Before Han Ruoxing could figure it out, the kidnapper threw the phone into the river, Bitch! You're playing tricks on me again!

Han Ruoxing also panicked, I didn't lie to you! How dare I lie to you when the other person is in your hands!

Shen Qingchuan was still on the road, and the car driving over obviously couldn't be him.

Who would come here in the middle of the night in the deserted mountains and wild ridges? Did the police find this place?

Seeing those cars getting closer and closer, the kidnappers were panicking.

He held on to Gu Jingyan tightly, his hands trembling.

At the end of his rope, he was obviously also afraid that it was the police who were coming.

Gu Jingyan lost too much blood, his face was pale, and he couldn't stand firmly at this moment.

Han Ruoxing felt pain in her heart, fearing that the kidnapper would go crazy and push Gu Jingyan down, crying, I really didn't lie to you, please let him go, he is so injured that he can't escape, can I be your hostage instead? I beg you……

Gu Jingyan was heartbroken. The last thing he wanted to see was Han Ruoxing softening her spine for him, twice in a row on the same day...

All the kidnapper's attention was on the approaching car. He stared at the bright spot until the car drove onto the bridge and stalled.

He subconsciously pressed Gu Jingyan's shoulders down, ready to take action at any time.

At this moment, a female voice came from the car, Li Zhan!

The kidnapper froze, as if in disbelief.

Soon the car door opened, and a woman wrapped in a down jacket and wearing slippers got out of the car. She was the ex-wife of the domestic violence man.

Also getting off the car with her was Mo Mingxuan. He was wearing a black windbreaker, which almost blended into the night.

Hope ignited in Han Ruoxing's heart, and her eyes couldn't help but turn a little red.

When Mo Mingxuan saw the blood on Han Ruoxing's body, his eyes darkened and his lips tightened unconsciously.

When the domestic violence man saw Mo Mingxuan and the woman appear at the same time, he immediately became agitated, Bitch! I knew you were anxious to divorce me because someone was behind my back!

I didn't! The woman seemed to be afraid of him and was timid when speaking. I didn't. He is my lawyer. I just asked him to help me with the divorce lawsuit. I have told you many times that it is you who has been Suspicious.”

Fart! Every man who appears next to you, you have all kinds of reasons to prevaricate me. You just rely on my inability to distinguish people and keep coaxing me and lying to me!

The domestic violence man became more and more excited as he spoke, I'm not good enough to you? How many fucking cuckolds have you made on me since I got sick? Now in the eyes of others, I'm just a fucking guy who can't even control his own woman. A joke!”

Why do you always believe what others say but not me?! The woman also became excited. You just believe them when they say I have an affair with someone else. You are not even willing to listen to my explanation. Which of your bad friends would take you seriously? Friends? Don’t they all want to ask you to do something?

You were sick or demoted. Which one of them came to see you? They only think of you when they drink. Do they care about you? They are looking for you to make fun of them! They wish you had a bad life!

Look at you now, what do you look like! As soon as your incident came out today, they gloated about your misfortune and even called my parents to make fake inquiries. They just wanted to see the once arrogant person turn into a homeless dog. What a miserable sight!

The domestic violence man was furious, Fart! You are talking nonsense! I saw you and other men coming out of the hotel with my own eyes. Is that also false?

The woman explained, My friend came to Jiangcheng on a business trip. The topic he and his tutor were studying was related to your condition. I went to him for consultation!

The domestic violence man was stunned for a moment and subconsciously denied, No way!

The woman's eyes turned red, Why didn't you ask me when you saw it with your own eyes? You would rather believe the words of those gangsters and believe that I cheated on you, but you are not willing to give me a chance to explain! I never divorced you because of others, but because of others. Because of you, you have changed!

A trace of confusion flashed across the face of the domestic violence man, and he said blankly for a long time, Am I really wrong?

Mo Mingxuan gave the woman a signaling look, and the latter took a deep breath and softened his tone, Let him let go of what happened in the past. Don't hurt innocent people anymore. Let them go and I will tell you back. Home.

The domestic violence man was stunned and whispered, Are you really willing to go home with me?

The woman suppressed her fear and nodded, Of course...

The domestic violence man stared at her for a few seconds, as if judging whether what she said was true or false. Everyone's heart was hanging in the middle. After a while, he spoke again, Then come here and help me over.

The woman froze, and Mo Mingxuan said softly, Go, the police will be here soon.

The woman pursed her lips, clenched her fingers, and walked towards the domestic violence man step by step.

Han Ruoxing stared at Gu Jingyan closely, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

The woman slowly walked to the guardrail beside the bridge, stretched out her hand and said tremblingly, ...let's go home.

The domestic violence man's expression changed slightly, and the moment he touched her fingertips, the alarm sounded loudly - the police were coming.

She quickly withdrew her hand, and the domestic violence man reacted suddenly, his face suddenly changed, Bitch! You hurt me!

The woman stepped back in fear, the warmth she had felt just now was gone, and only fear and hatred remained on her face.

Police cars arrived at the scene one by one, and Mo Mingxuan said, You can't run away. The police have deployed controls at all levels. If you let him go now, the police will consider lenient treatment.

The domestic violence man laughed angrily, Leniency? What kind of lenience? What is the difference between immediate execution and suspended death? Can I still live after killing someone? I would rather die than be arrested without mercy!

Then he looked at his ex-wife and said, Just wait for me. Even if I turn into a ghost, I will still pester you for the rest of my life!

As he spoke, he suddenly hugged Gu Jingyan's neck tightly, whispered something in his ear, and the next second, he hugged Gu Jingyan and jumped directly into the cold river water.

Han Ruoxing's heart stopped, and fear spread to her limbs. She didn't even have time to think anything, and jumped directly. Her movements were so fast that Mo Mingxuan had no time to catch her.

He stood in front of the guardrail, staring at the cold water under the bridge with a white face, his lips trembling slightly, Help—

He suddenly turned around and rushed towards the police who followed him, shouting, Hurry and save people!

The river is not too deep, but the current is a little fast. What is even more uncomfortable is that in the middle of winter, the water is biting to the bone, and people's movements become sluggish in the cold state.

Fortunately, the moonlight was very bright tonight, and Han Ruoxing soon saw the two people writhing in the water.

She took a deep breath and swam as hard as she could.

The domestic violence man seemed to be incompetent and said he wanted to die. However, when he was actually facing death, he instinctively grabbed Gu Jingyan and tried to survive.

Han Ruoxing sneaked over, grabbed the domestic violence man's legs and dragged him into the water.

Perhaps due to the sudden fright, he subconsciously let go of Gu Jingyan, and Han Ruoxing immediately let go of his hand. The domestic violence man had nothing to grab and was instantly washed away by the current. (End of chapter)

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