Her eyes were scarlet, and she wanted to rush over, but was held down tightly. She looked at the blood all over Gu Jingyan's body lying on the ground, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

The man who was holding Han Ruoxing down looked a little unbearable at this scene, and he tightened his hold on Han Ruoxing. She suddenly broke away, stumbled and threw herself in front of Gu Jingyan.

The bamboo pole was swung around Han Ruoxing's neck, and the sharp bamboo sticks on it pierced the skin. Han Ruoxing groaned in pain, but tightly protected Gu Jingyan.

Damn it! I told you to hide your fucking phone! The domestic violence man's eyes turned red, he threw away the bamboo pole, grabbed the shovel on the ground and tried to smash it.

Han Ruoxing didn't care at all. She leaned down and pressed her face against Gu Jingyan's face. When she heard his weak breathing, tears fell down.

The moment the shovel hit her, the domestic violence man was kicked away.

The driver who came back from the car to get something looked very ugly when he saw the miserable condition of the two people.

He grabbed the domestic violence man who was kicked to the ground and said in a cold voice, I fucking warned you not to cause death, right? Did you turn a deaf ear to my words? He raised his feet and looked at them. He kicked him in the abdomen several times, If you let me see you go crazy again, I'll chop you up!

The domestic violence man curled up on the ground, holding his abdomen in pain, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. Obviously, this driver was not gentle.

After beating the domestic violence man, the driver walked up to the two of them and squatted down.

As soon as he raised his hand, Han Ruoxing subconsciously dodged it. The driver paused, raised his hand to pull off the tape on her mouth, tore a piece of bread and put it to her mouth.

Han Ruoxing turned her head to avoid it.

I advise you to eat something. It's useless for you to compete with me. If you don't eat this meal, I may not feed you the next meal. Even if you run away, you won't have the strength.

Han Ruoxing's eyes were bloodshot, she pursed her lips and said in a deep voice, What do you want, money? How much do you want before you let us go?

The driver said calmly, No comment.

After saying that, he handed the bread to Han Ruoxing's mouth. Han Ruoxing knew that there was no hope of escape, so he suppressed his nausea and ate a few bites in cooperation.

When the driver opened the water for her, she said hoarsely, Can you let go of me and let me help him treat his wounds?

The driver was unmoved.

Han Ruoxing clenched his hands, suppressed his emotions, and said in a trembling voice, He is injured like this. He will die if he is not treated! You worked so hard to tie him up. If something happens to him, will you still be able to achieve your goal?

The driver paused for a moment, obviously thinking about Han Ruoxing's words again.

Let me go and let me help him stop the bleeding. He's here, I won't run away! He knelt down on the ground and cried, Please, he will die!

The driver pursed his lips, pulled out a dagger, and untied Han Ruoxing's hands and feet.

Han Ruoxing looked at Gu Jingyan's bloody appearance, her legs became weak, and she almost crawled to his side on her knees.

His body was covered in blood. She didn't know how many wounds there were under the clothes. Her hands were shaking and she didn't even dare to touch him.

Ayan...Gu Jingyan... She whispered his name, choking up as soon as the words escaped her lips.

Gu Jingyan blinked, as if to respond to her, he was fine.

Han Ruoxing's heart was shaking violently. She suppressed her tears and whispered to comfort him, I'll help you take care of the wound, please bear with it.

Gu Jingyan blinked again.

Han Ruoxing shook her hands and gently pushed aside his hair. The blood stuck the hair together, and the hideous wounds could be vaguely seen.

There was no sterilizing item, so she could only simply clean the blood on his wound with clean water, then wrap her silk scarf around it and tie it tightly.

After taking care of it, Han Ruoxing raised his head and said, Let me feed him something to eat.

The driver looked at her and said nothing.

Han Ruoxing said, When he finishes eating, tie me up again.

The driver threw a bag of food to her, turned to another accomplice and said, Watch it, don't let this bitch go crazy again, I'll go out and have a cigarette.

Gu Jingyan was injured and had no appetite at all. He didn't eat much and didn't want to eat anymore.

After eating, the two of them were quickly tied up again. The domestic violence man looked at the two of them with cold eyes, but he was probably afraid of the driver and did not do anything again.


Something happened to Han Ruoxing and Gu Jingyan, and both families went crazy. They used their own connections to look for useful information.

Based on the blurred portraits in the surveillance and the description of the stabbed shop owner, the police drew up an image of the kidnapper and quickly distributed it.

When Mo Mingxuan saw the portrait, he slammed on the brakes, then turned the car around with a sullen face and drove in the other direction.

Unconsciously it got dark, and the three kidnappers took turns keeping watch.

Han Ruoxing was worried about Gu Jingyan's injury and would call him every once in a while.

Fortunately, it was winter, so the wound was not easily inflamed, but there was a lot of blood loss, and with all the injuries, there was no color on Gu Jingyan's face.

Han Ruoxing couldn't understand why the phone was hidden so secretly that the kidnappers would find it?

Gu Jingyan was also afraid that her phone's Bluetooth would be searched and discovered, so she specifically asked her to turn off Bluetooth, but how was she discovered?

Axing, Gu Jingyan called her in a low voice, and Han Ruoxing came back to her senses, What's wrong?

Gu Jingyan leaned into her ear and whispered a few words. Han Ruoxing's eyes widened, But your injury...

I'm fine, Gu Jingyan took a breath and whispered, I feel a lot better after resting for a while. They have changed their cars and will probably leave the city before dawn. Once they leave Jiangcheng, the pursuit will be much more difficult. I'll wait It will irritate him, so you act accordingly.”

I'll do it, Han Ruoxing whispered, I've seen this man before, and I know where his pain points are.

At one o'clock in the morning, the person on duty was replaced by a domestic violence man.

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes and suddenly said, Trash.

The domestic violence man seemed to be particularly sensitive to these two words. He said in a deep voice, What did you say?

Han Ruoxing raised his eyes, You're a piece of trash who only knows how to hit women! He only dares to attack women, children, the sick and disabled. When that person hit you just now, you didn't even dare to let out a fart, you're rubbish!

The domestic violence man was so stimulated that he grabbed Han Ruoxing's collar, raised his hand and slapped her, Say that again!

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands tightly, his eyes eager to throw this piece of shit away!

Han Ruoxing spat out a mouthful of bloody spit and said coldly, Trash! Trash! Trash! As long as you have some ability, if that person hits you today, you won't just stand and be beaten. No wonder your wife wants to divorce you ,inability!

The domestic violence man's face was gloomy, he threw Han Ruoxing away, picked up the ax and walked out.

Han Ruoxing ignored the pain. When she was tied up for the second time, she was careful not to tie her hands to death. She pulled hard and untied the rope that bound her, and then quickly untied Gu Jingyan's rope with her hands and feet. He pulled him and ran outside. (End of chapter)

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