu Jingyan was missing, she was so furious that she lost consciousness.

This coma lasted for three days.

Song Wanqian and Song Tianjun were standing in front of the hospital bed, fully clothed. The condition of father and son was getting worse than the other.

For fear of scaring the two elders of the Han family, they didn't even dare to alarm the Han family about this matter.

When Tang Xiaoxiao and Shen Qingchuan came to visit, the dark circles under the father and son's eyes were getting heavier one by one.

Tang Xiaoxiao wanted to cry when he saw the person on the hospital bed. Shen Qingchuan exchanged greetings with the Song family and his son, and whispered, Uncle Song, Xiaoxiao and I are here to take care of you. You and Tianjun go home to wash up and have a rest. Come back after sorting out the situation.”

Song Wanqian whispered, It's okay, I'm not tired.

You have to rest whether you're tired or not. You're still struggling to survive. Doesn't that make her worried? Even if you just rest for an hour?

Song Wanqian was silent for a long time before asking, Is there any news?

Shen Qingchuan's face turned gloomy, and Song Wanqian knew the answer instantly.

He clenched his hands and didn't speak for a long time. After a while, he said, If Ruoxing wakes up, don't tell her yet. Just say that she will be sent to Kyoto for medical treatment.

Han Ruoxing is so smart, this excuse can't be kept secret for long, but Song Wanqian can't bear that something happens to her daughter again. She can jump off a high bridge for Gu Jingyan. How will she collapse if she knows that his body has not been found yet? ?

Shen Qingchuan responded with red eyes.

Tang Xiaoxiao turned her back and wiped her tears. She still can't believe that Gu Jingyan is gone like this.

For three days, the search and rescue team searched almost all the lower reaches of the river, but could not find Gu Jingyan.

It is very likely that he was washed into another main river with the current. In this case, the possibility of finding him is extremely low.

The Gu family sealed the matter to the outside world, but the search and rescue team never stopped.

Three days passed without any results, and if they could be recovered, they would only be corpses. (End of chapter)

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