In the end, Han Ruoxing managed a three-person round.

She originally sent a text message to Gu Jingyan, but Gu Jingyan was too busy and squeezed in time to drink water.

But this guy didn't forget to be jealous. He just heard that she had flirted with Yang Yuwei, so he reluctantly swallowed the jealousy. He just told her not to linger outside after eating and to go back to the Royal Garden early. He had something to tell her.

Han Ruoxing could probably guess what Gu Jingyan was going to do. It was her birthday the day after tomorrow, so this guy might be giving her a birthday gift.

Song Wanqian originally planned to invite more people to celebrate her birthday, but Han Ruoxing refused.

She didn't have many friends in the circle, so she couldn't stop talking about such a big battle. Moreover, the recognition party had just passed, and there was a birthday party. Although Song Wanqian was a doting daughter, in the eyes of outsiders, this birthday party Whether it's high or low, it's a big banquet, which makes people think that the Song family's food looks ugly, just like the little gift money.

At any rate, Song Wanqian finally settled for the next best thing and decided to hold a small birthday party with just the family and a few friends to celebrate her. After all, this was the first birthday he had celebrated for Han Ruoxing.

This sentence made Han Ruoxing feel sad, and finally agreed.

No matter how small the birthday party was, he still had to deal with guests. Naturally, he and Gu Jingyan didn't have much time to spend alone together, so he had to spend more time with her in advance.

Thinking about it, Han Ruoxing couldn't help but speed up the cooking process.

Yang Yuwei looked at how fast she was eating and couldn't help but said, Is it because I'm treating a guest, so I want to eat more?

Pfft - Han Ruoxing choked, covering her lips and coughing.

I thought to myself that Yang Yuwei might have fallen out with Gu Jingyang, as she was clearly in the same line of study as Gu Jingyan.

Mo Mingxuan thoughtfully handed over a tissue, Looking at your circle of friends, I passed the audition. When will you join the group?

As soon as work was mentioned, Han Ruoxing became interested, Let's finish it after New Year's Day, probably around the Chinese New Year.

New movie The House, a screenplay based on the novel.

The enclosed house is a unique Hakka building. The background of the novel is set in the old times, when society was feudal and closed, and the control of women was particularly cruel.

After the death of her husband, a woman is not allowed to marry another woman, but must observe the festival for her deceased husband in an enclosed house with high walls.

Young, old, in this town, no matter what your status is, once you become a widow, you must stay here. Once you try to escape, you will be lynched by the tribe, labeled as a slut, and despised by others. .

If you have a son and the son is willing to raise him, you don't have to enter the enclosed house. If you don't want to, he will be abandoned here even if he can't take care of himself.

The story is narrated from a first-person perspective. The narrator is the posthumous son of a widow living in a fenced house. After her husband died, the tribe wanted to embezzle his family property, so they did not recognize the child's identity.

The mother of the child hung herself from a beam to prove her innocence, and the child stayed in the enclosed house and was raised by the women here.

With those eyes, he witnessed the struggle and resistance of every woman in the room.

The novel is very well written. When Han Ruoxing read it for the first time, he couldn't sleep all night. The tragic fate of every character in the novel being shackled by the times was over and over again in his mind.

Although the story revolves around the rich man's fourth concubine, everyone in the story is actually flesh and blood and has his or her own destiny. This play is more like a group drama about women in the old days.

She really liked this script, but her brother bought the copyright specifically for her to film, so the director actually had some opinions about her. She didn't even let her go to the audition, so he simply read it in the video. A few lines passed.

In fact, it is understandable that the director hired by Song Tianjun also liked the script, but he was not as quick as Song Tianjun, so he approached Song Tianjun and discussed with him whether the copyright of the script could be transferred to him.

Song Tianjun was very generous and said that he could be filmed and even give him a share of the box office profits, provided that the heroine must be played by Han Ruoxing.

The director is quite famous in the industry, and famous directors hate it when money is used to insert people into a play, but he liked this script very much. After struggling for a long time, he finally agreed.

From the director's point of view, it's up to you whether you audition or not. Is it still necessary to audition? So I didn't even think about giving her a good try.

But Han Ruoxing really liked the script, so even though she didn't like the director, she still shamelessly accepted it.

Han Ruoxing said, When the filming starts, I will work hard. If the director still feels that I am not suitable, I will quit. This will neither delay the script nor leave any regrets to myself.

Mo Mingxuan said warmly, The director is biased against you because you are a boss, so he is prejudiced against you. It is normal. In fact, what everyone hates is not the bosses, but the bosses who are incompetent and show off. The capable ones are We should promote virtuous people and not avoid relatives.

Han Ruoxing was immediately comforted and said with a smile, You are right. I will work hard to become the director's performance.

Yang Yuwei's eyes wandered back and forth between the two of them, and she suddenly felt that the way Mo Mingxuan looked at Han Ruoxing could not be called innocent.

Before the meal was finished, Han Ruoxing's cell phone rang.

The person who was still talking to Mo Mingxuan immediately lit up when he saw the caller ID. He stood up with his cell phone and said, Sorry, I'm going out to take a call.

After saying that, he took his mobile phone and went out.

As soon as Han Ruoxing left, Mo Mingxuan's eyes became visibly disappointed.

She calmly picked up the cup and took a sip of water, feeling very confused inside. Could it be that the person Mo Mingxuan said he liked was the famous Han Ruoxing?

My brother's girlfriend is my crush... Guiquan Mano.

Han Ruoxing walked to the terrace before answering.

Why did you answer the phone?

Someone is dissatisfied.

It's too noisy inside. We just came out. Han Ruoxing asked in a low voice, Are you done?

Well, Gu Jingyan said, I'll go pick you up now. It'll be too late later.


Gu Jingyan whispered mysteriously, A surprise prepared for you.

Han Ruoxing smiled and asked, What's the surprise?

I told you it won't be a surprise. I'll be there soon. You can start walking out.


After hanging up the phone, Han Ruoxing went to settle the bill first, and then went to say goodbye to the two of them.

As soon as Mo Mingxuan heard that she was leaving, he said, I'll take you back.

No, Lawyer Mo, please help me see Miss Yang off. She is not safe as a girl at night.

Mo Mingxuan pursed his lips and said, Okay.

Han Ruoxing thanked her and ran downstairs.

As soon as she left, Yang Yuwei pointed to the side and said, She didn't take her cell phone.

Mo Mingxuan turned around and saw the cell phone lying on the table. He took it over and said, I'll get it to her. You pack it up. I'll wait for you downstairs and take you home.

After saying that, without waiting for Yang Yuwei's response, she chased him out.

Han Ruoxing had already reached the roadside and was looking back and forth, searching for Gu Jingyan's vehicle.

Ruoxing, Mo Mingxuan called her name and chased after her, You forgot your cell phone.

Han Ruoxing looked back and immediately cursed herself for being reckless. She took it and thanked him, Thank you so much. If I didn't find out until I left, I would probably die of panic.

Mo Mingxuan smiled and said, Miss Yang discovered it, and I didn't pay attention either-

Before he finished speaking, his expression changed, and he suddenly grabbed Han Ruoxing's wrist and pulled her over.

Before Han Ruoxing could react, he felt a gust of wind pass by his ears, and something brushed against his back.

She turned her head and only had time to see the butt of the car.

In my ears was Mo Mingxuan's angry voice, Why are you driving!

Being so close, Han Ruoxing could clearly see his hands trembling slightly. (End of chapter)

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