Is the battle so big?

It seems that Manager Gou has committed a serious crime.

By the way, don't let Ruoxing come back yet. It's such a mess. Don't let her cause trouble.

Song Tianjun chuckled, You are so obviously protective of your shortcomings. Aren't you afraid that Ruoxing will wrongly accuse a good person?

Song Wanqian snorted and said in a rather proud tone, Ruoxing told me about this a few days ago. She first asked me if I could touch Manager Gou before taking action. She is more sensible than you. There are too many, and you should be measured in your actions.”

Song Tianjun......

He actually told his father and didn't communicate with him. Listening to his father's stern tone, Song Tianjun decided to pour cold water on him.

If Xing doesn't come back tonight, she's not in Jiangcheng now.

Song Wanqian was stunned, Where did she go?

Song Tianjun's tone was strange, She is so close to you, didn't she tell you?

Song Wanqian...

Speak to me properly!

Song Tianjun couldn't help laughing, She didn't tell me where she was going. She is most likely with Gu Jingyan, because their phone calls were blocked at the same time.

Song Tianjun waited for his old father to get jealous and angry, but Song Wanqian was silent for a long time, and said quietly, Look at the children of the old Gu family, they are so shameless that they chase their girlfriend back, and they just let her run away with him. You Well, you’re almost forty and you’re still single! The genes I gave you are all in vain, you can’t even get a girl back!”

Song Tianjun......

My son is really worthless.

He gritted his teeth and said, You can entertain your parents-in-law's family by yourself.

Song Wanqian...

Song Tianjun went back after all.

Han Ruoxing wanted to establish his authority in the company, so Song Wanqian couldn't backstab him, but if he didn't care, Su Wanqin couldn't justify it, so Song Tianjun had to be the evil person.

Manager Gou was detained, and his wife, children, and their family blocked the door of Song's house.

Before Song Tianjun entered the house, he heard the sound of women and children crying in the house.

Uncle, Jianxun made a mistake this time, but for so many years, he has helped my aunt manage the company, and he has worked hard without any credit. If he comes in, what will happen to our family? The children are still so young, we can't live without them. Dad.

The two children also started crying and clamored for their father.

Song Wanqian pretended to be confused, I don't care about the jewelry store. If Xing didn't tell me, I still don't know what happened. Don't cry, don't let the children see the joke. When she comes back, I will help you Ask and find out what's going on. If she wrongfully accuses a good person, I will definitely not tolerate her.

Manager Gou's wife usually only plays mahjong with her children, and does shopping when she has nothing to do. Her brain is not that active. Song Wanqian has a kind face, and he talks in a gentle way, as if he really doesn't know anything. For a moment, Unsure of paying attention, she secretly looked at Su Wanqin.

Su Wanqin grimaced and said in a deep voice, He secretly changed raw material suppliers and enriched his own pockets. What else can be said? Have I treated him badly in these years? I thought he would be down-to-earth and hardworking, leaving Ruoxing as a Helper, is the salary not enough or what, letting him do such a shameful thing? It’s just a slap in my face again!”

Manager Gou's wife cried and said, Cousin, you don't know that Jianxun also has something to hide. After Qiyuji changed to a new boss, the business has not been very good. Jianxun's bonus has shrunk a lot. If it is normal, we can only endure it. It’s over, but my parents-in-law have health problems again and need surgery. His monthly income is just enough to pay off the mortgage and maintain our family’s daily expenses. How can I have any extra savings for surgery?”

I wanted to call and borrow some from you, but he didn't agree and said he couldn't trouble you because it would cause disharmony in your family. He said he would think of a way, but I didn't expect that the way he thought of was this. If I had known In this way, we won't let him make this mistake when we sell the house.

Manager Gou's wife burst into tears, Cousin, cousin, Jianxun betrayed your trust, he deserves to die, but this is also a life-threatening situation. I don't ask you to forgive him, maybe not because of his filial piety. For the sake of it, give him a chance, and my family and I will find a way to make up for the money he misappropriated, okay?

Su Wanqin frowned and looked at Song Wanqian, Wanqian, this unlucky thing did such a stupid thing. I shouldn't have spoken for him, but these two children are too young, and I have to take care of them myself. I came here with my children, and I know how difficult it is for a woman to have two children.

When I was in college, Jianxun's parents helped me a lot. They only had one son. Now he is old and ill. If something happens to this only son, I really can't explain it to my parents. , Wanqian, you have a phone call with Ruoxing and ask her to give in, and I will make up for her losses.

Song Wanqian pursed her lips and frowned, as if she was thinking, but her eyes looked towards the entrance from time to time. Brat, you really are not coming.

Wan Qian, Seeing that he was silent, Su Wanqin wanted to say something else. Song Tianjun's voice came from far and near, Aunt Su, you are also a member of the Song family. It is not your turn to make up for this loss anyway.

Su Wanqin paused and frowned.

Song Wanqian was overjoyed and almost failed to hide his expression. He cleared his throat and said, Why are you back at this point?

Song Tianjun glanced at his father who knew what he was asking, and said calmly, Ruoxing went on a business trip and asked me to come back and deliver a message to her.

He said and looked at Su Wanqin, She said that she knew that Manager Gou and Aunt Su had a close relationship. It was not convenient for Aunt Su to deal with it herself. She said that she would be responsible for this evil person, and she would definitely prosecute him to the end. If Manager Gou's family members came to make trouble, they would Just let Aunt Su pretend not to know and put all the blame on her. Don’t ruin the relationship between Aunt Su and her parents’ side.”

Song Wanqian sighed, This kid is always so thoughtful.

Su Wanqin's eyes darkened. Han Ruoxing wanted to block her next move.

Manager Gou's wife couldn't sit still, Cousin, cousin, you can't ignore it. He has evil intentions because he wants to treat my parents-in-law. Please spare him this time.

He said, pulling the two children, Quickly, kowtow to my aunt and uncle. If you kowtow, dad will come back, otherwise you will never see dad again.

The eldest of the two children was only six years old. When he heard that his father was no longer around, he immediately knelt down and cried.

Song Wanqian was crying so much that her head was pounding.

Song Tianjun said calmly, Cousin, are you sure that the money your husband misappropriated was used for medical treatment?

Manager Gou's wife was stunned, avoided his sight, and said with a guilty conscience, That's for sure. In the final analysis, the company's performance has been too poor in the past two months and the bonus cannot be paid. He was confused for a while...

He choked up again as he spoke. (End of chapter)

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