After saying that, he hung up the phone.

After a while, 10,000 yuan was credited to her account.

Qiao Siyao was sitting on the street wearing a mask and a hat, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Her voice became louder and louder, and her expression became more and more crazy. Passers-by thought she was a lunatic and stayed away.

Bai Boxian left the third floor terrace after making the phone call.

On the balcony on the second floor, the windows were wide open. Mo Mingxuan poured the tea leaves in the cup into the flowers downstairs with his eyes lowered.

Xiao Xu was determined to mess with Qiao Siyao, and the things about her on the Internet not only did not subside, but became more and more violent.

He even hired a few people to find trouble for Qiao Siyao.

As soon as she goes out, he will follow her, not beating or scolding, but holding up a sign to tell everyone about the despicable things she has done.

Qiao Siyao is simply a social death.

Xiao Xu's viciousness finally angered Qiao Siyao.

Without any warning, she opened an account on the Internet and broadcast live to the public. In the live broadcast room, she showed the behind-the-scenes of the video of the Internet celebrity named Beibei Don't Eat, which became famous.

The so-called being accosted by a lewd man was planned and staged from beginning to end, and the script was written by Qiao Siyao herself.

She not only posted the script of the short video, she even posted the scene where the video was shot. The so-called obscene man was a staff member of the same company. After the video was shot, a group of people were happily drinking together and discussing this. Editing has a high level of attention.

Later, she posted the injury appraisal report of Xiao Xu beating her, accusing the Internet celebrity Beibei doesn't eat. During her relationship with Xiao Xu, she had an affair with him, went in and out of hotels with Xiao Xu many times, and was still working. to bully her in the workplace...

Xiao Xu didn't expect that Qiao Siyao would be so crazy and just smashed the jar to drag them into the water.

The account Beibei Don't Eat began to lose fans rapidly after Qiao Siyao's live broadcast of the incident.

He was even interviewed by relevant departments for taking a fake video.

The Internet celebrity that Xiao Xu paid a lot of money for disappeared like a flash in the pan. Because it violated Internet conventions, the account Beibei Don't Eat was permanently banned by the platform. The business orders they used this account to receive were deeply trapped before they even had time to place them. in a wave of defaults.

Xiao Xu suffered heavy losses, and the Internet celebrity became notorious because of it. He was cast aside by netizens. It may not be that easy to make a living on the Internet again.

Han Ruoxing hadn't paid attention to the Qiao family's situation for a long time, so she was surprised to see Qiao Siyao's name on the hot search.

After learning about what happened to her recently, I was just stunned for a moment, and quickly went to read the next news.

She would not sympathize with anything that happened to Qiao Siyao. When she chose to betray Qiao Xusheng for money, this person was no different from her parents in prison. She was not innocent.


There was a knock on the office door.

Han Ruoxing came back to her senses and said warmly, Please come in.

Chen Ru pushed the door open and came in. Seeing that she was alone in her office, she turned around and locked the office door.

Han Ruoxing? ? ?

What's wrong?

Chen Ru walked to her desk, put several samples in her arms on the table, and whispered, Mr. Han, the top row is the new samples released this month, and the two below are the previous ones. You take a look.

Han Ruoxing took the jewelry lamp and looked at several things on the table carefully, frowning, Why are there so many cracks in these?

Chen Ru pursed her lips and said, The things made from this batch of materials recently are all like this. The customer wanted to come to pick up the goods in the afternoon, so I temporarily found an excuse to reject them. There is no way to deliver this kind of quality. They are all for fun. An experienced jade expert can tell the quality at a glance.”

Chen Ru paused and decided to be more direct, Mr. Han, I know that business may not be easy to do recently. Raw materials and labor are increasing, but quality cannot be reduced. High-end jewelry players value this most. We You can’t do this just to save money on raw materials.”

Han Ruoxing...

Do you think I asked someone to lower the quality of the ingredients?

Chen Ru was stunned, Not you?

Han Ruoxing held her forehead, This jewelry is already expensive, so I wouldn't be so heartless as to pass it off as inferior quality. She raised her eyes as she spoke, When did you realize there was something wrong with this batch of forgiven jewelry?

Yesterday, the customer said he wanted to see the progress. When I went to pick it up, I found that this batch of goods was half mixed. Some were good materials, and some were shoddy. He said sheepishly, I thought it was you. For cancellation costs.”

Han Ruoxing said solemnly, It's not me, but I probably know who it is.

She thought he would wait a little longer to make his move, but she didn't expect to be able to hold on any longer so soon.

She raised her eyes and said, Is there anyone in the company you have a good relationship with and whom you can trust?

The deputy store manager and Xiao Zhang from the logistics department.

Don't make this matter public for now. Just invite them and we'll have dinner together tonight.


Now that the fish have started to bite the bait, it’s time to close the net as soon as possible.

Manager Gou secretly exchanged raw materials, which was a scary thing. However, more than a week passed, and Han Ruoxing didn't seem to notice it at all.

He gradually became bolder. After all, Han Ruoxing was just an outsider. She might not be able to understand the quality of the jewelry, and she wouldn't recognize it even if the raw materials were changed.

He is not afraid of those he knows in the company. Su Wanqin is his cousin. Even if these people find out, they don't dare to expose her.

The oil and water gained from replacing raw materials is much more than the previous reselling of bulk materials. If he had known to start here earlier, his loans might have been paid off long ago.

That day, Manager Gou suddenly received a call from the raw material supplier, asking him to settle the cost of the raw materials he had received a few days ago. They had received a new batch of seed material and were in urgent need of capital turnover.

Manager Gou was baffled, Didn't I settle it for you on the spot a few days ago?

The person in charge over there said, You only settle the partial settlement. You will have people come over to get it later, but none of it has been settled. We have cooperated for so many years, and usually I am not in a hurry, but you took too much this time, and it was all As for the credit account, if the capital turnover here is not enough, we will not be able to get new goods. You have to be considerate of us and settle half of it upfront so that I can deal with the boss.

Manager Gou frowned, Don't talk nonsense. I purchased the raw materials myself. I have never asked anyone to pick up the goods.

The person in charge's face changed, Manager Gou, it's meaningless for you to say that. The person who got the goods is your Qiyuji people. Who else was sent if it wasn't you?

Then you must have made a mistake, or you have misremembered. I have always been in charge of Qiyuji's procurement. It is impossible for me to appoint others for such a big matter. You can check it yourself. I will answer the phone first.

After saying that, he hung up without waiting for the other party to respond.

The man was so angry that he kept trying to communicate with Manager Gou for three days in a row. Manager Gou was in a hurry to do the middle job and had no time to take care of such a mess.

Even if they couldn't get the money, Manager Gou still refused to admit that he had received the goods. The person in charge finally couldn't help but find Han Ruoxing.

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