Song Tianjun sighed, Cousin, he probably deceived you.

Wha...what? Manager Gou's wife thought her lie had been exposed, and her voice sounded a little weak.

Song Tianjun took out his mobile phone, flipped through the photo album and handed it to her, Ruoxing found out that he had misappropriated the company's money. At first, he wondered if he had something to hide. He even checked the flow of funds in his account and found that most of his money was All the money was spent on this woman, and he also spent two million to buy this woman a house with an address less than one kilometer away from your home.

The woman looked at the young and beautiful woman in the photo and subconsciously denied it, This is impossible, you are talking nonsense!

Song Tianjun said calmly, Almost all his friends know about this woman's existence. If you don't believe me, you can ask her with her photo.

The woman was still doubting when the child next to her suddenly said, Aunt Zhang.

The woman was startled, What did you say?

The little boy quickly covered his sister's mouth.

The woman's heart sank, and she lowered her temper and asked in a low voice, Do you know her?

The little boy hesitated for a moment and whispered, Dad asked Aunt Zhang to take us to her house to play, but he didn't let us tell you.

The little girl said, Aunt Zhang's house is really fun. She cooks better than mom and is more beautiful than mom. Dad said he would let her be our mom in the future.

The woman turned pale.

She stood up unsteadily and stumbled out.

The two children didn't know what happened, so they trotted to catch up, Mom, when will dad come back? I really want him to take me to Aunt Zhang's house to play.

The woman's fingers trembled, she pushed the child away suddenly, and said with a pale face, Get out of here! Don't follow me! If you like a wild woman to be your mother so much, go find her!

The child fell to the ground and started crying.

The woman didn't even look at him, her eyes were blank as she left.

Su Wanqin's expression turned ugly, Tianjun, do you have to say this in front of your children?

Song Tianjun looked at her calmly, Aunt Su, I didn't expect that they would have children with them while having an affair.

No matter how shameless he is, you should give him some dignity in front of your children! Now that something has happened to him, have you ever thought about what the family will do after his wife knows about it? You really Do you want to force people to break up their families and scatter their wives and children?

Song Tianjun's eyes turned cold, He misappropriated the company's property and kept his mistress. Instead of blaming him, you blame me? Aunt Su has been doing business for so many years. Is it all charity?

Su Wanqin's face turned livid with anger, I founded Qiyuji. It is a charity and it is also my own property!

Without the connections of the Song family, how could you start it in such a short time? Song Tianjun glanced at her, What's more, this store is now Ruoxing's asset and has nothing to do with you.

You - Su Wanqin's eyes suddenly turned red, and her voice was shaking, What do you mean by this? Are you saying that I married your father for the sake of becoming the lintel of your Song family?

Song Wanqian came back to send the mother and son away when Song Tianjun came back, but he didn't ask him to come back to make a fuss.

The person who had been a mute shopkeeper for a long time, when he saw this fight, he quickly shouted, You brat, I'm not big or small, how can I talk to your Aunt Su?

In the past, no matter how unconventional Song Tianjun was, he would always show respect for his elders when speaking to them. Like today, this was the first time that they had faced each other face to face.

Song Wanqian was surprised by the child's recklessness today, so she could only smooth things over for him, The brat is talking nonsense. He must have been drinking outside. Don't be as knowledgeable as him.

Such light and indifferent words made Su Wanqin extremely disappointed.

She pulled out her hand and said in a hoarse voice, You are a family and I am an outsider. It is hard to be a stepmother. One step for my biological mother can't be equaled even if I take a hundred steps for it. I will suffer what I deserve!

Song Wanqian wanted to step forward and hold her back, Of course we are a family, he just said it unintentionally, Wanqin, don't think too much.

Su Wanqin pursed her lips, took two steps back, and avoided Song Wanqian's touch. If he was confronting Sister Lan today, would you still be so docile?

Song Wanqian paused and frowned, Yalan doesn't care about children.

Su Wanqin's face turned pale, and her eyes were shattered for a moment.

Song Wanqian wanted to say something, but she had already turned around and went upstairs without saying a word.

Song Tianjun sat on the sofa, looked at his frowning old father, and said calmly, Why don't you go up and coax him?

Song Wanqian glared at him, You still think the fire is not burning brightly!

Song Tianjun shrugged, I'm just telling the truth. Who knew Aunt Su was so sensitive?

Song Wanqian had a headache. He had no experience in coaxing women in his life. His deceased wife had a straightforward personality. She was straightforward about whether she liked her or not. Even when she was angry, she was clear about it.

But Su Wanqin is not. Although she is considerate, her personality is far from free and easy. If you say a word, she can guess ten meanings. She is delicate and sensitive. When she was young, she would often get sulky because of his words and actions. Now that I'm older, I'm a little better, but only a little.

This time, he looked very angry. The thought of trying to coax people gave him a headache, and he became displeased with such a big boy like himself. Only a fool can't hear your yin and yang.

If you walk and sit upright, what are you afraid of?

Song Tianjun stood up and said, I'm leaving. I wish you family harmony.

Song Wanqian...


Gu Jingyan and Han Ruoxing took nearly four hours of flight to Dali.

It was already past eleven o'clock at night when they got off the plane. The two of them transferred again and were delayed a little longer. By the time they arrived at Erhai to order the wine, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

After a long journey and a long journey, when they arrived at the room, Han Ruoxing didn't have the energy to look around the hotel and inside, so she went in and took a shower, then fell asleep when she came out.

By the time she fully woke up, it was already past eleven o'clock at noon.

She opened her eyes drowsily and found that she was alone on the bed. She turned over and remembered that she was already in Erhai Lake.

She sat up and looked around. When Gu Jingyan was nowhere to be seen, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Opening the curtains, warm sunlight came through, and she couldn't help but squint her eyes. Then she saw Gu Jingyan on the terrace, wearing a casual shirt and trousers, holding a cup of coffee, standing there and looking into the distance.

Han Ruoxing followed his line of sight and saw sparkling waves in the distance, clouds and mountains surrounded by fog, beautiful scenery, and the sky seemed bluer than the sky in Jiangcheng.

She walked over gently, hugged Gu Jingyan's waist from behind, and asked in a low voice, Why don't you ask me to get up together?

Gu Jingyan took a sip of coffee and said calmly, Don't you know how angry you are when you wake up? It's a rare occasion. I don't want to go home with injuries.

Han Ruoxing...

It's such a beautiful scenery, can you please stop saying things that ruin the scenery?

Gu Jingyan smiled, put the cup aside, pulled her in front of him, hugged her, leaned into her ear and whispered, Do you like it?

Han Ruoxing nodded, I like it.

I mean me.

Han Ruoxing chuckled, rubbed his face gently, and whispered, My favorite.

Gu Jingyan kissed her on the cheek and said in a shallow voice, Then... do you want to marry?

As he spoke, Han Ruoxing felt a chill on his fingertips, and a diamond ring was placed on the tip of the ring finger of his right hand. (End of chapter)

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