When he saw the person, Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

It was actually Mo Mingxuan.

Well, his looks can compete with Gu Jingyan's... Well, she still thinks Gu Jingyan is more handsome.

After the recognition banquet, I hardly saw Mo Mingxuan. He was absent from the new product launch conference, but he still sent two flower baskets very understandingly.

After not seeing each other for more than a month, Mo Mingxuan looked thinner, his facial features a little sharper, and his smile was still gentle.

He seemed to have just come back from a banquet or something. He was still carrying a bag in his hand. He was wearing a white suit and his hair was styled. He had the aura of a gentleman and was very eye-catching wherever he went.

Seeing him approaching, Han Ruoxing smiled and said, Lawyer Mo, why are you here?

Mo Mingxuan said warmly, I just attended a wedding nearby. I didn't come over before the opening, so I thought I'd stop by and take a look. I was worried that you weren't in the store. He handed the bag over, The wedding candy given by my friend, let's go together Feeling happy.

Han Ruoxing grabbed a handful, kept one for herself, and gave the rest to Yang Yuwei, jokingly saying, You are so busy, I feel so happy to send you a flower basket. You are really here, I was afraid you would ask I want the appearance fee.”

Mo Mingxuan also joked, The appearance fee for a spicy meal is not very expensive, right? Let's make up for it with what we bring back.

Han Ruoxing was startled, and suddenly remembered that when she had just divorced, Mo Mingxuan helped her fight a reputation lawsuit. He said that he wanted to treat others to eat spicy hotpot, but Gu Jingyan did something wrong and crashed into their car. The spicy hotpot failed, and she He was deceived by Gu Jingyan.

It's been so long, I didn't expect Mo Mingxuan to still remember it.

He said he wanted to invite someone to dinner, but he kept putting it off and never formally invited him.

She smiled and said, Easy to say, enough of that.

Then he turned to Yang Yuwei and said, Ms. Yang, this is me - my boyfriend's childhood friend, and my friend Mo Mingxuan, lawyer Mo. He is very good at litigating. In the future, if any of your friends encounter legal problems, You can introduce it to him, and you’re sure to win.”

After saying that, he looked at Mo Mingxuan and said, Lawyer Mo, this beauty is Yang Yuwei, the daughter of Mr. Yang of Jinfeng Group. She is also my friend. You guys know each other. I'll go over and have a word with her.

Yang Yuwei stretched out her hand and said openly, Hello, I am Yang Yuwei.

Mo Mingxuan shook her hand from behind, quickly let go, and said politely, Hello, Mo Mingxuan.

Yang Yuwei looked at Mo Mingxuan. After the latter shook hands with her, his eyes fell on Han Ruoxing again.

Han Ruoxing was talking to the store manager at the moment, and he was standing nearby waiting, not in a hurry or urging her, just looking at her with an indescribable feeling in his eyes.

Previously, the Mo family invited an acquaintance to be the introducer, and wanted to introduce her to Mo Mingxuan on a blind date.

Her parents have a good impression of the Mo family, so they agreed to it for her without permission. It depends on what the elders think. I won't force you to see it first. What if you are right?

Her parents doted on her extremely, and she didn't want to make them unhappy, so she agreed.

As a result, on the day of the blind date, her car broke down on the road. She called for a repairman and took a taxi there, arriving a few minutes late.

In just a few minutes, when she arrived at the coffee shop, the waiter handed her a piece of paper with a line of writing on it: I don't like people who have no sense of time. We are not suitable.

This made Yang Yuwei angry, and she cursed her all the way back.

She suddenly became unhappy when she thought that she had just found this worthless former blind date handsome.

Yang Yuwei kept her tone and said nothing.

After Han Ruoxing finished talking to the store manager, she came over and said, You two wait for me for ten minutes. I'll go up and open something, and we'll go eat.

Mo Mingxuan nodded, Don't worry.

Han Ruoxing said it was ten minutes, but as soon as he went up, he was entangled and couldn't get away. Ten minutes followed ten minutes, and he still didn't come down after twenty minutes.

Yang Yuwei looked at the time and asked, How did Mr. Mo become friends with Miss Han?

Mo Mingxuan raised his eyes and glanced at her, as if he was surprised as to why she asked that, but he still responded out of politeness, Ruoxing has a good personality, is enthusiastic, and is loyal to his friends. He is a person worth making friends with.

Oh, but don't you like people who have no sense of time? She said ten minutes, but it's been twenty minutes and she still hasn't come down. Shouldn't you leave a break-up note and leave?

Mo Mingxuan...

He finally remembered who this Miss Yang was.

Although he went to every blind date arranged by his family these days, it was just to cope with the family, and he had no intention of starting a relationship. Naturally, he found various excuses to pass them by.

As soon as Yang Yuwei mentioned the note, he completely remembered it.

Mo Mingxuan smiled faintly and said warmly, I'm rude. I don't like people who meet through blind dates to develop into lovers. But I can't refuse the arrangement at home, so I can only find an excuse to let this blind date happen. Failure, I took the liberty of making you uncomfortable, I’m sorry.”

Yang Yuwei......

Why is this different from what she thought?

She is so angry, yet she is not angry? Is your personality too stable?

This made her a little fussy, so Yang Yuwei had to say, It's okay. My car broke down that day and I wasn't late on purpose. Besides, I don't like blind dates. You left a note and I just explained it to my parents. .”

Mo Mingxuan said, Miss Yang is still young and can meet more often. There is no need to be so anxious to get to the point of blind date. It takes a lifetime to find someone who likes each other so that we can go on for a long time.

Yang Yuwei suddenly didn't know what to say.

Among the men she met, there had never been one as gentle, humble and polite as Mo Mingxuan. Even though his words were just out of politeness or greetings, he had that look on his face that somehow made people feel good about him.

She smiled and asked, Does Mr. Mo like anyone?

Mo Mingxuan didn't know what he thought of, his eyes became warm, and he said softly, Yes.

Yang Yuwei was startled for a moment, then relieved. How could such an outstanding person be single at thirty?

It took almost half an hour for Han Ruoxing to come down from upstairs. Sorry, sorry, I got caught up in something. Let's go. You two choose the restaurant. I'll treat you today.

Yang Yuwei said, You go ahead, I won't go.

Han Ruoxing wondered, What's wrong with you?

lose weight.

Han Ruoxing immediately said, It's okay, let's eat seafood. Seafood doesn't have meat, and it will be gone as soon as you pee.

Yang Yuwei......

It was gone as soon as she peeed... How could this be her grandma's tone?

The daughter of the Song family? really.

She looked at Mo Mingxuan, who was obviously used to it. He even clenched his fists and pressed his lips to hold back a smile. (End of chapter)

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