In the dark night, the icy cold wind whistled in his ears. Han Ruoxing held on to Gu Jingyan tightly and tried to escape.

The domestically violent man was a completely out-of-control lunatic. When he realized the divorce plan, it was not certain whether they would survive or not.

The area was deserted and there wasn't even a light to be seen, so she didn't care. She just pulled Gu Jingyan and ran in one direction, as far as possible.

He didn't know how long he had been running, but Gu Jingyan's legs gave out and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Gu Jingyan! Han Ruoxing's heart tightened and she called his name.

Don't shout, Gu Jingyan quickly responded to her, but his voice sounded extremely weak, They will hear it.

Han Ruoxing swallowed her voice back into her stomach, squatted down and helped Gu Jingyan up. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a warm and moist feeling in the palm of his hand.

Han Ruo

Where are you injured? Han Ruoxing asked in a hoarse voice, suppressing her trembling.

Gu Jingyan whispered, It's okay, it's not serious.

With so much blood, how can it not be heavy... Han Ruoxing finally couldn't help but choked out, You show me, and I'll look at the wound.

As she spoke, she was about to lift Gu Jingyan's shirt. Gu Jingyan held her hand and whispered, That's the north over there. When I came here, I heard the sound of water in that direction. If you run in this direction, as long as you see The bridge is not far from the main road.

Then let's go.

Han Ruoxing wanted to pull him, but Gu Jingyan held her wrist, Axing, you go alone.

Han Ruoxing froze, What do you mean?

Gu Jingyan said warmly, I can't run, but you can. Their target is me. As long as you can escape, they will run away if they know your whereabouts are exposed. They won't chase you. When you see the police, you are with me. If you come to me, I will find a way to leave you a clue.

I won't leave! Han Ruoxing said with red eyes, That man is a lunatic. If he catches you, will you still be alive? If you can't walk, I will support you. Don't even think about leaving me!

The hot tears falling on the back of his hand made Gu Jingyan's heart ache, but this was not the time for children to love each other.

Axing, calm down...

I'm not calm! I don't want to be calm!

Han Ruoxing started crying, How could I leave you here, Gu Jingyan, how could I leave you here!

Gu Jingyan suddenly reached out and hugged her. Even though this action involved the wound on his back and made his face turn pale, he did not let go.

Han Ruoxing sobbed in his arms, Can't we give it a try? What if they don't find us, what if the police find us, don't let me go alone...

Gu Jingyan's heart ached. He patted her back gently and said softly, Axing, listen to me. These people obviously have the right to speak to the driver. He won't let me die, at least not now. .”

He looked around and whispered, There is a forest over there. You run towards the bridge, and I will run into the woods. I will try my best to hide from them and try to delay as much as possible. You can escape and bring the police. Find me, is that okay?”

Han Ruoxing stopped crying, Can people hide in the woods?

Gu Jingyan said, I can climb the tree. It's so dark that they won't be able to see me.

There were lights shaking in the distance, and the kidnappers had obviously noticed that they had escaped.

Han Ruoxing clenched his hands and made a difficult decision, Then you hide well and I'll go find the reinforcements.

Gu Jingyan smiled, kissed the corner of her lips, and whispered, Go.

Han Ruoxing wiped away her tears, endured her heartache, and ran in the direction pointed by Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan turned his head to look at the approaching lights, then turned and walked in the opposite direction. He clenched his fingers hard and blood dripped down his fingertips, confusing the direction of the kidnapper's pursuit.

Han Ruoxing cried as she ran. She didn't dare to think about Gu Jingyan's injuries, fearing that she wouldn't be able to control herself and turn around to find him. She could only run as hard as she could, hoping to be faster, faster...

She didn't know how long she ran, but she finally saw the bridge Gu Jingyan was talking about.

Under the bridge was a surging river, mist shrouded, and freezing cold. Han Ruoxing cried with joy. Just as he was about to cross the bridge, he heard the sound of a car engine chasing him from behind.

She panicked and hid quickly.

The car stopped not far from the bridge, and then Han Ruoxing heard the car door being opened and someone getting out of the car.

The man got on the bridge and paced back and forth on the bridge. The sound of his footsteps was like the sound coming from hell, which made Han Ruoxing's heart tighten.

After a while, the footsteps disappeared and returned to the car. The car door was opened again. The domestic violence man looked gloomily at Gu Jingyan who was tied up again, Where did she go?

Gu Jingyan said nothing, or even looked at him.

Such a arrogant attitude angered the domestic violence man. He stepped forward and grabbed Gu Jingyan's hair, forcing him to raise his head, What the hell am I asking you? Where did that bitch go!?

Half of Gu Jingyan's face was stained with blood, but a cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and then he spat a mouthful of blood-laced saliva onto the other person's face.

The domestic violence man's face became gloomy, he raised his hand and punched him in the abdomen.

Gu Jingyan let out a muffled groan, and his face suddenly turned pale.

The domestic violence man suddenly raised the corners of his lips, I don't believe she left you and left. She didn't leave you when she had such a good opportunity last time. How could she do it this time?

Gu Jingyan frowned, last time?

But the domestic violence man didn't give him any time to think. He grabbed his collar and dragged him out of the car.

Gu Jingyan was covered in injuries, his hands were tied behind his back, and he was almost dragged away.

Han Ruoxing was hiding in the dark, listening to Gu Jingyan's intermittent and heavy breathing, and her heart was twisting.

There was a rustling sound on the bridge. Her front was blocked by obstacles and she couldn't see anything. However, she felt vaguely uneasy in her heart. Han Ruoxing tightened her clothes.

After a while, the domestic violence man's voice suddenly sounded, I know you are around here.

As he said this, he held Gu Jingyan with one hand and looked around with a flashlight in the other hand.

You are so brave to let me fall in your hands twice!

There was only the sound of running water under the bridge and the rustle of dead leaves blown by the wind, but no one responded.

I'll give you ten seconds. If you come out, I'll forget about it. If you don't come out, he said, grabbing Gu Jingyan's neck and pushing him under the bridge, I'll throw him down!

Han Ruoxing's heart sank suddenly.

Gu Jingyan sneered, She can leave me where I am, do you think she will be stupid enough to come back and throw herself into a trap?

Han Ruo .

Really? The domestic violence man smiled coldly and grabbed his hair. She treated you like that, and you helped her lure me away? Do you think I'm stupid? (End of Chapter)

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