Han Ruoxing was sitting in the office, listening to the head of the raw material supplier complaining to him.

Mr. Han, we have cooperated with Qiyuji for so many years. Any high-end goods are always attached to your store first. Even if it is a credit, as long as I am not in a hurry to use the money, you won't pay for it for a year and a half. We are not in a hurry.”

We have been partners for many years. I think we all have this credibility. But in this case, you are really too unkind!

Han Ruoxing pushed the cup over and said warmly, Manager Sun, take a drink first.

When the other party took the cup, Han Ruoxing said, I don't know much about what you're talking about. Manager Gou has always been in charge of purchasing raw materials. I can't just rely on your words to believe something. Please wait a moment. Let me know, I’ll call Manager Gou over and we’ll check it in person, okay?”

Manager Sun is naturally not afraid of confrontation, I just approached him about this matter first. If he didn't resolve it with me, I came to you.

Han Ruoxing nodded, Understood, I'll ask him to come over right away.

Manager Gou took a day off today, saying he was attending the school's parent-teacher meeting, but in fact he was going shopping with his little lover.

His little lover stopped all the charges for him and was fired. He always wanted to give her some compensation and appease her. It happened that he had a lot of money recently, so he specially asked for leave to accompany her.

When Han Ruoxing called, Manager Gou was looking at clothes in a luxury store with his young lover.

He frowned, said hello to his little lover, and went outside to answer the call.

Hey, Mr. Han.

Manager Gou, please come to the store now. I have something I want to find out from you.

Manager Gou said, Now? Mr. Han, I am attending a parent-teacher meeting with my child right now. If you want to know anything, please tell me on the phone.

I can't tell you clearly on the phone. It's better for you to come to the scene.

Manager Gou felt a little uneasy and declined, I really can't leave here, can't I say no tomorrow?

Han Ruoxing was silent for a few seconds, Isn't your wife a full-time housewife? Can't she go to the parent-teacher meeting? If you can't open your mouth, then I will do it for you.

Manager Gou felt guilty and said hurriedly, I'll tell her and she'll be there soon.

Manager Gou was worried and dialed his wife's phone number on the way, If I don't call you within an hour, you should quickly contact your cousin and ask her to come to the store.

My wife was playing mahjong with a group of friends. When she heard this, she suddenly became confused and asked, What's wrong?

Don't ask so many questions, just do as I say.

After Manager Gou said that, he hung up the phone. He must have discovered something if he was in such a hurry to find him. His accounts were pretty clean, and he did all the purchasing, shouldn't he?

As soon as he arrived at Han Ruoxing's office, Manager Gou saw Manager Sun, the person in charge of the supplier. He couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He still looked very calm and greeted the other person with a smile, Manager Sun, why are you free to come to the store today?

Manager Sun sneered, If Manager Gou doesn't admit it, I will naturally have to ask your boss for it.

What are you talking about? What do you mean that I don't accept the account? I settled the payment with you on the spot when I took the goods. I explained to you that if you insist on letting me acknowledge the goods that we haven't taken, let me settle the settlement for you. How can I settle the bill for you?

Manager Sun immediately became angry, You just paid off the goods you came to pick up. All the goods you sent to pick up were on credit, and all the goods you picked up were top-notch goods. How could I make a mistake when it comes to tens of millions of dollars? ?”

When did I send someone to pick up the goods? Don't talk nonsense. He added, There must be a mistake somewhere. You go back first, and I will check with your Mr. Huang later.

In normal times, they are all good business people, so Manager Sun would definitely follow his instructions and leave first. The person who takes the goods will more or less get some profit from it.

Manager Gou has done this before, and they will help fill in tens of thousands of dollars more on the invoice as a favor.

But in the past few days, he really couldn't turn over money. Not only was he scolded by his boss, but Manager Gou, a bitch, kept hanging up on him and refused to communicate properly.

Manager Sun was angry and naturally unwilling to give him face. He took out more than a dozen credit notes for delivery of goods from his bag and asked, Is this the official seal of your company?

Han Ruoxing took it and looked through it, then frowned and looked up at Manager Gou, Manager Gou, what's going on? Aren't you keeping the official seal?

Manager Gou hurriedly came over to take a look, and then he was confused, Did someone pretend to be our company to get the goods? Have you been deceived?

Han Ruoxing's eyes were extremely cold, Can't you tell if it's real or fake?

Manager Gou was sweating coldly.

Although Su Wanqin transferred Qiyu Ji to Han Ruoxing for management, she did not give the company's seal to Han Ruoxing, but placed it with Manager Gou.

Han Ruoxing had asked him before, but he always refused with various reasons.

Now that the official seal is in his hand, if such an accident occurs, he will definitely be held accountable.

Mr. Han, I have always taken care of the raw materials myself. I have never relied on others. I don't know who used the official seal to pick up the goods in my name. There must be some misunderstanding.

Han Ruoxing stared at him and asked, Are you sure you picked up all the ingredients yourself?

Manager Gou nodded hurriedly, I'm very sure that purchasing raw materials is a big deal. I'm worried about something going wrong, so I do it myself every time.

Then how much goods did you get from Manager Sun this month?

I... Manager Gou was startled and suddenly speechless.

Han Ruoxing looked at his expression and said calmly, Why, can't you remember the things you did by yourself?

Manager Gou hesitated, I...I remember it was more than 14 million.

Manager Sun kindly reminded, Manager Gou himself raised it three times, totaling 8.6 million. I have records on it.

Eight.6 million... Han Ruoxing raised his eyes and looked at Manager Gou coldly, If I remember correctly, the amount you reported to the finance department was 13.8 million. The extra five million is What's the cost?

I... Manager Gou broke into a cold sweat, and it took him a long time to say a complete sentence, I found a new supplier of raw materials, and some of them are supplied by the new supplier.

Han Ruoxing said casually, How come it's such a big deal to change suppliers? I've never heard of you talking about it? I see that the invoices you submitted to the company are all from Manager Sun's family. What's wrong? The new supplier and Manager Sun belong to the same family, so the invoices belong to the same family. Was it also opened with the help of Manager Sun’s family?”

At this moment, Manager Sun finally understood why Manager Gou had no time to communicate with him properly.

There is a verbal agreement between them and Manager Sun. Qiyuji buys goods from them, and they give Manager Sun a certain rebate for each batch of goods. Mutual benefit. Now this piece of shit quietly found a new one. The suppliers clearly disliked the fact that the rebates they gave were not enough.

So he tried to get to the bottom of it, Mr. Han, we only issue invoices after we receive the payment. The 8.6 million invoice was indeed issued by us. As for the excess, it has absolutely nothing to do with us.

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