Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, and he clenched his hands tightly, his face expressionless, He confessed to you?

That's not true... I just feel like he treats me as something more than an ordinary friend.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and asked, What happened when you were eating to make you feel like this?

Since he wasn't hit, it was better not to let him get frightened. Han Ruoxing skipped that part and said, Nothing happened. He just felt a little too concerned about me.

Han Ruoxing said and began to sigh again, It feels so awkward. Lawyer Mo is so handsome and has a perfect personality. Why did he fall in love with me? Although I am somewhat pretty, I have a family after all.

Gu Jingyan couldn't hold it back, Are you showing off in front of me?

Han Ruoxing was happy for a while and then said, I'm kidding you, I'm really troubled. Lawyer Mo is the one who made you a child. This is too embarrassing.

Gu Jingyan snorted, Didn't you still say that I thought too much before?

Han Ruoxing murmured in a low voice, You were even jealous of my brother at that time. Who knows if you were jealous indiscriminately.

Gu Jingyan glared at her, So you blame me?

Blame me, blame me, Han Ruoxing admitted his mistake with a positive attitude, I'm not like you. So many people like you and you can tell them at a glance. Not many people have chased me since I was a child. I have no experience.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, Haven't you been merciless in receiving love letters since you were a child?

Han Ruoxing...

Can the love letters I wrote when I was in school be a book? They are all a joke among children. If so many people really like me, how could I have only dated one?

Gu Jingyan snorted coldly, Is your tone quite regretful?

No regrets, Han Ruoxing coaxed, Although we didn't talk much, I talked well. I only stepped into a fire pit once and found my true love.

Gu Jingyan was coaxed, his eyes softened, and the corners of his lips raised. He glanced at her and said coldly, Your first love is indeed a fire pit.

Han Ruoxing...

Is there a possibility that the fire pit she was talking about was her first marriage?

Gu Jingyan seemed to still be happy about the words true love. Han Ruoxing thought about it and then closed his mouth.

Well, let him be happy.

After riding for a long time, Han Ruoxing finally realized, Where are you going?

This road is neither back to Yunding International nor to Yuyuan.


Han Ruoxing was surprised, Why are you going to the airport?

Gu Jingyan looked at her, Erhai.

Han Ruoxing's eyes lit up, Why do you want to go to Erhai Lake all of a sudden?

Because someone said that when it snows at the beginning of this year, he wants to go to Erhai Lake with me.

Han Ruoxing was stunned and immediately thought of what he had mentioned before.

Her heart softened and she whispered, But Chuxue hasn't come yet.

But it's your birthday. Gu Jingyan took her hand and kissed it, It's twenty-six years old and I haven't even gone to Erhai yet. After hearing this, your brother wants to find reasons to help you refuse the marriage.

Han Ruoxing chuckled, Is my brother that unreasonable? He has been giving me things recently, and he also takes your share with him, okay? Don't spread rumors.

Gu Jingyan also smiled, The chairman election meeting is next week. If you are elected, I probably won't have time to accompany you in the first half of the year. I don't want you to be disappointed.

Han Ruoxing gently stroked his ear, You did it because of work, how could I be disappointed in you because of this?

Gu Jingyan said, I used to neglect my family because of my work. I didn't even know you were sick.

Han Ruo People can't help but think wildly if they stay for a long time, and misunderstandings will snowball and get bigger and bigger until they explode.

Gu Jingyan is a person who is good at reflection. In his opinion, being addicted to work is also one of the root causes of the problems between them.

Firstly, he works out of interest and responsibility, and secondly, he wants to create a better environment for both parties. But if the person he wants to give everything to is no longer there, then what is the meaning of his hard work?

Han Ruoxing said softly, The election meeting is so important. I'm a little worried if you accompany me out at this time.

Gu Jingyan said, Have you ever seen a top student sharpen his weapon in battle?

Han Ruoxing...

That's not true, but I really haven't seen any top student talk about being a top student every day.

Lin Shu, who was driving in front, finally couldn't help but say, Mr. Gu never says this in front of outsiders, and in front of you, he is like a conspicuous peacock spreading its wings to court a mate, wishing for every beautiful feather on his body. Everybody can see it.”

When Gu Jingyan heard this description, his face darkened, You are the only one who talks too much!

Han Ruoxing couldn't help laughing. She suddenly thought of the emoticon on the Internet of a male peacock chasing a female peacock with its wings spread wildly. Lin Shu was probably surfing the same Internet as her.

The car finally arrived at the airport. Before leaving, Gu Jingyan said a few words to Lin Shu in the car. Then, he grabbed the suitcase and took her towards Erhai Lake.

After the two got on the plane, Han Ruoxing sent a WeChat message to Song Tianjun a second before turning off the phone, roughly saying that he was going out for two days and would come back on the night of his birthday.

Song Tianjun hurriedly called her, but he couldn't get through. He called Gu Jingyan again, but he couldn't get through either.

You don't need to think about it to know that he must have been abducted by Gu Jingyan again!

Song Tianjun was annoyed for a while and then thought about it. Following Gu Jingyan, at least he didn't have to worry about safety issues.

Moreover, even if she is not around these two days, Gou Jianxun will be fired and may face imprisonment. Su Wanqin will definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

Many of her properties in the country are managed by her natal family. If Xing pulls out a sharp claw from her, she doesn't know what trouble she will cause.

Just as he was thinking about it, Song Wanqian called and asked him to go back.

Song Tianjun had an intuition that it was related to Su Wanqin, so he asked, What's wrong, Dad?

Your Aunt Su's relatives are coming to the house. Come back and help me entertain them.

Relatives of the Su family?

I'm afraid he's from the Gou family.

Song Wanqian rarely interacted with relatives in the Su family. When he and Su Wanqin first got married, the Su family was very high-profile. Everyone talked about Su Wanqin's identity as Mrs. Song. While praising his own family, he also talked about his mother's fate. Short time brings no blessing.

The circle is so big, and these words soon reached Song Wanqian's ears. Song Wanqian was very angry. At that time, the quarrel reached the point of divorce, but it was her grandma who tried her best to stop them, so they did not divorce.

However, after that, the Su family rarely appeared in front of them. Even when they visited during the New Year and festivals, Song Wanqian was extremely cold and left all the greetings to his eldest son.

Song Tianjun laughed and said jokingly, You can still be the same as before, just find an excuse to go fishing.

Song Wanqian said angrily, Do you think I don't want to? Kneel down and block the door. How can I get out? (End of Chapter)

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