The shop owner subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, and the knife cut into his palm. Although the force slowed down, it still stabbed firmly into the boss's stomach.

Blood gushed out instantly, and the shop owner fell to the ground while covering his wound.

The driver was shocked. Seeing that the domestic violence man was furious and wanted to stab him again, he quickly reversed the car and hit him. Are you leaving? If not, I will leave!

The domestic violence man stopped and quickly got into the car.

The blood in Han Ruoxing's body had dropped to freezing point. It was a simple kidnapping. There was no need for him to hurt an innocent passerby. This man carried a knife with him and was simply a desperado!

Damn, are you crazy? the driver scolded as he quickly drove away from the scene, You're just afraid that the police won't come, right?

The police are already here, the domestic violence man said coldly, throwing the paper that had been wiped with blood on the knife out of the window, just when I was checking out, that bastard answered the phone, and his expression didn't look right. What accounts were not settled correctly? He was just helping the police delay time!

The driver was startled, and immediately said with a sullen face, I told you to take the medicine earlier, why did you beat someone in the street and provoke the security guard? You still have the nerve to say it!

The domestic violence man had no expression on his face and said with a gloomy expression, Go in the round-trip direction. The police can check here. You can no longer stay in the place where you visited before.

Fuck! The driver suppressed his anger and turned around with a dark face.

Gu Jingyan's heart sank slightly.

The police did not take his suggestion, but contacted the store owner directly. Now that the kidnappers have been alerted and their original plan has changed, the police will definitely miss the mark and have to find a way to send the signal again.

Only ten minutes after the kidnapper's car left, the police arrived at the scene. When they saw the stabbed boss, the police officer realized that this was not an ordinary dispute as he thought, but a real kidnapping and murder case.

The clerk in the store stopped the shop owner's bleeding in time, and the ambulance arrived in time, so it didn't cause a serious disaster.

When the police called to inquire about the van, they did not reveal much.

But the store owner had been an auxiliary police officer when he was young. When these people came into the store to buy things, they packed their bags tightly and spoke in deliberately lowered voices. He felt something was wrong. Now that the police came to ask about the situation again, he was even more sure. .

So he thought of an excuse and went out to investigate. While talking to the driver, he saw blood-stained clothes and people in the back row through the gap in the window.

He originally wanted to try to delay time, but he didn't expect the kidnapper to be so alert.

Before being taken away by the ambulance, the store owner described to the police, The driver and another man wearing white shoes. I didn't see the appearance of these two people clearly. I saw the man with the hat clearly. He was not very old. , no more than forty, with a scar behind his left ear that is so long that it feels like it extends from the top of his head. He has three white spots under his eyes and looks fierce.

By the way, he seems to have an eye problem.

The policeman paused and asked, Is there something wrong with your eyes? What's the problem?

The shop owner shook his head with a white face, frowned and thought for a few seconds before saying, When he came in, he asked me the price of Furong Wang Soft Blue. I quoted him a price. When they finished picking out the items and checked out, it was The clerk in my store helped with the checkout. When he scanned the code, the price that came out was different from what I said, so he was very unhappy and said this to the clerk.

What words?

He said: When I walked in, I asked you, you said two hundred and two, why did the settlement increase by twenty out of thin air?

A young police officer who responded didn't understand, He mistakenly identified the guy as you. Is there a problem with that?

Most people don't pay much attention to the appearance of strangers, and it's normal to admit mistakes.

The shop owner said, When he asked me the price, I lent him a light. He chatted with me for a few words before walking away. My guy was a young man in his twenties. No matter how bad his memory was, You can't tell a young man from an old man, right? Apart from our work clothes, how do we look alike? The guy said it was me he was chatting with, but he didn't quite believe it and stared at me for a while before he was finally sure.

The young policeman said, It's not because of a bad eye, it's because of a bad brain, right?

The store owner said, I think this is quite strange. He doesn't seem to be able to identify strangers, but the contact time is too short, so I'm not sure.

The police took down the characteristics and the ambulance drove away with the store owner.

Because they were alerting others, when the police tracked down the abandoned factory, there was no sign of the kidnappers.

At this moment, another news came from the team that Jiang Sheng Shaotong's family was kidnapped in front of the company. The white van and the license plate number were checked and they found that the two cases were the same, so they immediately sent more manpower to expand the search scope.

At the same time, Mo Mingxuan had just separated from the blind date introduced by his mother, got in the car, picked up his cell phone out of habit, and found that there were many missed calls from Shen Qingchuan.

He was about to go back when he suddenly saw a location sharing from Han Ruoxing on WeChat.

He was stunned for a moment and called Shen Qingchuan back first.

As soon as the call was connected, Shen Qingchuan said anxiously, You have called me back. Jing Yan and his wife were kidnapped. The police just received news that the kidnappers were found near the Jiangning Ring Road. The police have limited manpower. You have more people. Call some people and we’ll go look for them separately.”

Kidnapping? Mo Mingxuan frowned, Are you sure? Not long ago, Ruoxing sent me a location sharing message.

Shen Qingchuan became excited, The police said they had received a call about the hostages, and she could also send you location sharing. It seems they still have their phones with them! You should quickly check where they are now!

Mo Mingxuan clicked in, and the shared location continued. He hurriedly took his mobile phone to the police station.

With the location, there was a direction for tracking, and everyone was fully expecting the rescue to be successful. However, when the police car caught up with him, his cell phone was in another truck carrying poultry.

The driver asked questions and had no idea how the phone got into his car.

The police handling the case speculated that the kidnappers must have discovered the mobile phone and discovered that the mobile phone was transmitting signals, so they took advantage of the situation and threw the mobile phone into the truck in an attempt to interfere with the police's tracking direction.

The hostage's call for help was discovered. Thinking of the ruthlessness of the kidnappers against the store owner, everyone's heart sank.

Pa— The bamboo pole hit Gu Jingyan's back and split into several strips.

Damn it, you're playing tricks on me! the domestic violence man scolded and struck extremely hard.

The wound on Gu Jingyan's head opened again, his mouth was sealed with tape, his coat was thrown aside, and the back of his shirt was covered with traces of blood. Despite this, he did not give in at all, and struggled every time he was knocked down. Stand up and straighten your spine.

The more arrogant he looked, the more he aroused the domestic violence man's desire for sadism. He struck harder and harder each time, and the thick bamboo pole almost broke in the end.

Han Ruoxing's mouth was wrapped with tape and she was forced to watch Gu Jingyan being tortured. (End of chapter)

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