Han Ruoxing finally realized that she had just passed death a second ago. A layer of cold sweat broke out on her back, and the hairs stood up one by one.

Mo Mingxuan held her hand and spoke in an unprecedentedly nervous tone, Are you okay? Did I touch you? Why didn't you say anything? Was it hurt?

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips and suddenly pulled her hand away from his palm.

Mo Ming was stunned for a moment.

Han Ruoxing pretended to lower her head and straighten her clothes, saying in a shallow voice, I'm fine, you didn't touch me.

As he spoke, he smiled up at him and said warmly, Thank you.

Her eyes suddenly became distant, and Mo Mingxuan looked at her blankly. He could read the emotions in her eyes with almost no need for words.

Some feelings have been rejected without even opening your mouth.

Mo Mingxuan lowered his eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. He said softly, It's okay...it's pretty good.

Han Ruoxing clutched her phone and wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it.

In the past, Gu Jingyan was jealous of Mo Mingxuan, and she always said that he thought too much, but just now, she could clearly see the eagerness and fear in Mo Mingxuan's eyes. They were not the emotions that should be felt towards a friend.

She couldn't help but reflect, had she done something that misunderstood Lawyer Mo and caused him to have feelings that he shouldn't have?

Could it be the time when she beat up a domestic violence man and saved the hero?

That's not true. How could Mo Mingxuan, a mature and rational man, fall in love with someone just because he saved his life? And she is also the ex-wife and current wife of my good brother?

Mo Mingxuan's emotions were so well controlled that if it hadn't been for the sudden change, she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

The key is, she didn't express her feelings, so naturally she couldn't say no to him.

She thought for a moment, changed the subject, and asked with a smile, I heard from Mr. Shen that you were on a blind date recently. How was it? Is there any girl you fell in love with?

Mo Mingxuan sighed, It's all good, but it's just not suitable.

How do you know that someone is not suitable for you even if you don't get along with them for a long time? You can look at everything first. There is not so much love at first sight in this world. Most of them are love that lasts for a long time.

Mo Mingxuan smiled and asked, What kind of person are you and Jingyan?

I... Han Ruoxing committed the habit of bragging again and lied without drafting, He fell in love with me at first sight and stalked me to marry me. As for me, as time went by, I fell in love with him. ”

Is it also love at first sight on a blind date?

Earlier than that, she seemed to have endless words to say when she mentioned Gu Jingyan, Didn't I tell you before, my mother and I had a car accident seven years ago, and Gu Jingyan pulled me out of the car. He That’s when I fell in love at first sight.”

Mo Mingxuan paused and pressed the corners of his lips lightly, Really? Then he smiled and said, Then he is really a beast. You were only eighteen or nineteen at that time, right?

Han Ruoxing...

She laughed dryly and didn't know how to brag, so she changed the topic, Lawyer Mo, if the girl introduced by my family doesn't like it, I will introduce my friend to you later.

Mo Mingxuan joked, Are you planning to introduce Miss Tang to me after she comes back from Qingchuan?

Seeing that he could still joke with her so humorously, Han Ruoxing felt a little relieved, Xiaoxiao is my best friend, she can't help it, but I have other friends, don't forget me She graduated from the Drama School. I don’t need to tell you how many beauties there are in the Drama School, right? I’ll definitely find someone who can match you in appearance and has a good personality.”

Mo Mingxuan chuckled, Well, if I still can't find it after a year and a half, I'll trouble you.

Han Ruoxing patted her chest and promised, Watch it for me.

As soon as he finished speaking, a car honked twice behind him. Han Ruoxing turned around and saw Gu Jingyan's car parked not far away. The car lights flashed. Lin Shu got out of the driver's seat and politely greeted Mo Mingxuan and helped him. Han Ruoxing opened the rear door.

Han Ruoxing said goodbye to Mo Mingxuan, Lawyer Mo, I'm leaving first. Remember to see Miss Yang off.

Go ahead.

Han Ruoxing waved her hand, turned around and quickly walked over and got into the car.

Lin Shu nodded to Mo Mingxuan and got into the car.

Mo Mingxuan stood there, watching the car drive away from his sight.

in the car.

As soon as Han Ruoxing came up, she opened the window and looked out. When the car drove away, she began to sigh again.

What? Do you blame me for interrupting you to have dinner with your lawyer Mo? Do you feel regretful?

Someone next to me is acting strangely.

Normally, Han Ruoxing would have come back with all her strength, but now after understanding Mo Mingxuan's intentions, she suddenly couldn't be frank.

Gu Jingyan, let me ask you a question.

Han Ruoxing suddenly said this very seriously.

Gu Jingyan was a little surprised, but he still raised his chin slightly, unscrewed the cup, and said calmly, Ask.

After speaking, he took a sip of saliva.

Am I the type that a man likes as soon as he meets me?

Pfft-- Gu Jingyan choked a mouthful of water directly in his throat and couldn't help coughing.

Han Ruoxing handed him a tissue and said in disgust, What's your reaction?

Gu Jingyan wiped the water stains from the corners of his lips and looked her up and down, If I'm not familiar with you, I will definitely have this illusion at first sight.

Both men and women are visual animals, and those who look beautiful at first sight must not attract anyone's attention.

Han Ruoxing had a blame me for being too beautiful expression on her face, but she didn't miss Gu Jingyan's words and asked closely, What about after we get familiar with it?

Gu Jingyan said quietly, If I still like you after getting to know you, it's either because I'm obsessed with sex or because I have a unique taste.

Han Ruoxing's eyelids twitched and she pretended to be angry and glared at him, What does unique taste mean? Please explain it clearly to me!

Gu Jingyan said, You love to lie and brag. You love to tease people no matter what. When you make a mistake, you can defend yourself even if it's unreasonable. You also have a habit of pretending to be pitiful. Knowing these things, you still like you. Tell yourself if you have a unique taste. ?”

Han Ruoxing grinded his teeth, How are you better than me? You have a hard and poisonous mouth, and your words can make anyone angry! If I hadn't...if I hadn't seen that you still have some beauty, I wouldn't have given you this for free!

Gu Jingyan chuckled. He leaned over and whispered, Look, this temper is so easy to deal with. Who else can stand it except me? I'll accept you after a while, so that you won't cause trouble to the world.

Han Ruoxing hummed, Don't put too much gold on yourself. There are many people who care about me.

Gu Jingyan paused, Oh? Who are you referring to? Your ex-boyfriend of two weeks? Or Mo Mingxuan.

Han Ruoxing was startled, You know Lawyer Mo...

Before she could finish her words, she immediately shut up.

But Gu Jingyan heard something unusual, What do you know about Mingxuan?

Han Ruoxing hesitated to speak. Go ahead. It feels awkward. Don't speak out. It seems like she feels guilty. She thought for a moment and whispered, I think Lawyer Mo seems to like me a little bit. (End of Chapter)

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